It's Islamic not Arab, it's sunnah that's why you find it from Afghanistan to Yemen it's world wide embrace it.
Well they wear it now in abundance, have you even been to Puntland? So what if you're from his tribe? The point is that you ain't him so stop barking orders.
Take a seat mr judge, jury & executioner f*ck your opinions the majority wear it cause it's part of the sunnah. I suggest you stay in the west with your unislamic ideas remember your kind are the minority who you'll find only in the west.yeah, ive been, and ive seen lots of them, just because some wear it, does not mean i cant criticise what i see
also because lots of people do a wrong, does not make it a right
it aint islamic, they embrace it now whith saudi money, but just 20 years ago, it was rare outside the gulf
Take a seat mr judge, jury & executioner f*ck your opinions the majority wear it cause it's part of the sunnah. I suggest you stay in the west with your unislamic ideas remember your kind are the minority who you'll find only in the west.
You might aswell be, maybe you're watching too many western propaganda & that's got you indoctrinated & hating Islamic practises either way your gassed.i aint in the west though
You might aswell be, maybe you're watching too many western propaganda & that's got you indoctrinated & hating Islamic practises either way your gassed.
You could call me an eagle if that makes you feel better.hahaha, i dont hate islam, beacuse i am a proud non salafist muslim
its only you salafi guys who kill inoccent muslims
Keep chatting xaar you will continue getting these@The Informant state what you dislike about my comments instead of acting like a chick that I cheated on & disliking all my comments 22 dislikes really?
Didn't the messenger say Islam started as something strange and will return as something,so glad tidings to Ghuraba? He also talked about taifa mansura,they are sahih hadiths.Just because the majority say one thing doesn't mean it's the haqq.Secondly Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdulwahab(May Allah have mercy on his soul) called upon Arabia from the darkness of grave worship/shirk to the light of pure tawhid.The Sheikh wasn't the first to try to purify Islam from the filth of the innovators who were dominant at the time.Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah noticed how innovators were everywhere,so did Imam ibn hanbalSalafiyya are a cancer, Arabsiyo has resisted, areas of Hargeisa are still Shaf'i and are yet to join Jamacatul Shaykh Al Najdee,
Wallahi the Prophet said "stick to the vast majority" , when the so called "reviver" Shaykh Al Najdee emerged 250-300 years ago did he not revolt against the vast majority? Did he not send his "Muhawiduun" messengers to Scholars in the Hedjaz "inviting" them to Islam, as if they were not Muslim to begin with? Treating men who lived their entire life upon Islam are now Mushrikeen in need of purification and tawbah according to some amateur Sheikh who read a couple of isolated quotes from Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah (rah), Imam ibn Kathir (RA), Ibn Qayyim (Rah) and Imam Adh-Dhahabi (rah), and a Sheikh who was inspired by that Khawarij Muhammad ibn 'Amir Al San'anee who was born smack bang on 1100 H.A, didn't the Prophet say the Khawarij are born at the beginning of every century?
Don't be deluded by their popularity through their media powered by their petro-dollar money, these people are a minority compared to the majority.
44% of the Ummah follow Imam Abu Hanifah (RA) who began the Sunnah of writing fiqh books on the Revealed Law,
30% follow Imam Malik ibn Anas (RA) who was mentioned by the Prophet before he was born as the " Knowledgable Imam of Al Medina"
15% follow Imam Shaf'i (RA) who revolutionized Usul Al-Fiqh, and who was a absolute Mujtahid Mutlaq (Master of all sciences) in his Deen.
5% follow Imam Ahlul Sunnah aka Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (RA) who resisted the Mu'tazila and dealt them a decisive blow, he recorded the Creed of Islam.
Anything other than these four fall short of the majority, and are one of the 73 sects.. Whether Salafiya, Baha'is, Ahmadiyya, Shi'a, Alawiyya, all of them, why? Because the founding father of their sect isn't from the first three generations, whereas the Four Imams were and they followed the schools of the Companions who graduated from the school of Muhammad (pbuh). They resisted the various breakaway sects, Qadariya, Mu'tazila, Jahmiyya etc.. they are Al Firqatul Najiya, not these students of Sheikh Al Najdy,you got the wrong Muhammad Salafis, it's Muhammad ibn Abdillah (saw) not Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab.
Didn't the messenger say Islam started as something strange and will return as something,so glad tidings to Ghuraba? He also talked about taifa mansura,they are sahih hadiths.Just because the majority say one thing doesn't mean it's the haqq.Secondly Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdulwahab(May Allah have mercy on his soul) called upon Arabia from the darkness of grave worship/shirk to the light of pure tawhid.The Sheikh wasn't the first to try to purify Islam from the filth of the innovators who were dominant at the time.Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah noticed how innovators were everywhere,so did Imam ibn hanbal
@Zayd Even the word Aqeedah wasn't even mentioned by the Rasuul(3alayhi sallatu wa salaam) or the salaf.I won't go deep into this discussion for the sake of not risking my deeds.I remember listening to a very knowledgeable sheikh who spoke on this matter.He mentioned that the Salaf never mentioned these but the idea of tawheed(i.e correct aqeedah) is spoken about in the Quran and in the Hadith indirectly.It was the scholars later on who had labelled the terms and organized it in a way even the simplest person can understand.If you are implying the those on the Salafi manhaj are somehow innovators because of this then you are completely wrong cause Tawheed ulohiyya,rubbobiya and asma wa sifaat are ideas that the messenger taught but just didn't give it names.Anyways my knowledge is spent here and I don't want to risk my Akhira.
Here is a link to someone more knowledgeable then my jaahil mind explaining it
@Zayd Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal is many centuries after not only the salaf but also after Imam Malik,Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Shafi3i.No salaf has mentioned aqeeda(the word not the concept).
Btw read the link because that's basically my standpoint on Aqeedah,Tawheed etc.
Anyways I don't understand why many people not only on this forum, but the wider Muslim community try to make those on the salafi manhaj as people who made things up when everything we try to follow is to be exactly like Rasulullah and the As7aab.Following Qur'an and Sunnah to the letter.Maybe that is their problem with us,not accepting distortions and bid3a in 3ibaada like Mawlid.It sickens me to see Juhaal from the general masses still practising it.Even the Messenger(pbuh) would be angry with those who celebrate his birthday.Didnt he say that the Muslims would follow every step of Yahuud and nasaara? Mawlid is no different from their kufr celebrations!
Read it,all I can say to the topic they were discussing is Allahu a3lam.They are discussing a very heavy topic.Thats all I can say for this lolWhat do you think of this article?
Read it,all I can say to the topic they were discussing is Allahu a3lam.They are discussing a very heavy topic.Thats all I can say for this lol