Israel jails teenage terrorist, bootyclappers react

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
That dindu nuffin boy was literally stabbing people in a marketplace. The shooting of his cousin was justified. Muslims would live a way better life under secular Israeli rule then a Jew living under Hamas shariah law. And don't cite biased Al Jazeera, nothing but biased one sided propoganda which goes to the pockets of ISIS
Lol my nigga you been on chimpout or something?

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Lol my nigga you been on chimpout or something?
Wallahi I had to Google that shit, what a disgusting website.
The vitriol is on an insane degree, I think spending time on there broke maskiinka because I've never seen anyone on here with such sincere hatred for madows.
I'm just going for the guys with a better track record.

But why? If you only care about your own people then you would stay out of Semites squabbling.

It just seems like a bit of an oxymoron.

I have principles. I disagree with anyone who does wrong - regardless of whether we share a ethnicity or religion.

You are a nationalist - your people could be doing wrong but you would still ride with them because they are your own people. A true nationalist would say both Israel and the Arabs are in the wrong and they can do whatever they wish. You wouldn't take sides.

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
If an Ethiopian or Kenyan jailed an innocent Somali, there would be no reaction. But there is sympathy for a terrorist, an actual terrorist. Israel is one of the only countries in the world that can actually deal with terrorism while being right next to it. Fight on Israel. Take notes HSM
(Look in comments for bootyclapping)

Waryaa were you sexually abused by Arabs and Madows?
cause your hatred for these two groups seems something deep.
Damn son!
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