My own name is not what I am talking about, this is my takeaway from sitting in the audience of a university graduation with a lot of Asians (the entire continent), Europeans and some Africans. These elaborate names people be having are lost on the rest of us - not very "self -preservation 'ist'" of me, I know, but its a concession I don't mind making.Walaal, you have terrible takes today. What is going on with you?
Write down your name so we can build up your confidence. Being the only nerdy girl in the History and Culture section, I would hate to see a sister look crazy out in the streets changing her name because she thinks the world might embrace her more.
How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
I don't think the world would embrace me more if I change my name. You are making it sound like I am an angsty teen in need of dire intervention.... I'm okay, great even.