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But clearly there were huge contention regarding that, some thought that they should be elected whilst others thought that they should be essentially a monarchy. This caused the death of 3 of the 4 rightly guided caliphs as well as causing a war where sahaba fought sahaba and the prophets grand children were butchered. Simply put, delegating a system of succession isn't too difficult if you're the messenger of God.

Yeah that would've been easier... Instead you get a civil war straight after the prophets death smh


Pepe Trump
Yeah that would've been easier... Instead you get a civil war straight after the prophet death smh

This literally occurred shortly after his death, leading to the death of so many. I always wondered why God couldn't just give heads up to Muhammad to establish some sort of system. It literally caused the death of his grandkids.


I have an IQ of 300
I always wondered why God couldn't just give heads up to Muhammad to establish some sort of system.
A "heads up"? You could argue the same thing for literally every single bad thing that has ever happened in human history.
Why didn't God do _____ if he's all powerful?
Why didn't God prevent _____ from happening?
What an idiotic way of thinking. Allah gave Muhammad (SAW) the message for all mankind and he delivered it - the community was supposed to pick out a leader and come to a consensual agreement after his death. The Prophet knew this was going to happen - he said in a hadith that those who "follow him" will go to Jannah on the day of judgement. Those sects that splintered off from the deen (said differences were political at the start, btw) eventually had massive theological differences with Islam. Many Shias straight up venerate the imams like saints - this is shirk, the greatest sin in Islam. The prophet's grandkids died, the prophet's mother and father both died, the prophet's wife khadija died, you could use this same argument, but it still makes no sense. Allah takes who he wills, and the civil strife that occurred afterwards was the fault of the ummah, not the prophet.


Pepe Trump
A "heads up"? You could argue the same thing for literally every single bad thing that has ever happened in human history.
Why didn't God do _____ if he's all powerful?
Why didn't God prevent _____ from happening?
What an idiotic way of thinking. Allah gave Muhammad (SAW) the message for all mankind and he delivered it - the community was supposed to pick out a leader and come to a consensual agreement after his death. The Prophet knew this was going to happen - he said in a hadith that those who "follow him" will go to Jannah on the day of judgement. Those sects that splintered off from the deen (said differences were political at the start, btw) eventually had massive theological differences with Islam. Many Shias straight up venerate the imams like saints - this is shirk, the greatest sin in Islam. The prophet's grandkids died, the prophet's mother and father both died, the prophet's wife khadija died, you could use this same argument, but it still makes no sense. Allah takes who he wills, and the civil strife that occurred afterwards was the fault of the ummah, not the prophet.

Don't just answer one post but reject the main one I had intended for you. Cynicism isn't a good thing mate. Read my original point:

But clearly there were huge contention regarding that, some thought that they should be elected whilst others thought that they should be essentially a monarchy. This caused the death of 3 of the 4 rightly guided caliphs as well as causing a war where sahaba fought sahaba and the prophets grand children were butchered. Simply put, delegating a system of succession isn't too difficult if you're the messenger of God.

As for your other points, people have made those arguments for centuries in philosophy and it's called the problem of evil. Check it out.

My problem is built around the succession to the prophet as there were no clear system and the opposing sides eventually killed each other over it. Saying the prophet knew only paints him in a negative light as he allowed the deaths of so many when he had the power to avoid it and the splitting of the deen. This isn't comparable to other times as they can't be influenced by the prophet. Sahabas killed each other of this.
Lmao is this guy serious? I've never understood the muslim hatred for judaism tbh. I thought yous were supposed to get along with the "people of the book"?


Gaalkacyo Gangster
On one side you have crazy Sunnis like OP, on the other side you have crazy Shia's like this guy:

"Anyone with the title 'Amir of the believers' is a passive homosexual" La xawla :drakelaugh:

This is the state of the ummah. :mjkkk:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I'm not capable of critical thinking he claims as he proceeds to insult my mother not for the first time...

Habartaa buufkeeda you gaal mofo you ain't Muslim so why you stay riding the faith like that harlot Ayan hersi? I don't get it are you trying to concince us Muslims that Islam is not the right way or yourselves.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
On one side you have crazy Sunnis like OP, on the other side you have crazy Shia's like this guy:

"Anyone with the title 'Amir of the believers' is a passive homosexual" La xawla :drakelaugh:

This is the state of the ummah. :mjkkk:
There's nothing crazy about the OP if anything the OP is the only one who's on point in this whole thread. See, Islam started as something strange & during the last days Islam will be viewed once again as being something strange, a little food for thought check out who Abdullah ibn Saba is, a closed mouth don't get fed.
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