Somalis who voted for biden, want a civil war to happen . Trump is stubborn he would cause war if he doesn't win ...
I said that in another thread. Let me find it. I am fucken good at predicting thingsits official, Kamala Harris is the Defacto President-Elect
Biden will definitely be an inconsequential President if his party doesn't win the Senate. His policies will never be approved by Republican controlled senate. I think America has never seen a NEW President who's a sitting DUCK.
Walle it's some kind of Stockholm syndromeIts what happened with Latinos, he called them all kind of shit but they still voted for him. Its not only the cubans in miami lol
I knew this was gonna happen, he says it was magical but in reality they just started to count more votes, this does not look good for the countryTrump crying lol
Someone needs to tell Trump that the game isn't over at halftimeI knew this was gonna happen, he says it was magical but in reality they just started to count more votes, this does not look good for the country![]()
It's mainly Cubans lol they have PTSD from Castro. Also, they are descendants of rapists. When Castro exchanged the jailed Cubans, he sent rapists and murders to the US lolTrump called Latinos rapists, said he'd build a wall to prevent them bringing drugs, used them in ads to scare people he said he wants a border moats filled with snakes and crocodiles.....yet Latino cucks voted for him
First of all you’re implying Trump is an overt racist. Second of all you’re indirectly implying Biden hasn’t ever said the N word or that he’s clean of racist rhetorics or ideologies.Trump could call you a dirty N1gger and you would say thank you and still vote for him
I don’t know man, I just woke up to a rude awakening as well. The nervousness is back with forceWTF....I woke up and trump has been destroyed while I was sleep. @Jacki what happened to your boy?