Who will win

  • Total voters
Niggas hate Biden in reality but many voted for him hoping that in a year or so he would be declared unfit due to dimentia symptoms and their darling Kamala Harris moves from the VP position to being the President.
Biden is not nearly disliked the way Hilary was, people actually kinda like sleepy Joe. He won the popular vote by a wide margin, even the republicans and breitbart crowd don't slander him the way they did Hillary. There is a likability to him.


It's all so tiresome
U.S military is too powerful, not even guerilla warfare will last more then a few weeks if something were to errupt

What if the different forces had split loyalties? Army & Airforce for Republicans and Dems get the navy.


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
A biometric one would be the best way because it can't be manipulated. By now the results would've been confirmed in most countries. The US has a very large population with complicated politics. An automated system is the best solution.
Maybe a hybrid of the two would work best. BTW, I don't think politics in the US is anymore complicated than in Europe. It is really a simple binary system: Republican or Democrat. That's why Euroniggas come here shaming us for voting for Trump when in reality we don't have a choice and are forced to compromise. I am a conservative nigga and unfortunately the only viable choice for me is racist Trump and not racist Biden.
The thing is, all of this could of been avoided had Trump not dropped the ball on COVID, Biden has no choice but to lockdown, 100k cases a day is crazy. Trump lost me completely on that and exit polls show that it was on everyones mind, he deserves to lose on that alone, 200 k deaths is on him.

And there is no conspiracy, people knew Trump will come out and say the mail in votes are fake.
He was one of the first world leaders to point the finger at the Chinks for concealing the outbreak, they literally called him a bigot because he wanted to stop travel between ch*nk-chong insect land and the US.
Wallahi it's unfathomable that anyone would try and blame Trump for covid in the slightest.
NY mayor and even Nancy Pelosi were telling people to go celebrate with the chinks for the chinese new year looooooooooll

Dems have committed voter fraud in the past, but because it for things like congregational races it was dismissed. It's not that ludacris to assumed they'd commit fraud again, now that the stakes are so high.
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LMFAO he was one of the first world leader to point the finger at the Chinks for concealing, they literally called him a bigot for wanting to stop travel between ch*nk-chong insect land and the US.
Wallahi it's unfathomable that ANYONE would try and blame Trump for covid in the slightest.
Yeah that would make sense had 90% of the Virus not come from European travel.

He ignored it, even told people to inject bleach. He slashed Obama's pandemic team in the white house, and wouldn't meet about Covid with CDC officials for weeks till it got to late to put forth an actionable plan. There is too many things to point out, it would take a lot to right.

He deserves all the blame, kulaha unfathomable to blame trump :heh:
Yeah that would make sense had 90% of the Virus not come from European travel.

He ignored it, even told people to inject bleach. He slashed Obama's pandemic team in the white house, and wouldn't meet about Covid with CDC officials for weeks till it got to late to put forth an actionable plan. There is too many things to point out, it would take a lot to right.

He deserves all the blame, kulaha unfathomable to blame trump :heh:
Don't care, any world leader not only naming and shaming the Chinks but actually launching economic jihad against them is a good guy in my book:pachah1:


It's all so tiresome
I wonder how many AA actually voted in Detroit compared to the ballots that supposedly came from them.

Blacks are in general apathetic to politics and especially in this election maybe except black women

Inner cities have low civil participation rates but suddenly during elections they always have high turnouts. :umwhat:
Don't care, any world leader not only naming and shaming the Chinks but actually launching economic jihad against them is a good guy in my book:pachah1:
I don't care for China and wished Trump all the luck in the world with his trade war but it brought more pain than gain for America, the U.S. economic growth slowed, business investment froze, and companies didn’t hire as many people. Across the country, a lot of farmers went bankrupt, and the manufacturing and freight transportation sectors have hit lows not seen since the Bush years. Trump’s actions with China also got us one of the largest tax increases in years. Type of shit that makes you miss Obama.

So all in all, it was bad.

He's undeniably a bad president, and from the looks of it, the country agrees which will make him a 1 term president and good riddance to the most incompetent president ever. Well maybe thats bush junior but you get my point


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I hope that Georgia goes blue so that Biden can be put over 270

Biden has now 253, Georgia alone can't put him over 270. He needs Nevada or Arizona.

However, without winning Georgia, there's no path to 270 for Trump. He's toast