Its Sunnah to love the Arabs


Yeah, it was almost too apologetic. Tries too hard to discredit any legitimate criticism. Even Ibn Hajr said in his introduction to his commentary in Bukhari that he himself cannot put up a defense against some of the criticism regarding the authenticity of some hadiths in Bukhari.
It's maybe too apologetic for your liking, but the article was fair and addressed everything.

It says in Muqaddimat Sharh al-Bukhaari: ad-Daaraqutni had some reservations about a few hadiths in al-Bukhaari and Muslim, which he doubted, but this doubt was based on unsound guidelines set out by some hadith scholars that are contrary to the view of most scholars of fiqh, usool and other fields, so we should not pay any attention to that.

Al-Haafiz said:

When we study the context of these hadiths and examine them in detail, it will become apparent that this criticism is not valid. His comment in Sharh Muslim, “All of their reservations, or most of them, have been addressed by other scholars” is correct. End quote. Muqaddimat al-Fath, p. 344.

Ok, now tell us which Hadiths in Sahih Bukhari did the Ulema of Hadith like Ibn Hajr, Nawawi... made Daef?


Ok, now this seems to be a puzzle and I don't have time to read and comprehend a whole book, so I will leave you with this

The first is that the hadith that al-Albaani classed as da‘eef had previously been classed as such by an earlier leading mujtahid scholar. Shaykh al-Albaani’s verdict concerning it may be correct, or it may be wrong and al-Bukhaari’s view is correct.

The second is that the hadith that al-Albaani classed as da‘eef had not previously been classed as such. This cannot be accepted from the shaykh (may Allah have mercy on him), because it is contrary to the consensus of the ummah on regarding that hadith as sound and accepting it. And Allah knows best.
Imam Bukhari is superior to Al Albani. If Salafis don't accept the verdict of their Sheikh Al Albani when it contradicts Bukhari, why are you a very well-known anti-Salafi would accept this other than Munaafaqad?


It's maybe too apologetic for your liking, but the article was fair and addressed everything.

Ok, now tell us which Hadiths in Sahih Bukhari did the Ulema of Hadith like Ibn Hajr, Nawawi... made Daef?

Go read Al Hady ul Sari. It's his introduction to his commentary. He even admits at the end I don't have all the answers for Daraqutni's criticisms and I tried my best.

Those are his words.

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
Lol as if the modern day arabs are anything like the messenger...majority of arabs have caused so much suffering towards other muslims arabs and dont give any help even though they build one skyscraper after the other. Also The quran belongs to allah and not arabs...islam doesnt belong to arabs which is basically how ur coming off. I can dislike arabs and it wouldnt be about my faith

They make it seem like we should hold modern day arabs to a certain degree when Islam tells us we are all equal. They are very misguided, just because the quran is in arabic should i treat an arab better than an asian ? Makes no sense Islam is for all and we are all equal no one better than another


Go read Al Hady ul Sari. It's his introduction to his commentary. He even admits at the end I don't have all the answers for Daraqutni's criticisms and I tried my best.

Those are his words.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


except for what was criticized for it. The answer to that, in general, is that there is no doubt about the two sheikhs being given precedence over the imams of their time, and those after them in knowing the authentic and the Mu'alil"

Ibn Hajr affirmed the Superiority of Bukhari and Muslim in the knowledge of Hadith to those who criticized their books and considers all the Hadiths in Sahih Bukhari authentic.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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Ibn Hajr affirmed the Superiority of Bukhari and Muslim in the knowledge of Hadith to those who criticized their books and considers all the Hadiths in Sahih Bukhari authentic.

Even Ibn Taymiyyah is open to the idea that not every hadith is authentic in Bukhari and Muslim. Why the need to be in crisis mode, does your entire world collapse by knowing this mere fact?

Omar del Sur

Even Ibn Taymiyyah is open to the idea that not every hadith is authentic in Bukhari and Muslim. Why the need to be in crisis mode, does your entire world collapse by knowing this mere fact?

Firstly- "Based on that, we must continue to uphold this status and the high esteem and respect that people have for them both, and it is not permissible under any circumstances to try to sow doubts or cast aspersions upon the hadiths in these books.

These two books are the main references and solid foundations on which the scholars rely to work out the rulings of sharee‘ah, so it is not permissible to cast aspersions on them or say things to sow doubts about them in such a way as to undermine their veracity in people’s minds, whether they are scholars or otherwise.

Rather those who may discuss such matters are senior scholars and specialists in hadith; no one else has the right to indulge in such matters which may undermine the foundations, sow doubts about the fundamentals and stir up confusion."



Even Ibn Taymiyyah is open to the idea that not every hadith is authentic in Bukhari and Muslim. Why the need to be in crisis mode, does your entire world collapse by knowing this mere fact?
Honest question @Araabi are you Muslim? If yes, why are you inventing lies against the Awliya of Allah and a mountain of Ilm like Ibn Hajr? What's your agenda here?


Firstly- "Based on that, we must continue to uphold this status and the high esteem and respect that people have for them both, and it is not permissible under any circumstances to try to sow doubts or cast aspersions upon the hadiths in these books.

These two books are the main references and solid foundations on which the scholars rely to work out the rulings of sharee‘ah, so it is not permissible to cast aspersions on them or say things to sow doubts about them in such a way as to undermine their veracity in people’s minds, whether they are scholars or otherwise.

Rather those who may discuss such matters are senior scholars and specialists in hadith; no one else has the right to indulge in such matters which may undermine the foundations, sow doubts about the fundamentals and stir up confusion."

You can respect the integrity and scholarship of both Bukhari and Muslim and at the same time hold the view that not all that is in those books are authentic. They are not mutually exclusive viewpoints.

Omar del Sur

I never asked you to trust my viewpoint. If you have anything unique to contribute to the discussion then bring it.

I don't say I have anything unique to bring but I was in this thread before you got here- now what I want to ask is- where is this alleged Ibn Hajr quote? why don't you show it, since @Hamzza is claiming the quote is fake.

Omar del Sur

You can respect the integrity and scholarship of both Bukhari and Muslim and at the same time hold the view that not all that is in those books are authentic. They are not mutually exclusive viewpoints.

that is not the issue that was talked about in what I quoted. if you want to quietly look into these things, fine. but loudly undermining Bukhari in front of the people- what is your agenda?


Is everyone who disagrees with you a suspected Kafir lol.
Disagreeing is fine but the problem is when you cast doubt on the 2nd and 3rd most authentic books for us, using fake quotes. Were you thinking we are illiterates who can't double check or something...?

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
@Hamzza do you believe arabs are superior ? Are they better than all the races Allah made that you can never hate them and that we should treat them in a different way than we treat others ? Thats what you are trying to say now, if so you are a lost cause. Allah made us all equal, some of you that dive deep into a certain sector end up worshipping a race more than God himself. Than later go around takfirring others who don't perscribe your beliefs


A blessed human
Everyone is equal. We are supposed to love all people :kanyeshrug::kanyeshrug:
Peridot, I don't know much about hadiths but I know lots about the Quran. Nabigeena Muhammed (NNKH) once said
"There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, and no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness"

Farther stating, Allah said "وَالْبَاقِيَاتُ الصَّالِحَاتُ خَيْرٌ عِندَ رَبِّكَ ثَوَابًا وَخَيْرٌ أَمَلًا ‎" (..But the things that last, the virtuous deeds, are better with your Lord for reward, and better for hope) Surah Kahf: aya 46

The prophets were chosen because they were Arab, they were chosen as warners, as signs of Allah.
@Omar del Sur @Hamzza
But at the same time, Arabs shouldn't be personally attacked for no reason nor should any other people. So fear Allah and do not make Bid'ah while trying to prove your point
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Omar del Sur

Somalis are arab & therefore anyone hating somalis makes you a hypocrite.

@Omar del Sur accept the somali superiority my brother.

nothing I've said here is commenting on the Arabs issue, all of this has been about other stuff. I have no comment on the Arabs thing, that is another discussion and whether Somalis are or not Arabs, blacks, caucasians, etc. is definitely another discussion