Jeegaanta Army is strong

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Waryahe have some respect for your nephews kkkkk, bohol is booty shaking for his reer abti, at least leave out his folk kkkk
Hadu illahay ku roon yahay theres no difference between isaac just like theres no difference between jews.

Bohol people have been riding for somaliland all these years and looked the other way when dhulbhante was getting attacked by the whole of isaac some of the fighter killed in tukaraq are habar younis at the end of the day this war is between harti and isaac


Heere & Candhadhexe territory
That is like your opinion, mayn

Don't bring rubbish talk. Jeegaan is a political aliance between two Somaliland clans, dont try to make a big a big deal out of it by going to the extent of calling the national army to be Jeegaan army.


سلطنة مجرتين
Waryahe have some respect for your nephews kkkkk, bohol is booty shaking for his reer abti, at least leave out his folk kkkk
not booty shaking but smart move in case conflict breaks out cuz last time their supply lines from berbera and somalia was cut while HJ used the abti card with dhullos giving a supply line straight to yirowe, HY are playing their cards right first settling all beef with buhoodle and enabling a route from hawd straight to Oog, made peace with Warsans getting routes to bosaso to sanaag all while jeegans are busy creating animosity with their neighbors. Even smart enough to invest in Golis in case communications are cut some PL did in Tukaraq with golis establish towers all over eastern sool.This time HY seem ready to face your jeegan coalition with logistics at hand and inside knowledge of your weaknesses.

but like i said jeegans clearly are too delusional to understand tactics and planning ahead.

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Don't bring rubbish talk. Jeegaan is a political aliance between two Somaliland clans, dont try to make a big a big deal out of it by going to the extent of calling the national army to be Jeegaan army.

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