why do the free people of Gedo flee to ethiopia?
Your not free people, your ruled by shabab(consists of all southern clans) in gedo, your occupied in galmuran and a minority, your a minority in Puntland in saaxo. Your minority in DDSI. U lost the civil war, get over it, your partner in crime HG is even sick of you and is siding with PL. Your finished waryaa, sade give up.
OGS have 3 mamuls in JL/DDSI/NFD. You don't even have one. 3 governments is better then 1 government, that's the whole idea of federalism to have more govts so there isn't a single point of collapse. If DDSI collapses, he can move to NFD or JL, if JL collapses he cane move into NFD OR DDSI and vice versa. But where will y our GHETTO ASS GO WHEN GHETTO IS GONE?