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Some people will trip & fall and say "wa la ileyey" ; Someone evil eyed me or done sihr on me..:ftw9nwa:

Asians are on another level when they get the flu they say theres a jin in me lol.

Arabs and asians always see jins. The stories some of them told me.:browtf:

Contact me when you get Jinni in you. Waan kaa tumaa si fiican.


I saw a woman possessed years ago in a refugee camp myself and she spoke with a male voice for a little bit. The Jinnis in her said they were from Iraq

Some mental illness is due to Jinn possession and no amount of medication will help with it. Medication is important, but when they fail, exorcism is the other option. Plus it is proven time and again paranormal activities in some houses stopped with the Quran recitation. Flying pans and doors slamming shut or open just as you closed them or opened them can not be explained by dismissive attitude due to atheism.

Using the word "empirical" means nothing honestly. One has to explain the unexplained without dismissing it as superstition. Solutions to real issues matter. Quran recitation provides one where Medication fails. It is proven time and again.
Tfw even the so-called jinn possesser of the Somali is Banu Hashim, it's in the depths of the subconscious:damn::mjkkk:
Tfw even the so-called jinn possesser of the Somali is Banu Hashim:damn::mjkkk:


You deserve a Jinni Kiss. Good comment :nvjpqts:

Btw VIXr, if your Somali is solid, listen to the YouTube video I posted. Fun story. And the woman was from Muqdisho. I happened to eat dinner at that place. I was Qaxooti back then eating dinner where it was available.



You deserve a Jinni Kiss. Good comment :nvjpqts:

Btw VIXr, if your Somali is solid, listen to the YouTube video I posted. Fun story. And the woman was from Muqdisho. I happened to eat dinner at that place. I was Qaxooti back then eating dinner where it was available.
My understanding is fair to good. I'll listen to it l8r if you insist. But do you actually believe a man can marry a supernatural creature jinn? And why. It's extraneous even beyond what the deen says about them.
I know they are real but I've never been possessed before nor have I seen them. However, I've experienced some bad sleep paralysis, idk if them negros were behind it or not as some folks believe.

hol up horta, the scientific explanation for sleep paralysis makes no sense to me at all so who knows.
btw, Vix
My understanding is fair to good. I'll listen to it l8r if you insist. But do you actually believe a man can marry a supernatural creature jinn? And why. It's extraneous even beyond what the deen says about them.

I am not insisting on you watching, only if you have time and capable of understanding the classic spoken/written Somali. It would be a good story added to your stock of stories told by Somalis. You don't have to do it if you can not.

Even though the story of this Elder seems strange, I do believe him because he sounds normal in how he relates the story plus Jinns do exist. Anyone of them cam decide to harm a human being or take a liking to them.

I do understand that Humans and Jinns are not meant for one another and the two belong to different classification of beings. Jinns have abilities humans don't from shape shifting to flying distances. They come in different sizes and they have ranks amongst them, some are elite and rule their own Jinn with brute force and others among them are servants or foot soldiers. All this in the books of Islam. I understand someone who questions the existence of God would not readily accept the existence of the unseen world including the jinn world. But for those of us who believe in the Unseen, from God almighty himself to the Jinns, we find it easy to believe Jinn does exist. There are verses and an entire chapter of Quran dedicated to them. Prophet Mohamed told us about them and the Quran details how they reacted to prophet Mohamed's recitation of the Quran.

To muslims, it boils down to the abilities of the creator and what he can do. He created Jinns just as he created mankind. Plus some human experiences that supports Jinns do indeed exist. In the west, they call it paranormal experience, we call it jinn experience. Catholics have exorcism and perform it sometimes on Christians. So, there is religious tradition throughout human religious history that jinns do Exist. Their story starts with Adam himself. Satan was high ranking Jinni who through his own disobedience got the name Ibliis/Satan. And satans are nothing more than rebellious Jinns.
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