It's CONFIRMED this senile is now Kulmiye's new chairman and the party candidate for presidency

Mohamed Kahin is closer to me than any other HJ politicians, only Hersi Gaab is more closer to me. They are both Farah Abdille sub clan of Mohamed Abokor, but Ina Kahin is Reer Daahir, and Hersi is Ahmed Farah, I am Ahmed Farah, but not sub clan as Hersi Gaab.

I really don't care about qabiil,.all we need is a visionary leader who can lead the country to peace and prosperity.

Hirsi Gaab is reer Raage, correct?

So are you reer Beniin or Buraale Maxamed?


@TimaJilic As an enemy of Somaliland, I welcome Kahin. I like them having old-timers from the rebel days as president, becuz it sidelines your educated civilian elite who cannot rule, plus their rebel tactics are predictable from the old days which I can consult my father generation, it's simply not fit for a new 21st century theater.

Bringing 1980 game to 2023

H Town Thumbs Up GIF by Houston Dash


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Akh there’s a new trend. The Irir ppl will namedrop their reers (that nobody knows) in the hope you come to recognize it and they seem more laandheere than they are.

Irir are trying to look more “laandhere” by having subclans:what1:

Why do daroods act like jealous schoolgirls


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Irir are trying to look more “laandhere” by having subclans:what1:

Why do daroods act like jealous schoolgirls
You misunderstand me. These are sub sub sub sub sub sub sub clans that can’t count more than 100 people. If I tell you I’m Reer Cali I wouldn’t be lying but you wouldn’t know what it is cus it’s my family essentially. Same for the Xirsi Gaab OP mentioned

