Its confirmed 7 new Benadir seats in Upper House will be divided on 4.5


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
DEG DEG: Gobolka Banaadir oo matalaad ku yeelan doona Aqalka Sare
Caasimada Online
By Caasimada Online

May 31, 2020
in Warar

Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Gobolka Banaadir ayaa markii ugu horreysay matalaad ku yeelan doona Aqalka Sare ee baarlamanka, sida ay go’aamiyeen Guddiga Wadajirka ee Diyaarinta Xeerarka Dhamaystirka Sharciga Doorashooyinka Qaranka.

Guddigan, oo ka kooban 14 xubnood, ayaa maanta sheegay inay soo geba-gebeeyeen howshooda, iyadoo warbixintooda u gudbin doona Guddoonka Labada Aqal ee Baarlamanka.
Xeerarka Guddiga ay soo dhameystirayeen ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa sidii Gobolka Banaadir uu wax uga heli lahaa kuraasta Aqalka Sare ee baarlamanka, arrinta Somaliland iyo arrimo kale.
Sida ay noo sheegeen xubno guddiga ka mid ah, waxay go’aamiyeen in 7 kursi oo dheeri ah lagu daro Aqalka Sare oo hadda ka kooban 54 kursi, ayada oo 7-da kursi lasii doono Gobolka Banaadir.

Guddiga ayaa sidoo kale go’aamiyey in kuraastaas 7-da ah lagu dooran doono hab qeybsiga 4.5.
In kuraastan la meel-mariyo ayaa u baahnaan doonta wax ka beddel lagu sameeyo dastuurka dalka, kaasi oo laga rabo baarlamanka Labada Aqal uu ku ansixiyo 3 meel labo meel.
Xubno ka tirsan guddiga ayaa sidoo kale noo sheegay, qeybinta 7-da kursi ay go’aan ka gaari doonaan hoggaanka sare ee dalka.

Arrntan ayaa khilaaf cusub horseedi doonto, ayada oo la rumeysan yahay in beelaha dega Muqdisho ay ka dhiidhin doonaan in dad aan u dhalan gobolka ay Aqalka Sare ku matalaan

This is great news, Xamar unukuh leh wont fly here :mjlaugh:

The Horde has been checkmated.
****s want Benadir to get representation yet they don’t want to share the seats with other clans lol 68 IQ
Why would they share banadir local parliamentarians and senators with people who don’t live in banadir. Daroods can convince hawiye of anything coming like some raaciyad
I don’t understand the dynamic can someone explain? Should not the seats allocated on vote basis or are they waiting until elections to remove the clan represantion method? What would this change of seats mean politically?
I don’t understand the dynamic can someone explain? Should not the seats allocated on vote basis or are they waiting until elections to remove the clan represantion method? What would this change of seats mean politically?
Daroods have an obsession with running the local government of banadir even though they don’t even make up 3% of the population of banadir. This is unheard of in any country. They want to split the local government on 4.5
Daroods have an obsession with running the local government of banadir even though they don’t even make up 3% of the population of banadir. This is unheard of in any country. They want to split the local government on 4.5
Darood own businesses and settle in most degmos,if hutus want representation for Benadir then it’s gonna be shared under 4.5
Daroods have an obsession with running the local government of banadir even though they don’t even make up 3% of the population of banadir. This is unheard of in any country. They want to split the local government on 4.5
That sounds ridicolous. Does Benadir have seats as a full federal member state, does it have a state assembely or is it a city council based government? Shit don’t even make sense anymore
Benadir is for Benadiris

you might live there but that doesn't give you the right to claim it, I stand with my Benadiri/Mudulood brothers and sisters :camby:
Does a form of non represantion based system even exist in Somalia?i thought everything was based on 4/5. Who could you even make 4.5 in a cities where one clan is predominate, 4.5 seems only can work in national stages such as parliament only. Not even upper house. Who is local adminstration seats divided? In a remote place we’re maybe only rahanweyn live how can 4.5 work? Since there maybe is very few hawiye there why should they receive larger allocated seats then there numbers are? This country is a headache


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Daroods have an obsession with running the local government of banadir even though they don’t even make up 3% of the population of banadir. This is unheard of in any country. They want to split the local government on 4.5
Its happening what can you do about it? Either that or we move the capital.
Benaadir is for Benaadir residents. Jabarti, Dir, Raxanweyn and ecen Isaaq should change residence to Benaadir if they feel under represented in Benaadir. HAGitea should ignore the Mr Cheese diktat to distribute Benaadir power based on 4.5 formula

Haawiye should exile the any traitor wants to to disenfranchise a Benaadir/Haawiye population bigger than any federal member state