I've decided to defend this Somali brother,pro bono,against this character assassination by his ex

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot

Her video has moved from fb to Youtube where it will be exposed to hundred of thousands of people where a poor man in Xamar is plummeted as a villain.

So I wrote in the comment section this:
Although there are good men and bed women and vice versa I refuse to be lured in by her emotional outburst without having both sides of the story. All Roda Hussein is doing is making people that are close to the situation (relatives) to actually agree with that ex husband of her. She had brought this internal affairs to total strangers that can number in the 200k. That man has a family and he has the right to present his side of the story but this is not fair to him because he might not be comfortable to broadcast this to the masses. In a court of law ( not African Kangaroo law) the accused has the right to a presumed innocence till proven guilty but here we have one plaintiff presenting her case. Were we there ? Are we close to the situation? Can you go to your grave vouching for this female? Lets be fair here.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
No need to defend that scumbag. This woman is speaking from thr heart you fool

Your behavior is typical of seef la bood Somali notion of justice. Were you there? How do you know that she didnt get him arrested? Im not saying he wasnt terrible. We were both not there. I am here to advocate for the right for the defendant to present his case

This is one sided.

I can also cry and pull people's heart strings about my deep feelings for @VixR but does that mean im gonna love her forever ? Does that man im the right man for her? Does it mean im not capable of taking care of her?
Your behavior is typical of seef la bood Somali notion of justice. Were you there? How do you know that she didnt get him arrested? Im not saying he wasnt terrible. We were both not there. I am here to advocate for the right for the defendant to present his case

This is one sided.

I can also cry and pull people's heart strings about my deep feelings for @VixR but does that mean im gonna love her forever ? Does that man im the right man for her? Does it mean im not capable of taking care of her?

You're a fool who finds the clamities of poor women funny.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
of course, you would defend him. birds of a feather.
scum stands with scum

It is amazing that, in a court of law, that you would cry injustice if only your accuser presented his case and you were refuse to cross examine him. Yet here you are blindly accepting this woman's accusation is words in the Quran.
It is amazing that, in a court of law, that you would cry injustice if only your accuser presented his case and you were refuse to cross examine him. Yet here you are blindly accepting this woman's accusation is words in the Quran.
and here you are blindly siding with the 'man'
in what scenario is there any justification to keep a mother from her kids. what could she have possibly done that would justify that?
she made a mistake by sending her kids to him in the first place but what he is doing is totally out of order.


In some cases children are better off growing up with their father (specially if the woman is a bad mother).


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Very sad. Somali society very misogynistic but no one really cares. There will be no change. Ayaan Hirsi was the first person to expose this.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
and here you are blindly siding with the 'man'
in what scenario is there any justification to keep a mother from her kids. what could she have possibly done that would justify that?
she made a mistake by sending her kids to him in the first place but what he is doing is totally out of order.

This is the thing abt you! I dare you go back to my first comment. I said "I don't know if he is at fault" just as we don't know if she is at fault but one thing you need to admit is....have we heard of him ?...is he comfortable speaking to the masses? Cause she's a journalist and feels comfortable and he might be not comfortable. Everything has to be fair to both sides

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
You're obsessed with this woman. Leave her alone u neef

Not obsessed but I am sickened by your double standards. If you're taking to court you would cry "not fair " if someone is just allow to put charges on you without defending yourself


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Mother f*ck them crocodile tears she's from the uk one phone call & her man will be arrested and have a restraining order put on him & he'll never be able to see his kids. These xalimos have destroyed our community, they kick the father out the home so there's no one to discipline the kids. If you look around wallahi most of the homes are single parent homes cause these chicks are gassed using the children against fathers, wallahi the amount of me that I know who haven't seen their kids in years is mind boggling to say the least, us men have it really bad in the west, imagine you have a daughter & you can't even be around her to show her what a real man is all about. I know hundreds of good men hardworking men who love their kids but they can't come close to them cause the woman brings up trumped-up charges against them. I have no empathy for this woman wallahi, fathers have zero rights when it comes to their kids & evil jealous conniving cunning women use the kids against them, more & more men are opting out to marry a girl back home.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Somali women are becoming more & more like African American women they're loud obnoxious argumentative narcissistic callous no different from the hair-hatted hooligan.
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