It's a myth that Somali families live in poverty in the West

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That's diametrically opposed to reality lmao. The poorer a family, the likelier to reproduce like rabbits. If you go back as recently as a few generations in European countries, white family sizes were much larger. Their best tactic for greater reproduction percentages would be to regress an to abject poverty.

I don't mean a litter of kids but 3 or 4.

All the white people I see (under 50) have 0 (majority) or 1 or 2 (max).

I work with some older people, around late 50s and up, and some have 8-10+ siblings. I couldn't believe it.


I don't mean a litter of kids but 3 or 4.

All the white people I see have 0 (majority) or 1 or 2 (max).
It's one of the many ironies of life. The better off u are, the less kids you'll want. You may not even want them at all!

The countries with the best standards of life and living aren't meeting the sub-replacement fertility threshold on their own, which around 2 kids, talk less 3 or 4, hence the need for immigration.
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