ISIS sympathizers and recruiters in Minnesota

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tfw no habesha gf
If these idiotic subhuman savages found a job, made some money and supported Somalis back home they would do more good. Their 3 year counter strike experience won't do shit, and those darkies are gonna be used as suicide bombers by the Iraqis. I literally don't get these ''people''. They are Americans, so many people wanna be in their shoes. All those people from Somalia, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Syria etc who wanna go the West and risk their life, then these guys just go there and kill people... Salafists are not human


And seek help in patience and prayers
Sounds like smear campaign. Hassan Jamaci is well known and well respected. It's very dangerous to accuse people without sufficient evidence.

" it seems" is no evidence.


Suicidal men adore me.
Someone wrote this

Has it never occured to Muslims that if they applied the same material and mental resources to developing their domains as they devote to jihad, they would not be stuck in seventh century hell holes?

I completely agree.
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