Israel jails teenage terrorist, bootyclappers react

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Palestinians and Yemenis are the of the Middle East, so it's not surprising
You should see the somalis even my family who live in middle east claim to be arabs. Shits so messed my cousins actually claim uae even though they aint got a passport from the government.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Lebanese are pretty shit but they cooled down recently
South Sudanese are cancer though

Apex is gonna be finished soon. The government already cancelled a dozen visas of convicted Apex hoodrats. Once they give a bunch of these kids heavy sentences they will cease to exist. They aren't real hardcore criminals, just a bunch of bored kids running a mess.
"If Ethiopia or Kenya jailed an innocent Somali there would be no reaction" --- yes, there would be. Somali people would react, as they always do. The only people that wouldn't react are the ones that control Western media - your darling Israelis are included.

Keep clapping for Israel. That little boy got hit by a car and his cousin got shot dead and now he is going to prison. Funny how you call this terrorism but when these evil people are throwing bombs at populated areas, it's 'defence'.
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"If Ethiopia or Kenya jailed an innocent Somali there would be no reaction" --- yes, there would be. Somali people would react, as they always do. The only people that wouldn't react are the ones that control Western media - your darling Israelis are included.

Keep clapping for Israel. That little boy got hit by a car and his cousin got shot dead and now he is going to prison. Funny how you call this terrorism but when these evil people are throwing bombs at populated areas, it's 'defence'.
That dindu nuffin boy was literally stabbing people in a marketplace. The shooting of his cousin was justified. Muslims would live a way better life under secular Israeli rule then a Jew living under Hamas shariah law. And don't cite biased Al Jazeera, nothing but biased one sided propoganda which goes to the pockets of ISIS
That dindu nuffin boy was literally stabbing people in a marketplace. The shooting of his cousin was justified. Muslims would live a way better life under secular Israeli rule then a Jew living under Hamas shariah law. And don't cite biased Al Jazeera, nothing but biased one sided propoganda which goes to the pockets of ISIS

1. How was the shooting of his cousin justified?
2. How was running the boy over justified?
3. Why do you call this attack terrorism but the bombing/unlawful arrest/ abuse of Palestinians as 'tackling terrorism'?
4. Where are you getting your information if Al-Jazeerah is propaganda? Is Amnesty International guilty of propaganda too?
5. The Muslims are living under Israelis and so far they have been abused, pushed back, had their land taken and being treated like less than animals while the world looks on.

Do you also cheer for the West when they kill Somali pirates?
1. How was the shooting of his cousin justified?
2. How was running the boy over justified?
3. Why do you call this attack terrorism but the bombing/unlawful arrest/ abuse of Palestinians as 'tackling terrorism'?
4. Where are you getting your information if Al-Jazeerah is propaganda? Is Amnesty International guilty of propaganda too?
5. The Muslims are living under Israelis and so far they have been abused, pushed back, had their land taken and being treated like less than animals while the world looks on.

Do you also cheer for the West when they kill Somali pirates?
1. Boy was armed, self defence
2. Same reason
3. terrorism is violence for political gain. The Palestinians have been doing this for decades and are notorious for it.
4. Al Jazeera is pro-Arab propaganda run by the state of Qatar, there must be some agenda behind it.
5. Palestinians in gaza are under Hamas rule, not Israeli. And if they weren't firing rockets and sending suicide bombers to Israel all the time, I'm pretty sure that the Muslims would be proud Israelis and if they don't like that, they can move to the other 20+ Arab countries where they can easily integrate.
1. Boy was armed, self defence
2. Same reason
3. terrorism is violence for political gain. The Palestinians have been doing this for decades and are notorious for it.
4. Al Jazeera is pro-Arab propaganda run by the state of Qatar, there must be some agenda behind it.
5. Palestinians in gaza are under Hamas rule, not Israeli. And if they weren't firing rockets and sending suicide bombers to Israel all the time, I'm pretty sure that the Muslims would be proud Israelis and if they don't like that, they can move to the other 20+ Arab countries where they can easily integrate.

You didn't answer my final question:

Do you cheer when the West kill Somali pirates?
No wtf. The pirates are our people, I could not care for people who want sympathy from Europe but treat Africans and south Asians like shit
f*ck their cause

So you're all about your people - I can rock with that. But isn't your booty-clapping for Israel when they are doing things that are wrong just as bad as having sympathy for Arabs? Do I have to remind you of what Israelis think of African people? Saaxib if you're going to be a true nationalist - you should have a 'it's none of my business' attitude to everyone, you can't just pick and choose.

In principle, if you clap for Israel in this scenario, you should clap for the West when they kill pirates.
So you're all about your people - I can rock with that. But isn't your booty-clapping for Israel when they are doing things that are wrong just as bad as having sympathy for Arabs? Do I have to remind you of what Israelis think of African people? Saaxib if you're going to be a true nationalist - you should have a 'it's none of my business' attitude to everyone, you can't just pick and choose.

In principle, if you clap for Israel in this scenario, you should clap for the West when they kill pirates.
Jews marched with MLK in the 60s
Arabs were still practicing slavery in that time period
I'm just going for the guys with a better track record. Jews have gone through way worse things than the Arabs, the crusades, the holocaust, the inquisitions. And there are more Jewish Nobel prize winners and more Jewish inventors whilst the Arabs have done nothing significant in 1000 years, they're only wealthy because of oil that is being extracted by western technology and bought by western companies.
All while the Jews only number 18 million while Arabs are 400+ million
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