Jaarso are Somalis and the conflict between Jaarso and Geri Koombe needs to be resolved

Note: No Oromo is allowed in this thread to make a single statement. I can't delete your comment but I will ignore it. So don't even try.

I have been a victim to qabyaalad propaganda. I always knew and understood Jaarso are oromized Somalis. They are dir who have been living in Hararghe region for a long time since the Dawaro sultanate in the 13th century. Almost 400 years before the evil Oromo expansion

But lately I fell for qabyaalad propaganda. Saying Cali Madaxweyne isnt a real person, saying that Jaarso lineage is fake and they are in fact oromo who have been assimilated by Somalis and now they are assimilating back to Oromo. This is all fake, no proof and those telling me this are darood(not that there is anything wrong with being darood, just cautious that I won't fall for qabyaalad motivated false claims).

I recently came across this video on youtube of a Jaarso community leader living in Sweden. He looks Somali, so does his Jaarso associates and he speaks the most articulate and clear af somaali you will ever hear clarifying that Jaarso are in fact Somalis and that some are twisting the narraritive and making it seem like it is Somalis vs Oromos. Watch

Another thing is I came across this document.
Source: Conflict Research Programme by LSE
Giving a thorough detail of the conflict between Geri Koombe and Jaarso. It gave me a crystal clear conclusion why the Jaarso joined Oromia, because they were sidelined by Abdi Iley who decided to alienate Jaarso as invading Oromos.

So what is the Solution? The solution is reconcillation. Reconciliation through quran and sunnah. Check this ayah

This is what we must do. I do not have to elaborate. It is clear. As for Mustafe Cagjar. I am actually happy now that he fired that speaker branding it as Somalis vs Oromos. I pray that Mustafe Cagjar will solve this issue. I also understand now why all this genocide of Somalis happened. This is due to Abdi Iley preferring to back his own qabil and alienate another that led to this evil. It is us dividing each other. If Jaarso, and all the qabils where united, we would be easily be able to switfly defend ourselves.
Spot on. Regardless of the identities of Jarso, that's the core conflict here. Also, I'dont understand how a regional state, can even be allowed to operate on another region state and use their resources... They way the oromo admin is handling this, proves where the tensions is coming from. (Also, this is a dam and not a well, as I incorrectly wrote above.)

This is turn, results in the displacement of us from our land and other ramifications. As well as exploitation of our resources, with no set terms on how Oromia uses the water. And with no agreement in place (as indicated and promised to us), they bear all consequences, for everything that comes out of this mess...

One thing commonly mentioned, is the narrative of blaming the clashes on us (Geri). It is not coincidence that most fightings (when it happens) takes place almost exclusively in Tuli Guleed (where Gari are majority and Jarso minority) and not i Jinacsani (where Jarso are majority and Geri minority) - our native areas. Just a food for thought... A hint may be that Geri has somewhat accepted the status of Jinacsani (with few exceptions), while others (including external actors) are trying to make Tuli Guleed a "disputed territory" for reasons we all know. Given its resources, I am not surprised.

Here's the construction site, which is not supposed have started. Can't remember where Cagjar was recently interviewed, and specifically talked about this. If anyone knows, please post.




The dam built is in Marar village, part of Tulli Guleed Woreda - which starts as soon as you leave Jigjiga and take the road eastwards, and the other one takes you to Jincasani. Right now, that road/highway is being built/upgraded, all the way to Dire Dawa and one to Djibouti - a strategic location.


A closer view

I don't want to derail the thread, but when I talk about Oromo expansionism - it's a serious matter for us (Geris). Let met contextualize it. In the 2004 referendum, Tuli Guleed choose to remain in DDS, while Jinacsani left. DDS admins has since accepted it, likewise Oromia (at least publicly) and subsequent fed gov'ts. In official documents and registrations etc. Tuli Guleed is part of DDS. However, when you take a look at the map, even different versions of them, including official ones, it shows Tuli Guleed as part of Oromia. And it doesn't end there, even Leifa Issa which is a Samaroon city/town, is included as part of Oromia. Passed Geri territory and far away from Jarso territory. This is why, whenever I or Geris always talk/view Oromos (not so much people, rather both Oromo reg. and fed. gov't - including Abiy/PP) as a threat. Since majority of Jarso has chosen Oromia, whenever we fight - we fight Oromo expansion, since they feel that all these areas belong to them, and exclusively them, and therefore Oromia. If we lose the areas, chances of regaining them is little to none. So this is beyond Jarsos. And if you follow certain Oromo media, public figures, officals, these are the claims (in the map) they make, and their aspirations,and stands in contrary to reality. *Whats so sad about loosing Jinacsani to Oromia, was loosing Abo Yonis. Coincidentally, it's also the biggest Geri Koombe sub-clan... There's not much one can do at this point.*
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As these local people condemning the fightings or rather attacks, their message is very clear. The actors behind these confrontations is the Oromia state (not necessary Jarsos or Oromos), through its militias-forces, where Jarsos/Oromos are being involved and used to further their (Oromias) agenda. But again, despite this, Jarsos are not the focal point, but a political issue where a foreign regional state presence and exploitation of their land and resources (in DDS). This in turn contributes to the already strained relationship between Jarsos and Geris.
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Everything upto Caruusa region down to easternHararga must be liberated

Part of the problem has been ONLF hoping to hide the capital in Godey back in 1990s instead of choosing DiriDhaba. A golden opportunity was missed in 1991. JSL runification with Somalia Italiana is needed to have united effort and/or enforcing article 39
Everything upto Caruusa region down to easternHararga must be liberated

Part of the problem has been ONLF hoping to hide the capital in Godey back in 1990s instead of choosing DiriDhaba. A golden opportunity was missed in 1991. JSL runification with Somalia Italiana is needed to have united effort and/or enforcing article 39

Dir Dhaba is too close to 3 ethnic groups borders. An ideal capital needs to be in the center where it can’t be invaded or taken over by foreign forces if the region does indeed decide to become independent one day.
Dir Dhaba is too close to 3 ethnic groups borders. An ideal capital needs to be in the center where it can’t be invaded or taken over by foreign forces if the region does indeed decide to become independent one day.

If metropolis Diridhaba is not fit to be a capital then neither is a backwater tribal village that is too far from major stakeholder communities in Hawd, Sitti, etc. Anyway the ONLF made thier choice and now DiriDhaba is out of the Somali kilil since it the chance to make DiriDhaba the capital was missed
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Good thread this conflict is being painted as Oromo vs Somali it's more complicated than that what needs to be first explained is the Gerri are wrong to portray themselves of victims their land grabbing its
clear and has been happening at a long time at the expense of Jaarso ,Jaarso therefore rebelled and found and ally in oromos whilst somalis shunned them
An outcome of this land grabbing by the Gerri is the Jaarso of Chinaksen(Jinacsen) District voting to join Oromia a move that shocked the regional government.The irony is why is it shocking when Gerri are expanding on their land.
The previous Administration was particularly vicous with his oppression of the Jaarso out of Daroodisim using the notorious Liyuu against them.
The Jaarso were infact autonomous prior to 1995 and were even rejected by the oromo regional state initially to join their region initially due to being "culturally Somali".
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The oromo somali dichotomy in the faafan region is not useful as in the case of Jaarso they speak our language have xeer and inter-marry with Gerri,what made them claim was your Gerri trangressions and even if they are Oromo i would still side with them because im not an ethnonationalist and care more about justice.The Jaarso are also reported to be "numerically superior" to you that makes me question your claim that you are more than them in Tulliguleed @GaradShabeel
Also could please not write a whole essay
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The previous Administration was particularly vicous with his oppression of the Jaarso out of Daroodisim using the notorious Liyuu against them.
The Jaarso were infact autonomous prior to 1995 and were even rejected by the oromo regional state initially to join their region initially due to being "culturally Somali".View attachment 249899View attachment 249898
So Jarso has wanted to be part of Oromo region since the formation of the state in the 90s. And in 2004, they got their wish and took their regions with them. Abdi Iley was not President when Jarso joined Oromia. BTW, i checked your posts and surprise surprise you are Dir. Langaab who needs to claim random Oromo sub clans like Jarso and Wardey to boost your numbers.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The oromo somali dichotomy in the faafan region is not useful as in the case of Jaarso they speak our language have xeer and inter-marry with Gerri,what made them claim was your Gerri trangressions and even if they are Oromo i would still side with them because im not an ethnonationalist and care more about justice.The Jaarso are also reported to be "numerically superior" to you that makes me question your claim that you are more than then in Tulliguleed @GaradShabeel View attachment 249900

We know who is the majority where due to the 2004 referendum. Majority Jaarso areas, like Jinacsani, voted to join Oromia while Tuli Guleed voted to remain part of the Somali region. The voting was almost 100% polarized with Geri and Jaarso voting in diametric opposition to each other. This clarified who is the majority where.

There should be no clashes at all in places like Marar or Tuli Guleed since those places have been legally decided to be part of the Somali region. The Jaarso are no longer the responsibility of the Somali region, their ethnic makeup, language, culture etc.. do not matter. They are legally citizens of Oromia and they decided to take to Oromia all kebeles where they formed a majority in 2004.

This issue was settled 18 years ago. The only reason why it remains on the table is due to the Somali region's unwillingness to enforce the legal borders Meles' government created.

It is over, Jinacsani is gone. Geri have been leaving kebeles where they were 40% of the population in 2004. They don't want to live under Oromo rule. They are not expanding at all but contracting to kebeles where they form a majority.

The Jaarso who form something like 30% in places like Tuli Guleed don't want to be ruled by Somalis and don't want to leave for Oromia. They want to bring Oromia to rule over areas that have been adjucated to be majority Somali 19 years ago.

Good article on this subject.

No one cares if Jaarso want to live in the Somali region. The issue is the attempt to change the agreed upon border between Somali region and Oromia arrived at after the 2004 referendum.
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So Jarso has wanted to be part of Oromo region since the 90s. And in 2004, they got their wish and took their regions with them. Abdi Iley was not President when Jarso joined Oromia. BTW, i checked your posts and surprise surprise you are Dir. Langaab who needs to claim random Oromo sub clans like Jarso and Wardey to boost your numbers.
I havent claimed Jaarso are Dir anywhere in my post your 68 iq showing im aware of their oromo roots and the reason for them joining oromia after joining somali Galbeed is due to the Gerri land grabbing which preceeded Abdi iley who took a side in the conflict and used liyuu on them, im more concerned about somali region borders shrinking due to this and i see Jaarso as self hating oromos or somalised oromos and i see it as unwise to alienate them considering they inhabit fertile lands


I havent claimed Jaarso are Dir anywhere in my post your 68 iq showing im aware of their oromo roots and the reason for them joining oromia after joining somali Galbeed is due to the Gerri land grabbing which preceeded Abdi iley who took a side in the conflict and used liyuu on them, im more concerned about somali region borders shrinking due to this and i see Jaarso as self hating oromos or somalised oromos and i see it as unwise to alienate them considering they inhabit fertile lands
Your source clearly says that as soon as the Oromo region formed in the 90s, they asked to join. They were forced into joining the Somali region and as soon as they were allowed to join Oromia, they did. So how long has this so called Geri expansion been happening that forced Jarso into Oromo region according to your conspiracy theories? Maybe during the 1980s when Ethiopia punished Somalis in Ogaden for the war we lost? Somali Liyuu police was created in 2015, nearly 11 years after Jarso left the region and was only used to defend the borders of the Somali state. You are just making a fool out of yourself.
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Good thread this conflict is being painted as Oromo vs Somali it's more complicated than that what needs to be first explained is the Gerri are wrong to portray themselves of victims their land grabbing itsView attachment 249893View attachment 249892clear and has been happening at a long time at the expense of Jaarso ,Jaarso therefore rebelled and found and ally in oromos whilst somalis shunned them

Let me get through your claims. The land grabs or disputes has been happening on both sides. Your documentation starts during 1990, which leaves out much information. To my knowledge from my family, there have been 3 major conflicts between Geri and Jarso during the last century, one of whom in the 90s. If you read these texts, it clearly says "repatriation", and this refers to those Geris that were displaced following the war in the 70s and left their lands to settle in Somalia. Hence, also the term "reposses" being used and "land to its former owner". However, the way that it went about is worthy of criticism and should've been handled better.

View attachment 249895View attachment 249894View attachment 249896An outcome of this land grabbing by the Gerri is the Jaarso of Chinaksen(Jinacsen) District voting to join Oromia a move that shocked the regional government.The irony is why is it shocking when Gerri are expanding on their land.

Secondly, this map is very wrong. As I wrote in the other thread, after the referendum Jinacsani were added to Oromia and Tuli Guleed remain in documentation, registrations etc. However, in the map the included it in Oromia, even today all maps shows the entire Tuli Guleed Woreda (district) to be part of Oromia. Even Leifa-Issa a Samaroon town.

Also historically, we (both communities) has always considered us somalis, so when the referendum happen, we were surprised as both of us lived in all these towns (kebles). Them (Jarso) majority in those that were annexed and us (Geri) majority in those who wished to remain, with exceptions.

One thing you have to know is that, there's no such thing as their or our land (exluding personal properties), as we live together in basically ALL towns. If you look up Jinacsani, the demographic says 65% Oromos (Jarso) and 21% Somalis (Geri). That's how we usually tick the box in cencus.

The previous Administration was particularly vicous with his oppression of the Jaarso out of Daroodisim using the notorious Liyuu against them.
The Jaarso were infact autonomous prior to 1995 and were even rejected by the oromo regional state initially to join their region initially due to being "culturally Somali".View attachment 249899View attachment 249898

There is no denial in that the previous DDS admin, mostly under Abdi Iley felt threatened by this community. Lol at him oppressing in the name of "Daroodism". This was not limited by the border areas where Geri and Jarso live. My other side of the family is from Dire Dawa and neighbouring areas. And Liyuu police and/or state backed-force were present in all disputed territory. From northern DDS all the way to south. Including Sitti, ask Issas themselves of their conditions now under Cagjar vs under Abdi Iley. So there goes your "Daroodism"

As far as Geri and Jarso, there had always been disagreements and clashes. During that time that Liyuu was present there, on the orders of Abdi Iley, his admin were harsher against them, so they suffered moore.

The oromo somali dichotomy in the faafan region is not useful as in the case of Jaarso they speak our language have xeer and inter-marry with Gerri,what made them claim was your Gerri trangressions and even if they are Oromo i would still side with them because im not an ethnonationalist and care more about justice.The Jaarso are also reported to be "numerically superior" to you that makes me question your claim that you are more than them in Tulliguleed @GaradShabeel
Also could please not write a whole essay View attachment 249900

Yes, you are correct that Jarsos are more. But they inhabit from western Hararghe all the way to Tuli Guleed and districts north and south of Jijiga, so there live in larger area. While we (Geri) today, live mainly in Tuli Guleed and in parts in Jinacsani and Babile. So more concentrated.

Most of my earlier post has been about Oromo admin in recent clashes than Jarso or them being Oromo. Problems in-between has always happened and will unfortunately continue unless permanent solutions are found. In a previous post, I also said despite them claiming Oromo, they still identify and practice somali culture, so this was never the issue. As their garaad said in the video.
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We know who is the majority where due to the 2004 referendum. Majority Jaarso areas, like Jinacsani, voted to join Oromia while Tuli Guleed voted to remain part of the Somali region. The voting was almost 100% polarized with Geri and Jaarso voting in diametric opposition to each other. This clarified who is the majority where.

There should be no clashes at all in places like Marar or Tuli Guleed since those places have been legally decided to be part of the Somali region. The Jaarso are no longer the responsibility of the Somali region, their ethnic makeup, language, culture etc.. do not matter. They are legally citizens of Oromia and they decided to take to Oromia all kebeles where they formed a majority in 2004.

This issue was settled 18 years ago. The only reason why it remains on the table is due to the Somali region's unwillingness to enforce the legal borders Meles' government created.

It is over, Jinacsani is gone. Geri have been leaving kebeles where they were 40% of the population in 2004. They don't want to live under Oromo rule. They are not expanding at all but contracting to kebeles where they form a majority.

The Jaarso who form something like 30% in places like Tuli Guleed don't want to be ruled by Somalis and don't want to leave for Oromia. They want to bring Oromia to rule over areas that have been adjucated to be majority Somali 19 years ago.

Good article on this subject.

No one cares if Jaarso want to live in the Somali region. The issue is the attempt to change the agreed upon border between Somali region and Oromia arrived at after the 2004 referendum.
Your incorrect there was no polarised voting as the Jaarso had an internal division and weren't fully onboard in that referendum as some Jaarso sections opted to remain in somali region so the referendum results cannot be used to guess Jaarso numbers or guess work with percentages pulled out of thin air. Thankfully Mustafa Cagjar is not willing to support Gerri land grabbing and take a side in the conflict like his predecessor Abdi Iley and the dispaced Jaarso will return to their farms.
The oromo somali dichotomy in the faafan region is not useful as in the case of Jaarso they speak our language have xeer and inter-marry with Gerri,what made them claim was your Gerri trangressions and even if they are Oromo i would still side with them because im not an ethnonationalist and care more about justice.The Jaarso are also reported to be "numerically superior" to you that makes me question your claim that you are more than them in Tulliguleed @GaradShabeel
Also could please not write a whole essay View attachment 249900
I am also for justice but and I definitely understand the oppression of Jaarso but to claim and side with an ethnicity that is fifty fifty muslim and christian and politically christian dominated is where I draw the line. If Jaarso choose to be Oromo, they will be dealt with like Oromo, so I hope that if they are ever asked to be part of SRS they should join. Also do you know any % of Jaarso who speak Somali and % who speak oromo?
We know who is the majority where due to the 2004 referendum. Majority Jaarso areas, like Jinacsani, voted to join Oromia while Tuli Guleed voted to remain part of the Somali region. The voting was almost 100% polarized with Geri and Jaarso voting in diametric opposition to each other. This clarified who is the majority where.

There should be no clashes at all in places like Marar or Tuli Guleed since those places have been legally decided to be part of the Somali region. The Jaarso are no longer the responsibility of the Somali region, their ethnic makeup, language, culture etc.. do not matter. They are legally citizens of Oromia and they decided to take to Oromia all kebeles where they formed a majority in 2004.

This issue was settled 18 years ago. The only reason why it remains on the table is due to the Somali region's unwillingness to enforce the legal borders Meles' government created.

It is over, Jinacsani is gone. Geri have been leaving kebeles where they were 40% of the population in 2004. They don't want to live under Oromo rule. They are not expanding at all but contracting to kebeles where they form a majority.

The Jaarso who form something like 30% in places like Tuli Guleed don't want to be ruled by Somalis and don't want to leave for Oromia. They want to bring Oromia to rule over areas that have been adjucated to be majority Somali 19 years ago.

Good article on this subject.

No one cares if Jaarso want to live in the Somali region. The issue is the attempt to change the agreed upon border between Somali region and Oromia arrived at after the 2004 referendum.

Right, many times have I pointed out. Despite everything gone through, we've accepted the results, how decisive it may be. So we need demarcation of border, so no further claims can be made. Plus everyone that were displaced to go back to their original area, with no threat on their lives and properties and compensation for those of us whose properties were destroyed. Previous DDS admin bear a huge fault in increasing our problems, that already were more than enough.

View attachment 249905View attachment 249906Your incorrect there was no polarised voting as the Jaarso had an internal division and weren't fully onboard in that referendum as some Jaarso sections opted to remain in somali region so the referendum results cannot be used to guess Jaarso numbers or guess work with percentages pulled out of thin air. Thankfully Mustafa Cagjar is not willing to support Gerri land grabbing and take a side in the conflict like his predecessor Abdi Iley and the dispaced Jaarso will return to their farms.

Lol, taking sides you say? What caused these latest conflict? Read that Addis Standard article, and watch Cagjar, in his latest interview admitting to not being on board with Oromia state starting to build the dam (without a formal agreement). Yet, it has still happened. So, despite not working out our already strained relations, we're now adding more tensions of Oromia present in DDS, without local support. And further displacements. Right...
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