Isaaq Won the War

The only real winners are Ethiopia and Kenya if that were the case, PL is waiting for 2026, this new constitution is a farce, and HSM will be kicked out in 2026, I wouldn't be against a strong central government if it were competent, but for that to occur we first need to protect states rights e.g
  • ownership of property
  • education of inhabitants
  • implementation of welfare and other benefits programs and distribution of aid
  • protecting people from local threats
  • maintaining a justice system
  • setting up local governments such as counties and municipalities
  • maintaining state highways and setting up the means of administrating local roads
  • regulation of industry
  • raising funds to support their activities
We also need a strong legislative and judiciary branch to keep the Executive in check.
Until 2026, 2 years of wasted potential and time. We could be blessed with a dictator maybe

Yusuf M

The only way SL wins, is if they get international recognition based on the British colonial Era borders. Then they can say we have truly defeated faqash iyo wanlaweyn. But that ain't gonna happen. Especially after the Goojacadde ass whooping of the century.
Who cares about s and their disintegrating state. We're coming for Lascanood Round 2, Jabkii Goojacadde is too great to be left unanswered. We must Karbaash the Xaarti and any Dhoofaar pouring down to Lascanood, no other way around it!
Isaaq did win the war and got somaliland out of it so that's a win. And goojacade isn't done yet either dhulbahante won the battle but the war isn't done.

