Islamic theology (Kalam) and the rise of Science with Prof Mehmet Bulgen

Ibn Al Haytham anti literalist pro philosopher
Ibn Sina(Avicenna) scientist physician, and philospher called out by Ibn Taymiyah
Al Khwarizmi studied Platonian philosophy and Greek mathematics called a heretic by Atharis then.

You can't claim the fruits of the Islamic golden age while having the same ideology as those who apposed the pioneers. You can't have your cake and eat it. Either claim that the golden age was dominated by heretics or say that they were right and their apposition the literalists were wrong.

Omar del Sur

Superiority of the race of Arabs over non-Arabs | Islamic Virtues

this is another reason why I think you're an ex-Muslim.... I know where you got this... this is from the "Islamic virtues" site where the site presents itself as being Islamic but the whole website seems designed to push doubts in the minds of Muslims and seems to be an anti-Islam site in disguise

and just to be clear, I am not making takfir. I am not saying one hundred for sure you are an ex Muslim... but I do think you're ex Muslim in disguise.
Ibn Taymiyyah understood mathematicians as "astrologists"? wait.... Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Kathir and Ibn Qayyim believe the world is on the back of a whale?????

if any of this is true then show where they say these things. quit making stuff up lol.
Ibn Katheer, the student of Ibn Taymiyah says it in his book, Al bidaayah Wa nihaaaya(The beginning, and the end) which he uses the biblical understanding rather than the rationalist scientific approach.
إن أول شيء خلقه الله القلم فقال له : اكتب فقال : و ما اكتب ؟ فقال : القدر فجرى من ذلك اليوم بما هو كائن إلى أن تقوم الساعة قال : و كان عرشه على الماء فارتفع بخار الماء ففتقت منه السموات ثم خلق النون فبسطت الأرض عليه و الأرض على ظهر النون فاضطرب النون فمادت الأرض فأثبتت بالجبال فإن الجبال تفخر على الأرض
هذا حديث صحيح على شرط الشيخين و لم يخرجاه
تعليق الذهبي قي التلخيص : على شرط البخاري

The first thing that Allah created was the Pen. He said to it, “Write.” It said, “What shall I write?” He said, “The divine decree.” And it wrote all that shall be from that day until the onset of the Hour. And his throne was upon the water. The water vapor rose and the heavens split off from it. He then created the whale (Nun) and spread the earth over it. The earth is on the back of a whale and when the whale stirred, the earth shook. It was steadied by mountains, for indeed, they prevail over the earth.

Btw this Narration is in Tabari as well who was another literalist abaasid historian and propagandist. They use Ibn Abbas to Justify this which is lunacy upon lunacy.

Omar del Sur

إن أول شيء خلقه الله القلم فقال له : اكتب فقال : و ما اكتب ؟ فقال : القدر فجرى من ذلك اليوم بما هو كائن إلى أن تقوم الساعة قال : و كان عرشه على الماء فارتفع بخار الماء ففتقت منه السموات ثم خلق النون فبسطت الأرض عليه و الأرض على ظهر النون فاضطرب النون فمادت الأرض فأثبتت بالجبال فإن الجبال تفخر على الأرض
هذا حديث صحيح على شرط الشيخين و لم يخرجاه
تعليق الذهبي قي التلخيص : على شرط البخاري

The first thing that Allah created was the Pen. He said to it, “Write.” It said, “What shall I write?” He said, “The divine decree.” And it wrote all that shall be from that day until the onset of the Hour. And his throne was upon the water. The water vapor rose and the heavens split off from it. He then created the whale (Nun) and spread the earth over it. The earth is on the back of a whale and when the whale stirred, the earth shook. It was steadied by mountains, for indeed, they prevail over the earth.

ok. So at this point I'm pretty much 99.9% certain that you are an ex-Muslim.

I would like you to answer

1- Why were you watching and posting videos from "Apostate Prophet" (an ex-Muslim on YouTube who attacks Islam)
2- Why are copying and pasting from an anti-Islam website?

what you copied and pasted- that is directly from an anti-Islam website called "theislamissue"

if anyone wants to search it, you can copy and paste and you can see that: the exact text comes directly from an anti-Islam website ("the Islam Issue").

and for further clarification: (on the whale thing) "Therefore al-Haafiz Ibn Katheer pointed out in al-Bidaayah wa’n-Nihaayah (1/15) – after mentioning a number of weird reports, including this hadith – that it is one of the Israa’eeliyyaat (reports from Jewish sources) and said: In this report with this isnaad, as-Suddi mentions many weird things; it is as if many of them came from the Israa’eeliyyaat. End quote."

so no, Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Kathir and them did not believe the earth was on the back of a whale. you're just regurgitating anti-Islam propaganda and using it to attack the scholars. there is a lesson to be learned there- in how you target the scholars.
ok. So at this point I'm pretty much 99.9% certain that you are an ex-Muslim.

I would like you to answer

1- Why were you watching and posting videos from "Apostate Prophet" (an ex-Muslim on YouTube who attacks Islam)
2- Why are copying and pasting from an anti-Islam website?

what you copied and pasted- that is directly from an anti-Islam website called "theislamissue"

if anyone wants to search it, you can copy and paste and you can see that: the exact text comes directly from an anti-Islam website ("the Islam Issue").

and for further clarification: (on the whale thing) "Therefore al-Haafiz Ibn Katheer pointed out in al-Bidaayah wa’n-Nihaayah (1/15) – after mentioning a number of weird reports, including this hadith – that it is one of the Israa’eeliyyaat (reports from Jewish sources) and said: In this report with this isnaad, as-Suddi mentions many weird things; it is as if many of them came from the Israa’eeliyyaat. End quote."

so no, Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Kathir and them did not believe the earth was on the back of a whale. you're just regurgitating anti-Islam propaganda and using it to attack the scholars. there is a lesson to be learned there- in how you target the scholars.
Don't you think that israeliaat shouldn't be used by such a "scholar"? Your questing regarding Haqiqitjou, I always like to watch muslim debates vs Islamaphobes but he kept stating and confirming what Islamaphobes believe about us. You clearly see that he wants to restablish slavery and you're defending him shame on you. I liked the Mohamad Hijab debat much better even though he is somewhat of a salafi simpathizer.
Didn't the literalists call mathematics and philosophy heresy. Ibn Taymiyah and Al Ghazaali believed that fired burned because the angel of fire burns it not because of scientific laws and heat/oxygen.
Give us proof bro we are not believe whatever u are going to say.These mu'talizites where going against quranic teachings using aristotelian login and so called philosophy about the creation of the Quran and so on.