Israeli Airlines İgnored Somaliland Airspace Radio and Proceeded to Follow Mogadishu

I dont get this argument? Even if I give u the benefit of the doubt having foreign bases means nothing really. Germany the most influntial European country has a US base financed by german tax payers.

The matter of the fact is that Somaliland is not a recognized country therefore it does not enjoy privileges that recognized countrys enjoy. U can larp as country another 14 decades it will not change anything. A recognized country can control its airspace, it can invite all living creatures to build a military base, it can fight off terrorist, it can even host them. Nothing will change that.

"Somalia does not controll SL" is also such a dumb statement because it begs the question what the alternatives are. Do u really want the FGS to take control with force do u guys really want bloodshed AGAIN?

Look as soon as SL gets their recognition ill gladly stfu. Until then SL is part of Somalia if u like it or not

The argument around Somaliland comes down to the condition of the Somali Government.
Independence has historically always required the permission of the state being divided but the state of Somalia after 30 years and the relative stability and success of Somaliland is causing people to become indifferent to Somalia's case and thinking about bending the rules.

The prognosis of FGS is poor and there's no path to success so why not recognize Somaliland. Somaliland just needs to keep knocking on doors and making the case.

They should even adjust the rules to accomodate for long term state failure - it makes sense and is fair but it's a subjective test.

The FGS is not a position to take the south let alone Somaliland so keep your barbarism to yourself.
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I refuse to believe you and that other crack pot are Somalis, Wallahi you can’t be this thick. @Yami do you vouch for these guys bro 💀
He's got a point. Why would you want people that don't want you? If they don't want Somalia, let them go. They will only bring it down as long as they have that mindset and I don't see that ever changing.
The argument around Somaliland comes down to the condition of the Somali Government.
Independence has historically always required the permission of the state being divided but the state of Somalia after 30 years and the relative stability and success of Somaliland is causing people to become indifferent to Somalia's case and thinking about bending the rules.

The prognosis of FGS is poor and there's no path to success so why not recognize Somaliland. Somaliland just needs to keep knocking on doors and making the case.

They should even adjust the rules to accomodate for long term state failure - it makes sense and is fair but it's a subjective test.

The FGS is not a position to take the south let alone Somaliland so keep your barbarism to yourself.
Than why didn´t the IC recognized SL by now then ? If u are actually good faith u would agree that the current Somalia is way better than the Somalia 10 years ago. SL case for recognition was better and stronger 10 years ago and yet the IC still didn´t recognized u guys. U can say that Somalia is poor and all but it did made alot of improvements and thats a threat for the seccionist. Thats the reason why SL went nuclear with this MoU. A stable Somalia would literally put the seccionist movement to bed.

And im sorry but im sick and tired of landers prentending to be this beacon of democracy. Taiwan is a beacon of democracy and a economic powerhous in that region and yet a handfull of countries recognized them.

Again im not advocating for that but u guys always beg the question.
Than why didn´t the IC recognized SL by now then ? If u are actually good faith u would agree that the current Somalia is way better than the Somalia 10 years ago. SL case for recognition was better and stronger 10 years ago and yet the IC still didn´t recognized u guys. U can say that Somalia is poor and all but it did made alot of improvements and thats a threat for the seccionist. Thats the reason why SL went nuclear with this MoU. A stable Somalia would literally put the seccionist movement to bed.

And im sorry but im sick and tired of landers prentending to be this beacon of democracy. Taiwan is a beacon of democracy and a economic powerhous in that region and yet a handfull of countries recognized them.

Again im nut advocating for that but u guys always beg the question.

The AU position has been for a while, if it happens it happens but no one has been willing to take the lead until now.

Somaliland would have ideally just got independence from Somalia but that looks impossible because Somalia is at a position now where it can't fix the south but it can destablize Somaliland and they've made that their policy. Not quite strong enough to fix the country but strong enough to cause a massive headache and try to centralize power using legal powers, cutting off or politcizing aid, political bribes and even militias.

The biggest part though belongs to Ethiopia and their partners. Ethiopia's economic and geopolitical aims calls for a port and a navy and Somaliland is the best partner for that. When Somalia closed the door another one opened and we will take the deal.

I think everything they say about Somaliland is relative to the region.
Ethiopia's economic and geopolitical aims calls for a port and a navy
Stop falling for Ethiopian propaganda warya, they already have a port in Djibouti. Furthermore, Eritrea offered them a port once and they refused. They also already own a 19% stake on Berbera. What more could they want? Somalia also never closed its doors because Ethiopia never approached it to begin with. We now know that HSM wanted to negotiate with Ethiopia over a port instead of SL hence why he is mad right now since they chose SL over him.

In fact, its very probable that this whole MoU is just a distraction from internal problems. Ethiopia not once ever "needed" a port and navy and there were hardly any major calls for it before Abiy's government.
It is very convenient isn´t it ? Somalia is a shithole country but can somehow destabilize the beacon of stability and democracy called Somaliland.

But the bigger question is why is the burden only on Somalia ? Somaliland could´ve had their indepandence from somalis years ago if u gave somalis an actual reason for that. Imagine a Somaliland that stepped up when somalis needed them the most, a Somaliland that helped stabilize Somalia, we couldve had a Isaaq president who was born in Hargeisa in Muqdishu. Mainland chinese ppl move to Taiwan and Hongkong because those regions have actual pull-factors.
Meanwhile Somaliland barricaded themself and build their whole campaing around shitting on Somalia. U could´ve been the country u think u are but in reality both regions are shitholes.

Again I can understand why u guys didn´t do that but than u guys have to understand why Somalis do what their doing rn.

In all fairness i don´t actually mind u guys secceding but only those regions that acutally wants to seccede.


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It is very convenient isn´t it ? Somalia is a shithole country but can somehow destabilize the beacon of stability and democracy called Somaliland.

But the bigger question is why is the burden only on Somalia ? Somaliland could´ve had their indepandence from somalis years ago if u gave somalis an actual reason for that. Imagine a Somaliland that stepped up when somalis needed them the most, a Somaliland that helped stabilize Somalia, we couldve had a Isaaq president who was born in Hargeisa in Muqdishu. Mainland chinese ppl move to Taiwan and Hongkong because those regions have actual pull-factors.
Meanwhile Somaliland barricaded themself and build their whole campaing around shitting on Somalia. U could´ve been the country u think u are but in reality both regions are shitholes.

Again I can understand why u guys didn´t do that but than u guys have to understand why Somalis do what their doing rn.

In all fairness i don´t actually mind u guys secceding but only those regions that acutally wants to seccede.
Ok whatever you White-Macrobian :dead:


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