Morgan donated $50000 to Somalia National University branch if Qardho.
While the thief Abdiwali Gaas donated $40000 he stole from the people to the central/main road of Bosaso where there is a crowd fund raising at a local Bosaso mosque.
Long live the General!
It's not a long-term answer to keep relying on mere men to be angels though but in the situation we are it's a better option then worse options. What we really need to sort out is our values because if we focus on our differences across tribes, religion(sufi, sallafi, traditional), language(may maxa tiri), ethnicities(cushites bantu), political views(democratics, caliphate types, socialists), if we build upon these dividing factors we are always going to have a divided nation and thru that we are exposed and vulnerable at all times now and in the future. We are vulnerable inside for stooges bad governance and one side against another at all times. From this we lose confidence world wide as noone will come in that sort of environment and eventually we become a proxy-ground for warring foreigners over their interests.
We need a short term foreign policy to allow us to breath to build a good system that is actually real and keep us away from the foreign wars. The first thing we can do is get rid of dubai-saudi all they have on is business-men in dubai who export we can tell them head to a neutral land who has nothing to do with us like india(stay away from china) as their influence is starting to come in africa and we might conflict with their friends there.
This keeps our economic lifeline with a neutral nation in our continent or region. We need to find a new livestock partner for our nomads so business is as usual so their isn't riots happening. They seem to the easiest to cut not the MB their penetrated inside our country education sector like universities, economic lifelines like ports, banks, i mean they own bakaraha for goodness sakes, and they have universities pumping ppl out constantly with their global conquest of world. They have turkey doing humanitarian aid winning hearts n mind.
It's impossible not speak to them, totally impossible. We need to cut a good deal with them they leave us alone internally and we remain totally neutral in their foreign targets. We promise them we are MB foreign policy wise but internally we are independent from their influence.
Then we need a long term foreign policy that isnt changed across the decades to ensure we can stay out of those conflicts abroad, their on bad systems anyways that wont lead to anywhere in the end whoever wins. If we can get a situation where we stay out of those battles and just grow inside, we can cut a new path for ourselves and begin our own little franchise and exporting how we built our system which is applicable to anywhere really.
We must focus on warzones areas they have better hope because they will start from scratch again and we can start injecting our system but adapted to their conditions. I suggest we stay out of mid-east as their too many competing interests there but in warzones where the foreign influence is minimal, africa is like that. We need an African long-term foreign policy. While the wars are raging around us, we need to forge a new path not disturbing others in geopolitics. In those countries later on we target we become a countries of shared values as we are built on the same principle but we may deliver uniquely in our local conditions. We can form an axis eventually of similar valued countries.