Dire Dewa's son
Malik Obama 4 president.
Idk about bootyclapping for any people but I do know the xabashi have brought growth and measurable financial gains to the somali killil. Dire Dewa's on its way to being an industrial hub for east Africa and the world. I can tell you for a fact people on the ground are a lot better today then 25 years ago. It's people sipping their soy latte at Starbucks on free WiFi causing these so called "protests"'..TPLF Now and Forever my friend.Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Slaves for the raisin heads.
If you're going to bootyclap for a people at least do it to useful ones.
What will the Xabashi do for you? They'll still rape and murder you once you're done protesting for them.