Islamic communities contain 'tsunamis of atheism' ...

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... that are being suppressed, says leading ex-Muslim.

Thousands of ex-Muslims in Britain are living in fear of violent revenge for abandoning the Islamic faith while others are afraid to admit they no longer believe, a support group for ex-Muslims has said.

Maryam Namazie, founder of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, described a “tsunami of atheism” in Muslim communities and urged that more needs to be done to recognise the dangers often faced by those who choose to renounce their faith.

Speaking ahead of the release of Exposure, an ITV documentary that explores the lives of ex-Muslims faced with abuse and discrimination, Ms Namazie told The Independent: “There is a large group of people who are not seen and heard. Many young people living in Britain have left Islam and are facing huge ostracisation and isolation from their communities as a result.

“They’re very often silenced or they’re living closeted lives. They’re still acting as Muslims, still wearing the veil and still going to the mosque, but they’re really atheist.”

Ms Namazie, an Iranian-born activist and ex-Muslim herself, described the “silent challenges” faced by people born into Muslim families who decide they do not believe, and warned that the number of Muslims converting to atheism is growing.

“It’s a hidden challenge for people here in Britain. It’s framed in this context of identity politics, racism and any criticism means you’re racist. But we are minorities within minorities and we have a right to speak and live our lives the way we want the same as anybody else,” she said.

Read the rest of the article here from the source below:

It's bloody time! Can't wait to watch when this documentary will be aired on ITV on the 13th of this month.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
the catch 22 is that people rarely want to associate with those who have diverging opinions, especially when those opinions directly attack the things they hold dear. the dilemma comes from having to disown family members you care for because your faith can't allow fraternization with someone who doesn't believe in God.

so you end up creating this culture where people adamantly state they'll disown or even attack anyone who abandons the faith, because deep down most will likely never do that. even the old guard have tremendous issues with disowning their children for their lack of faith or complete disbelief.
You can't be an ex Muslim in England. You'll be killed and the police won't help you if your life is in danger because of political correctness.

You also can't be LGBTQQIP2SAA from a Muslim upbringing.
i don't understand how one can claim islam to be a peaceful region that doesn't believe in forced islamization when a believer can't even leave the religion


In the Middle East you have millions of in the closet atheists who pretend to be Muslim.

Social pressure and conformity is powerful.
The reason people hate atheist so much is not because they left the religion and they are neglected, but because they usually turn out to be like ayan ali hirsi. A self hating c*nt that makes up shit about Islam and just won't STFU about religion, constantly talking about Hadiths, Quranic versus and Sunnah more than a fucking 19 year old Wahhabi that constantly says "yaa akhi"
The reason people hate atheist so much is not because they left the religion and they are neglected, but because they usually turn out to be like ayan ali hirsi. A self hating c*nt that makes up shit about Islam and just won't STFU about religion, constantly talking about Hadiths, Quranic versus and Sunnah more than a fucking 19 year old Wahhabi that constantly says "yaa akhi"
This is something I hear a lot from Muslims. But the experience of virtually every ex muslim I know suggests that is not the case at all. Muslims in general have a visceral hatred for those who leave Islam and will behave irrationally towards those who do.
This is something I hear a lot from Muslims. But the experience of virtually every ex muslim I know suggests that is not the case at all. Muslims in general have a visceral hatred for those who leave Islam and will behave irrationally towards those who do.

Well that is your opinion and what you've experienced. I only met one genuinely nice and calm atheist that didn't constantly Talk about how bad Islam is and how everything contradicts and whatever. He was an nice Iranian guy who liked to be called Persian instead of Iranian. But he was an atheist for himself l, he didn't feel the need to constantly tell everyone that he is an atheist and didn't put himself on a high moral pedestal above every religious person. Unlike your average atheist that thinks they're a theologian who's god incarnate


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The reason people hate atheist so much is not because they left the religion and they are neglected, but because they usually turn out to be like ayan ali hirsi. A self hating c*nt that makes up shit about Islam and just won't STFU about religion, constantly talking about Hadiths, Quranic versus and Sunnah more than a fucking 19 year old Wahhabi that constantly says "yaa akhi"

it is true a good chunk seem to internalize the faith as the inherent issue in their lives and create a sense of victimhood. the problem is many achieve a decent amount of notortiety and end up associating the newfound attention to their atheistic ideology and they just sink further and further.
it is true a good chunk seem to internalize the faith as the inherent issue in their lives and create a sense of victimhood. the problem is many achieve a decent amount of notortiety and end up associating the newfound attention to their atheistic ideology and they just sink further and further.

Couldn't have said it any better
Well that is your opinion and what you've experienced. I only met one genuinely nice and calm atheist that didn't constantly Talk about how bad Islam is and how everything contradicts and whatever. He was an nice Iranian guy who liked to be called Persian instead of Iranian. But he was an atheist for himself l, he didn't feel the need to constantly tell everyone that he is an atheist and didn't put himself on a high moral pedestal above every religious person. Unlike your average atheist that thinks they're a theologian who's god incarnate

The difference is that I am in touch with those who are averse to telling anyone they left Islam because of the way exmuslims are so easily and routinely steretyped, whereas you are more likely to come across the young angry I want to get this off my chest types, especially online.

In any case, at the end of the day, stereotyping exmuslims is no more justified than the stereotyping of Muslims.

The only thing you should assume about the genetic average ex muslim, is that they don't believe/agree with the tenets of the religion, and so left.

This is the same courtesy all people expect including Muslims.

You have no more right to say 'exmuslims usually turn out to be (insert unsavoury stereotype)' than I have to say that 'Muslims usually turn out to be (insert unsavoury stereotype)'.
The difference is that I am in touch with those who are averse to telling anyone they left Islam because of the way exmuslims are so easily and routinely steretyped, whereas you are more likely to come across the young angry I want to get this off my chest types, especially online.

In any case, at the end of the day, stereotyping exmuslims is no more justified than the stereotyping of Muslims.

The only thing you should assume about the genetic average ex muslim, is that they don't believe/agree with the tenets of the religion, and so left.

This is the same courtesy all people expect including Muslims.

You have no more right to say 'exmuslims usually turn out to be (insert unsavoury stereotype)' than I have to say that 'Muslims usually turn out to be (insert unsavoury stereotype)'.

You hit the nail on the head my friend
But this also means that atheists are unjustified in saying "Islam says X about X" because Islam is subjective and a personal religion. There isn't anything agreed upon to be called true Islam, So saying "Islam says X about X " is always going to be untrue to certain groups. Whether may it be Salafis, Deobandis, ( and the hundreds of salafi denominations) Sufis, Qadiris, avlevis (and the thousands of sufi dinominations) Hanafis, Hanbalis, Malikis, Shafi'is, Sunnis, (and the thousands of fiqh scholars whith different opinions) Ahmadis, Alewites, twelvers, Shias (And the thousands of Shia denominations)

People have a tendency to group the other and generalize
You hit the nail on the head my friend
But this also means that atheists are unjustified in saying "Islam says X about X" because Islam is subjective and a personal religion. There isn't anything agreed upon to be called true Islam, So saying "Islam says X about X " is always going to be untrue to certain groups. Whether may it be Salafis, Deobandis, ( and the hundreds of salafi denominations) Sufis, Qadiris, avlevis (and the thousands of sufi dinominations) Hanafis, Hanbalis, Malikis, Shafi'is, Sunnis, (and the thousands of fiqh scholars whith different opinions) Ahmadis, Alewites, twelvers, Shias (And the thousands of Shia denominations)

People have a tendency to group the other and generalize
How boring is it that we are agreed? :bell:


Not your typical Farah
The problem with these youngsters is that they can't wait until they get financially independent from their parents/families. They're in rush to come out and mostly are are the females doing this. I can understand if you're female if you don't believe in the religion anymore and want to take of the religious morality clothing. However, you need to first finish you school(if you are in one) and focus on getting financially stable before coming out.

From what I read on Reddit and other forums, Muslim parents are very strict and will disown you, if not be violent towards you. These youngsters are just stupid or brainwashed by their peers or college professors. A lot of ex-Muslim females become radical feminists and they really hate the Islamic clothing(I get it) - so they decide to fight their parents on it, end up disowned and homeless.

You can't be living in a first world western nation and be ing about being "oppressed" for being an ex-Muslim. They're law enforcement resources if you need to file restraining order against a violent family member. If you're an open ex-Muslim and financially stable, there is no reason for you to still be living among Muslims who hate, just move to an area that they will accept you or tolerant.

Again, most of these people ing are young idiots who don't got the street smarts on how surviving in the real world.

But, for those who are getting death threats - they need to understand that violent people are out there and when you decide to write something negative about an ideology or group of people in public, get ready on being criticized or violence coming to you. I don't agree with that. I personally believe anything should be made fun of or criticized, but this is reality lol. But I hope the best for them.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
i don't understand how one can claim islam to be a peaceful region that doesn't believe in forced islamization when a believer can't even leave the religion
It's part of our religion that we disown anyone who leaves Islam including our parents or children, your not in no position to question our religion and since you're a apostate there's no love lost.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The problem with these youngsters is that they can't wait until they get financially independent from their parents/families. They're in rush to come out and mostly are are the females doing this. I can understand if you're female if you don't believe in the religion anymore and want to take of the religious morality clothing. However, you need to first finish you school(if you are in one) and focus on getting financially stable before coming out.

From what I read on Reddit and other forums, Muslim parents are very strict and will disown you, if not be violent towards you. These youngsters are just stupid or brainwashed by their peers or college professors. A lot of ex-Muslim females become radical feminists and they really hate the Islamic clothing(I get it) - so they decide to fight their parents on it, end up disowned and homeless.

You can't be living in a first world western nation and be ing about being "oppressed" for being an ex-Muslim. They're law enforcement resources if you need to file restraining order against a violent family member. If you're an open ex-Muslim and financially stable, there is no reason for you to still be living among Muslims who hate, just move to an area that they will accept you or tolerant.

Again, most of these people ing are young idiots who don't got the street smarts on how surviving in the real world.

But, for those who are getting death threats - they need to understand that violent people are out there and when you decide to write something negative about an ideology or group of people in public, get ready on being criticized or violence coming to you. I don't agree with that. I personally believe anything should be made fun of or criticized, but this is reality lol. But I hope the best for them.
Anything can be criticised? I dare you to citicise Islam in front of a Muslim mandem you waste cadet, see if you don't get your soul handed to you kkkk
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