Who will win

  • Total voters


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Trump called Latinos rapists, said he'd build a wall to prevent them bringing drugs, used them in ads to scare people he said he wants a border moats filled with snakes and crocodiles.....yet Latino cucks voted for him


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Biden will definitely be an inconsequential President if his party doesn't win the Senate. His policies will never be approved by Republican controlled senate. I think America has never seen a NEW President who's a sitting DUCK.

Obama first term, last 2 years, and his entire 4 year second term win, he was a sitting duck with the spiteful Republicans in the senate
I am a bit ambivalent when it comes to who I want for president.

Biden has profound knowledge about Bosnia and how things work there. He has also expressed an intention to reaffirm Americas engagement in Bosnia.

However, I do not agree with the ideology he promotes (BLM/Leftardism/hbtq/radical feminism) and I am afraid he will start new wars in the Middle East that will lead to new immigrant flows into Europe that will further destabilize Europe and that Europeans will have to pay for.

If it wasn't for trumps passionate hatred for Muslims, American Muslims would vote majority republican, no doubt (due to ideology and values).


You need people like me
Trump called Latinos rapists, said he'd build a wall to prevent them bringing drugs, used them in ads to scare people he said he wants a border moats filled with snakes and crocodiles.....yet Latino cucks voted for him
It's mainly Cubans lol they have PTSD from Castro. Also, they are descendants of rapists. When Castro exchanged the jailed Cubans, he sent rapists and murders to the US lol
Biden is leading in Michigan, bro I didn't think this win would be so close, I thought it would've been a landslide :gucciwhat:

Edit: So Biden is leading with 270, bare minimum victory.

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
Trump could call you a dirty N1gger and you would say thank you and still vote for him

First of all you’re implying Trump is an overt racist. Second of all you’re indirectly implying Biden hasn’t ever said the N word or that he’s clean of racist rhetorics or ideologies.




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