Ibn Al Haytham anti literalist pro philosopher
Ibn Sina(Avicenna) scientist physician, and philospher called out by Ibn Taymiyah
Al Khwarizmi studied Platonian philosophy and Greek mathematics called a heretic by Atharis then.
You can't claim the fruits of the Islamic golden age while having the same ideology as those who apposed the pioneers. You can't have your cake and eat it. Either claim that the golden age was dominated by heretics or say that they were right and their apposition the literalists were wrong.
Ibn Sina(Avicenna) scientist physician, and philospher called out by Ibn Taymiyah
Al Khwarizmi studied Platonian philosophy and Greek mathematics called a heretic by Atharis then.
You can't claim the fruits of the Islamic golden age while having the same ideology as those who apposed the pioneers. You can't have your cake and eat it. Either claim that the golden age was dominated by heretics or say that they were right and their apposition the literalists were wrong.