JL issues arrest warrant for XSM

Hartis shouldn’t act like Madoowe lawyers. He had this coming so let him and his OG cousins deal with it. HSM lured them with a useless PM position which was Madoowe’s trap
Calculating Oh No GIF by MOODMAN


Tuugga iimaanka la' ha la soo xiro. I have never seen a 70 year old as shameless in open stealing even from the dead as ina Suuban Sabriye
Hartis shouldn’t act like Madoowe lawyers. He had this coming so let him and his OG cousins deal with it. HSM lured them with a useless PM position which was Madoowe’s trap
No, our cousins in JL are learning the skulduggery that is of .So politics, and waking up to the reality of how the likes of XSM are not honest partners in politics. I for one am enjoying watching it unfold as if a matinee at Ally Pally. Good stuff all round, and JL leading with a hattrick.


Inaba Caadi Maaha
The comedy really goes away once you really think about what's going on.

Jokes aside, this entire situation is astonishingly pathetic. A president calling for the capture and arrest of a governor of an entire region. Then the governor playing an uno reverse card and calling for the arrest of HIS president. Clash of kangaroos courts.

I don’t see how HSM could back down from these brazy actions :mugshotman:


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Capital punishment should be given after capture. This arrest warrant should be in effect after he leaves the villa inshallah, he’ll have to vacate the country. Disgusting subhuman, wouldn’t even trust him to run a homeless shelter because he’d steal all the donated food.

This country has less than zero hope, not even zero, less than that. It’s actually insane how idiotic and low IQ its so called leaders are.
Latest update:
The 200 boys XSM airlifted to Ras Kamboni are now surrounded by JL troops, and have no where to go. No ration, no supplies, no trucks to move, no backup. Isolated in the middle of no where. Imagine the psyche of the Commander in Chief who ordered their mission.
Latest update:
The 200 boys XSM airlifted to Ras Kamboni are now surrounded by JL troops, and have no where to go. No ration, no supplies, no trucks to move, no backup. Isolated in the middle of no where. Imagine the psyche of the Commander in Chief who ordered their mission.
Eebow xaa been usheegee? Ras Kambooni isbaaro iyo qarax waaween aa kuheesana. Kismaanyo unuka leh, cagdheer ha sii qaxdo :fittytousand:
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