Islam could be banned in Austria soon

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The only way a country can ban Islam in the west would be to close its doors to everyone.

Like how all these right wingers go "Japan banned Islam", in reality it is because of a very strict immigration policy that goes for everyone. Japanese Muslims can practice Islam in Nippon.

Austria is a land locked country whose economy is heavily dependent on the EU, any sane Austrian would not even think of leaving it. So the Islamic migrants can flow into Austria if they desire until the EU changes its policy

To simply put it, Islam is staying in Austria
Your stupidity knows no bounds, if you think they are only coming for the Muslims and you are safe your living in Cuckoo land, these vermin's are so low IQ they can't even differentiate a sikh temple from a mosque, or even a sikh from a Muslim.

Classic bull story, they will first come for the Muslims, then blacks, then minorities, then the biracial, but they are so stupid, so inbred they won't differentiate.

The hatred won't stop there, they will then come after liberals (your long dead by then as you fall under black) it will continue along tribal/national/ethnic lines, as they have had for a millennium.

The writing is on the wall, before the civil war in Somalia, the smart ones saw the writings on the wall and left in the 80's, when SSDF was fighting and insecurity began in rural areas, those who were asleep, lost everything and the lucky ones among them spent time in refugee camps in horrific conditions, then got to the west, most died of diseases, hunger, violence or a stray bullet/mortar round.

You are seeing the same trends, far right parties leading in the polls in Holland, France, Belgium, Germany and they nearly won in Austria, all these elections are coming up within the next 6 months.

You have Trump and the situation with CIA/FBI sending undercover threats to him, you have massive NATO/American build up on Russian border with Putin deploying S400 around Moscow and other industrial cities and Nukes in Kalingrad, you have the South-China sea flashpoint that can erupt anytime with China changing it's doctrines about it's Nuclear arsenal

Once it kicks off and it will be all of a sudden, you are as good as dead, just like the fast majority of the domesticated types like yourself, that rely on the state to feed them. Your best hope is that your vaporized by the nukes, rather than analized and die a horrific death.

This is grim view bro. Seeing how stupid trump voters are, anything is possible if they were to get away with their world view that no one should live except white. But, they are facing an uphill battle in many fronts and nothing seriously damaging can be done in America by them. Europe is in similar situation where right wing parties appeal to their people through Islamophobia to get into power. The result in all these countries are less freedom of expressions(societal pressure to tow the line), less opposition to corruption in their governments, less comfortable life in a constant fear induced reaction to everything different. I have seen the changes in America over the years and how things got difficult from airport security to acquiring a document, from being spied and being tracked(this happens to your average American and many found themselves on no fly list including us legislator), life is already difficult for people in the West. Instead of working/partnering with Muslims who suffer from terrorism the most and lost their countries to violence and mayhem, they undertook the wrong measures that only made their own lives difficult.

I am betting the trend will reverse once they see the promises made to them led to the dissolution of what they cherished as so called free societies than achieving the goal of harming Islam and Muslims.

It may sound and look grim considering the winds of change across the globe, but people who will suffer the most will be the people who elected these right wing governments. Classic example here in the US is how Trump already is cutting healthcare to people who voted for him. These people didn't think about their own interests but voted based on their distrust of nonwhites. I am glad the chicken is coming home to roast. I as someone happy to pay taxes to help others in need won't shed a tear to see them lose their healthcare and suffer. You vote stupid, deal with it is my response.

VixR made good analysis. She made good observations.
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Your stupidity knows no bounds, if you think they are only coming for the Muslims and you are safe your living in Cuckoo land, these vermin's are so low IQ they can't even differentiate a sikh temple from a mosque, or even a sikh from a Muslim.

Classic bull story, they will first come for the Muslims, then blacks, then minorities, then the biracial, but they are so stupid, so inbred they won't differentiate.

The hatred won't stop there, they will then come after liberals (your long dead by then as you fall under black) it will continue along tribal/national/ethnic lines, as they have had for a millennium.

The writing is on the wall, before the civil war in Somalia, the smart ones saw the writings on the wall and left in the 80's, when SSDF was fighting and insecurity began in rural areas, those who were asleep, lost everything and the lucky ones among them spent time in refugee camps in horrific conditions, then got to the west, most died of diseases, hunger, violence or a stray bullet/mortar round.

You are seeing the same trends, far right parties leading in the polls in Holland, France, Belgium, Germany and they nearly won in Austria, all these elections are coming up within the next 6 months.

You have Trump and the situation with CIA/FBI sending undercover threats to him, you have massive NATO/American build up on Russian border with Putin deploying S400 around Moscow and other industrial cities and Nukes in Kalingrad, you have the South-China sea flashpoint that can erupt anytime with China changing it's doctrines about it's Nuclear arsenal

Once it kicks off and it will be all of a sudden, you are as good as dead, just like the fast majority of the domesticated types like yourself, that rely on the state to feed them. Your best hope is that your vaporised by the nukes, rather than analized and die a horrific death.

The members here choose the blue pill instead of the ugly reality. They are not ignorants but choose to be ignorants. Leave them to their regular topic, women's clothes, Somali culture, gender issues and all good under sun. As if our country is not under occupation and right wing is rising again.
The members here choose the blue pill instead of the ugly reality. They are not ignorants but choose to be ignorants. Leave them to their regular topic, women's clothes, Somali culture, gender issues and all good under sun. As if our country is not under occupation and right wing is rising again.

They sure celebrate ignorance on this website. The group-think is nauseating. And it seems they are not used to be challenged on any issue and they come out screaming at you when you do point out a fallacy in their view.

But then again, this is the norm for people who pay lip service to freedom, equality, and common sense. Just dogma enslaved minds who see themselves liberated.
The members here choose the blue pill instead of the ugly reality. They are not ignorants but choose to be ignorants. Leave them to their regular topic, women's clothes, Somali culture, gender issues and all good under sun. As if our country is not under occupation and right wing is rising again.

I agree with you, my posts are for the consumption of others and the many silent readers on this site, that may be swayed or at least encouraged to think deeper, they are my primary audience, the respondent is just a mere pawn, an opportunity to express a notion

if it was just for the consumption of the individual person e.g. a Europhile atheist, I wouldn't waste beyond a sentence, also you got to always remember, we won't be questioned for the outcomes only the efforts, I am just doing my little bit to absolve my self in the hereafter when that question inevitable arises.
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