Islam and lesbians

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Suicidal men adore me.
are you stupid homosexuality can be men and men or women and women no need to be specific on it two of the same gender are not allowed in islam its common sense

Go read the Quran warya. It only says men! Don't talk out of your ass. There's a reason extremists are avoiding the Quran and only posting hadiths here.


I'm not even going to waste my energy lol. The level of ignorance displayed on this thread is shocking. This type of ignorance is not curable, this is compounded ignorance.


Suicidal men adore me.
In islam zina only refers to coitus between man and woman. The religion is fallacious. Yet you claim the religion is perfect. why do i feel so lost talking about the religion. I am turning mad trying to decipher it. oh how i wish God was real... Honestly progressive muslims can take the middle finger. I respect the true adherents more.

I've never said Islam was perfect. putting words in my mouth
Believers, explain the list below. Why is #10 higher than #11?

01. Associating anything with Allah
02. Murder
03. Practising magic
04. Not Praying
05. Not paying Zakat
06. Not fasting on a Day of Ramadan without excuse
07. Not performing Hajj, while being able to do so
08. Disrespect to parents
09. Abandoning relatives
10. Fornication and Adultery
11. Homosexuality(sodomy)
12. Interest(Riba)
13. Wrongfully consuming the property of an orphan
14. Lying about Allah and His Messenger
15. Running away from the battlefield
16. A leader's deceiving his people and being unjust to them
17. Pride and arrogance
18. Bearing false witness
19. Drinking Khamr (wine)
20. Gambling
21. Slandering chaste women
22. Stealing from the spoils of war
23. Stealing
24. Highway Robbery
25. Taking false oath
26. Oppression
27. Illegal gain
28. Consuming wealth acquired unlawfully
29. Committing suicide
30. Frequent lying
31. Judging unjustly
32. Giving and Accepting bribes
33. Woman's imitating man and man's imitating woman
34. Being cuckold
35. Marrying a divorced woman in order to make her lawful for the husband
36. Not protecting oneself from urine
37. Showing-off
38. Learning knowledge of the religion for the sake of this world and concealing that knowledge
39. Bertrayal of trust
40. Recounting favours
41. Denying Allah's Decree
42. Listening (to) people's private conversations
43. Carrying tales
44. Cursing
45. Breaking contracts
46. Believing in fortune-tellers and astrologers
47. A woman's bad conduct towards her husband
48. Making statues and pictures
49. Lamenting, wailing, tearing the clothing, and doing other things of this sort when an affliction befalls
50. Treating others unjustly
51. Overbearing conduct toward the wife, the servant, the weak, and animals
52. Offending one's neighbour
53. Offending and abusing Muslims
54. Offending people and having an arrogant attitude toward them
55. Trailing one's garment in pride
56. Men's wearing silk and gold
57. A slave's running away from his master
58. Slaughtering an animal which has been dedicated to anyone other than Allah
59. To knowing

I never recited I was born Muslim and just continued really :cosbyhmm:
We always follow the religion of our fore-fathers. The religion is irrefutably true. saying anything else, results in you becoming a deviant. Nobody likes a deviant. You are thrown insults such as murtad, kaffir ,heathen. If you think or ponder about the origins of life, you are viewed as an irregular. What makes the religion you are born with correct? why can we be so sure? Are the other 5.5 billion people wrong? would you be a muslim if you were not born muslim? These are indeed important questions... The final question i would give myself would be why were we so blessed to be born muslims?
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