Islamic communities contain 'tsunamis of atheism' ...

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Its best for apostates to stay in the West, they would immediately be shot dead in Somalia
It's part of our religion that we disown anyone who leaves Islam including our parents or children, your not in no position to question our religion and since you're a apostate there's no love lost.
so you'd rather people lie about their faith or lack thereof just to keep their families in their life and avoid harassment?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
so you'd rather people lie about their faith or lack thereof just to keep their families in their life and avoid harassment?
If you're a gaal then stop claiming Somali bradar claim xabeshi or something, cause Islam is integral, if you were my sister wallahi on everything I love, I would disown you, cause that's what our religion teaches, who are you to question our faith?


Stay real in the everything fake era
lmao "tsunami of atheism"
I wont say that atheists have transcended above the god believing masses since it would be arrogant. I just want Muslims to stop claiming that Islam is a religion of peace.
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