it seems like the news has reached very far already

a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
She would've prolly made it bigger than mia Khalifa, but oh well
you need dhaqan celis or just to fast acuthubillah
yes she’s sixteen and so are you but you need to slow tf down gosh


Bah Qabiil Fluid
Loooool these eedos are very good at what they do and this isn’t a compliment. These women really fast with spreading bad news.

Bad shit spreads like the plague but they'll never be this eager to tell you good news about a somali abroad LMFAO

That’s great to hear. Somali community doesn’t tolerate that type of stuff

Wallahi change ur PFP you are giving me panic attacks here LMFAO
nigga you are 16
cuffing a mali ting my ass
i’m pretty sure that’s illegal but go ahead i’ll call the fbi on you too
I get bare mali tingz but I'm holding myself back from committing zina, if I were a gaal I would've did it ages ago, but thank god I'm Muslim kkkk


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