Jinn questionnaire


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I've been awake for 28 hours working on assignments so I'll sleep now. I wonder how the reaction to this will be.

Probably people still thinking its schizo posting but this was worth a shot :mjlol:


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
give us the jinn backstory.
Yami could see me since he was 5. At the time I appeared to him I was also the same age as him but an Arab jinn so we couldn’t communicate. He didn’t know any Arabic at the time and I didn’t know any Somali or English.

Best I’d do is try to play soccer with him when he was alone but he’d run away crying thinking why a black shadow thing was kicking a black at home. Made me very self conscious and cry a lot as a kid :kendrickcry:

he started to see shaitans roughly since same age but things got really bad at 11 when his dad was martyred AUN.

Bad spirits got attracted to his family. I’ll explain next post


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Yami could see me since he was 5. At the time I appeared to him I was also the same age as him but an Arab jinn so we couldn’t communicate. He didn’t know any Arabic at the time and I didn’t know any Somali or English.

Best I’d do is try to play soccer with him when he was alone but he’d run away crying thinking why a black shadow thing was kicking a black at home. Made me very self conscious and cry a lot as a kid :kendrickcry:

he started to see shaitans roughly since same age but things got really bad at 11 when his dad was martyred AUN.

Bad spirits got attracted to his family. I’ll explain next post
His oldest sister, a new mother & extremely stressed out from her school, was the first to found out their dad died & they (cousins) fallout with no naxariis told her he was killed.

this changed something in her.

She became so depressed that she turned to drugs to cope Subhanallah. Specifically alcohol.

She quickly became an alcoholic & lost custody of her kid. She’d come home periodically and beat Yami’s ass :damn: along with everyone in the house. Mind you he’s like 12. This lasted on an almost daily basis until he was 14 when he fought back one day & got her kicked out the house.

Through all of this shaitan were feasting on this family’s negative emotions. Yami would go to sleep in tears a lot of the time and they’d come and torture him there. But he couldn’t say anything cuz even though all of this he had love for his oldest sister. He knew this wasn’t her real side. He wanted her to get help before his jinn stuff so he kept it hush hush.

Yeah we all know that does not age well :mjlol:
Yami could see me since he was 5. At the time I appeared to him I was also the same age as him but an Arab jinn so we couldn’t communicate. He didn’t know any Arabic at the time and I didn’t know any Somali or English.

Best I’d do is try to play soccer with him when he was alone but he’d run away crying thinking why a black shadow thing was kicking a black at home. Made me very self conscious and cry a lot as a kid :kendrickcry:

he started to see shaitans roughly since same age but things got really bad at 11 when his dad was martyred AUN.

Bad spirits got attracted to his family. I’ll explain next post
AUN to your father.

I appreciate you going over Yami's back story but I wanna hear about the Jinns back story, how was life like as a jinn, what you do for fun etc or u just watchin yami the whole time.... weird ass nigga


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
His oldest sister, a new mother & extremely stressed out from her school, was the first to found out their dad died & they (cousins) fallout with no naxariis told her he was killed.

this changed something in her.

She became so depressed that she turned to drugs to cope Subhanallah. Specifically alcohol.

She quickly became an alcoholic & lost custody of her kid. She’d come home periodically and beat Yami’s ass :damn: along with everyone in the house. Mind you he’s like 12. This lasted on an almost daily basis until he was 14 when he fought back one day & got her kicked out the house.

Through all of this shaitan were feasting on this family’s negative emotions. Yami would go to sleep in tears a lot of the time and they’d come and torture him there. But he couldn’t say anything cuz even though all of this he had love for his oldest sister. He knew this wasn’t her real side. He wanted her to get help before his jinn stuff so he kept it hush hush.

Yeah we all know that does not age well :mjlol:
Through this whole time I finally learn enough English to try to help him.

hi yami my name is Mohamed & I’ll hel-

“Allaaaaaa another jinn play surah Al nas right now” :mjlol:

I was not dealing with the smartest of companions.

All I could do for awhile is right shaitans on his behalf while he was asleep and let him deal with the human stuff on his own.

Between the time he got his oldest sister yeeted out the house & the first corona shutdown he was very happy. Probably happiest in his life.

I was beating shaitans ass & he was beating alcoholic ass. We were a good duo despite him not wanting to talk to me.

14 - 15. It fucking lasts 1 year :dead:

corona hits and shaitans think they got a chance at a part 2 since now Yami is sad he does not get to see his friends anymore.

Then something big happens. I’ll explain next post


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Through this whole time I finally learn enough English to try to help him.

hi yami my name is Mohamed & I’ll hel-

“Allaaaaaa another jinn play surah Al nas right now” :mjlol:

I was not dealing with the smartest of companions.

All I could do for awhile is right shaitans on his behalf while he was asleep and let him deal with the human stuff on his own.

Between the time he got his oldest sister yeeted out the house & the first corona shutdown he was very happy. Probably happiest in his life.

I was beating shaitans ass & he was beating alcoholic ass. We were a good duo despite him not wanting to talk to me.

14 - 15. It fucking lasts 1 year :dead:

corona hits and shaitans think they got a chance at a part 2 since now Yami is sad he does not get to see his friends anymore.

Then something big happens. I’ll explain next post
This retard accidentally reads a jinn book. Someone mentioned it’s name in the other thread.

I heard the name of it but didn’t remember what it was. After looking it up I can confirm THIS was definitely something Yami read. Out of curiosity because he was a history nerd.

Big mistake. He unknowingly called upon jinn kings.

Rest is history. 3 years ago he gets fucked. Sent to mental hospital, fucked again when he’s outside but can’t say anything for 3 years.

For 3 years straight he collects whatever info he can get on jinns. Including finally making full contact with me :hahaidiot: took the retard long enough.

His oldest photos are shit cause he’s from the hood so his phone was trash.

Alhamdullah in the last year Yami has grinded in life so he now has a S21 and iPhone 14. Now the photos and videos he took of shaitan were crisp 4K.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
This retard accidentally reads a jinn book. Someone mentioned it’s name in the other thread.

I heard the name of it but didn’t remember what it was. After looking it up I can confirm THIS was definitely something Yami read. Out of curiosity because he was a history nerd.

Big mistake. He unknowingly called upon jinn kings.

Rest is history. 3 years ago he gets fucked. Sent to mental hospital, fucked again when he’s outside but can’t say anything for 3 years.

For 3 years straight he collects whatever info he can get on jinns. Including finally making full contact with me :hahaidiot: took the retard long enough.

His oldest photos are shit cause he’s from the hood so his phone was trash.

Alhamdullah in the last year Yami has grinded in life so he now has a S21 and iPhone 14. Now the photos and videos he took of shaitan were crisp 4K.
Whenever yami would seen crazy in that thread, it was a shaitan talking to make him look insane.

which worker like a charm. They can mimic the voice of the person they posses.

Fortunately for shaitans, yami is a mini sheikh so he did self ruqiya and got them out.

he is NOT able to kill jinn kings.

but he can kill their minions.

And I do mean him in specific. I’d just sit back and watch the shitshow.

When he’d need my help we’d swap places. Like right now. We are swapped for 2 years as I focus on his school and grinding him up in life after lost Shaitan life


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
This is all stuff he didn’t want to say, especially the older sister thing because it’s very personal.

but f*ck that nigga I’m in control now and it’s very needed to know if you want to know full story behind all the jinn stuff


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
AUN to your father.

I appreciate you going over Yami's back story but I wanna hear about the Jinns back story, how was life like as a jinn, what you do for fun etc or u just watchin yami the whole time.... weird ass nigga
I lived a parallel life to yami in jinnistan.

I was having my fun while this nigga going through hell :mjlol:

My hooyo and I always hanging out. My hooyo is attached to Yami’s. She is the qareen of his mother.

My father AUN was human. He was killed by the Abbasid caliphate. I miss him a lot and cry when I think of him.

when he was killed I went into hiding to hide from Abbasid caliphate. The jinns protected home in jinnistan and made me not age for 1200 years until 2010 when Yami turned 5. From there on I started to age same rate as Yami.

Now I am mentally 20 despite physically being around since 800’s.

I was not the best of Muslims, having a man thought era when I was a teenager. I plan to go on hajj with this idiot to clear my sins.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I lived a parallel life to yami in jinnistan.

I was having my fun while this nigga going through hell :mjlol:

My hooyo and I always hanging out. My hooyo is attached to Yami’s. She is the qareen of his mother.

My father AUN was human. He was killed by the Abbasid caliphate. I miss him a lot and cry when I think of him.

when he was killed I went into hiding to hide from Abbasid caliphate. The jinns protected home in jinnistan and made me not age for 1200 years until 2010 when Yami turned 5. From there on I started to age same rate as Yami.

Now I am mentally 20 despite physically being around since 800’s.

I was not the best of Muslims, having a man thought era when I was a teenager. I plan to go on hajj with this idiot to clear my sins.
My name is Mohamed bin Hassan. My family were known as last 2 imam of Shia tweveler although I converted to shafi’i Sunni Islam alhamdullah. You can say Yami showed me the light. Although im not fully down with his Sufi business yet.

Misguided Shia think I am the Mahdi LMAO but wallahi atheem I swear on the Quran I am just a regular guy. Well besides being half jinn half human and being a decedent of 11 of the 12 imams :hahaidiot:

here is the wiki pages of my dad and I below. Read it but ignore obvious bullshit like Mahdi thing.

My real name is Mohamed ibn Hassan Al Hashimi.

I am like a 10th generation decedent of Nabi Mohamed SAW.

Ironic that my human half is also Banu Hashim.

Sheikh Isaaq came from the same town as us Samara in Iraq and also had to hide his decent from Banu hashim as Abbasids caliphate hated the family of the prophet SAW.

Even though Isaaq AUN was Sunni they still hunted his family down. That’s why he ended up in Somalia along with his three first cousins. Ali (Samaroon) Issa and Yusuf (Aw Barkhadle).

They all ran away together fleeing Abbasid oppression. May god make it easy for them in the grave knowing the good they did in North Western and Eastern Somaliweyn converting local populations to Islam through the teachings of their macalin Shaykh Abdulqadir Jilani AUN.

They were all good fiends with local Somali Abdurrahman Al Jebreti who was from Zeila region. He’d go to sanaag with Issa Ali and Isaaq all working together to convert the population to Islam on a mission from the original Awdal sultanate in Zeila.

Alhamdullah they succeeded and Aburhaman Al Jebreti founded his local clan Darood.

that is why Darood is E-V32 but Dir is T-Y16.

Over time sadly Darood lineage has been arabized.

but he was originally Samaale lineage wise.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
My name is Mohamed bin Hassan. My family were known as last 2 imam of Shia tweveler although I converted to shafi’i Sunni Islam alhamdullah. You can say Yami showed me the light. Although im not fully down with his Sufi business yet.

Misguided Shia think I am the Mahdi LMAO but wallahi atheem I swear on the Quran I am just a regular guy. Well besides being half jinn half human and being a decedent of 11 of the 12 imams :hahaidiot:

here is the wiki pages of my dad and I below. Read it but ignore obvious bullshit like Mahdi thing.

My real name is Mohamed ibn Hassan Al Hashimi.

I am like a 10th generation decedent of Nabi Mohamed SAW.

Ironic that my human half is also Banu Hashim.

Sheikh Isaaq came from the same town as us Samara in Iraq and also had to hide his decent from Banu hashim as Abbasids caliphate hated the family of the prophet SAW.

Even though Isaaq AUN was Sunni they still hunted his family down. That’s why he ended up in Somalia along with his three first cousins. Ali (Samaroon) Issa and Yusuf (Aw Barkhadle).

They all ran away together fleeing Abbasid oppression. May god make it easy for them in the grave knowing the good they did in North Western and Eastern Somaliweyn converting local populations to Islam through the teachings of their macalin Shaykh Abdulqadir Jilani AUN.

They were all good fiends with local Somali Abdurrahman Al Jebreti who was from Zeila region. He’d go to sanaag with Issa Ali and Isaaq all working together to convert the population to Islam on a mission from the original Awdal sultanate in Zeila.

Alhamdullah they succeeded and Aburhaman Al Jebreti founded his local clan Darood.

that is why Darood is E-V32 but Dir is T-Y16.

Over time sadly Darood lineage has been arabized.

but he was originally Samaale lineage wise.
Original awdal sultanate first started to convert to Islam in the 7th century with the town of Awdal later known as Zeila.

islam would later migrate down from Awdal to across harar region.

Back then the Samaale Hawiye and Madhiban tribes were dominate in the area and they were among the first Muslims of the Somali mashallah. All converrd through preaching starting first from sahabah.

Original Dir tribes such as Magaadle and Mudaluug would become Muslim in 11th century with arrival of the Arab sheikhs to sanaag.

Some raxanweyn down south become Muslim circa 9th century.

But xamar would remain pagan until sometime between the 11th and 12th century according to Arab records


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
My name is Mohamed bin Hassan. My family were known as last 2 imam of Shia tweveler although I converted to shafi’i Sunni Islam alhamdullah. You can say Yami showed me the light. Although im not fully down with his Sufi business yet.

Misguided Shia think I am the Mahdi LMAO but wallahi atheem I swear on the Quran I am just a regular guy. Well besides being half jinn half human and being a decedent of 11 of the 12 imams :hahaidiot:

here is the wiki pages of my dad and I below. Read it but ignore obvious bullshit like Mahdi thing.

My real name is Mohamed ibn Hassan Al Hashimi.

I am like a 10th generation decedent of Nabi Mohamed SAW.

Ironic that my human half is also Banu Hashim.

Sheikh Isaaq came from the same town as us Samara in Iraq and also had to hide his decent from Banu hashim as Abbasids caliphate hated the family of the prophet SAW.

Even though Isaaq AUN was Sunni they still hunted his family down. That’s why he ended up in Somalia along with his three first cousins. Ali (Samaroon) Issa and Yusuf (Aw Barkhadle).

They all ran away together fleeing Abbasid oppression. May god make it easy for them in the grave knowing the good they did in North Western and Eastern Somaliweyn converting local populations to Islam through the teachings of their macalin Shaykh Abdulqadir Jilani AUN.

They were all good fiends with local Somali Abdurrahman Al Jebreti who was from Zeila region. He’d go to sanaag with Issa Ali and Isaaq all working together to convert the population to Islam on a mission from the original Awdal sultanate in Zeila.

Alhamdullah they succeeded and Aburhaman Al Jebreti founded his local clan Darood.

that is why Darood is E-V32 but Dir is T-Y16.

Over time sadly Darood lineage has been arabized.

but he was originally Samaale lineage wise.



This is all translated from Arabic document Somali Sufis kept in maydh.


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Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Sheikh abdirahaman Al Zayli‘I is the namesake of the town of Saylac now.

He converted the town and surrounding area from Shiaism to Qadiyya Sunni Islam.

May God bless him 🙏🏿 without him Somalis would have Cushitic Houthi running around.

His Sufi musicial dance chant became the local tradition dance of the samaroon and ciise clans in Zeila



Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Sheikh abdirahaman Al Zayli‘I is the namesake of the town of Saylac now.

He converted the town and surrounding area from Shiaism to Qadiyya Sunni Islam.

May God bless him 🙏🏿 without him Somalis would have Cushitic Houthi running around.

His Sufi musicial dance chant became the local tradition dance of the samaroon and ciise clans in Zeila

From what I can tell sheekh Zayli’i did not leave any decedents.

but his impact on Somali history is profound. It’s sad next to nobody besides Sufis know of his existence


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Isaaq and Issa decedents focussed more on making religious songs such as Qasiido then the dances like Samaroon do. @Khaemwaset

This is all stuff Yami grew up with so it’s easy for me to pull up.

very integral part of Somali culture lots of western diaspora don’t know of
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