If Joe wins then it will be bad geopoliticallyi will pray for you Somalis in the states.
Joe will lift Trump's refugee and family reunion caps and allow for more Somali fobs to come.
If Joe wins then it will be bad geopoliticallyi will pray for you Somalis in the states.
You must be joking!!!If Joe wins then it will be bad geopoliticallyi will pray for you Somalis in the states.
I actually wanted to visit the US but didn't want to while trump was the president. Seeing as how Biden is most likely to win I don't have to worry about that anymore
Biden will win either way lolI heard that in Pennsylvania Trump supporters are shouting ''Stop the count, stop the count'' while in Arizona and Nevada Trump supporters are shouting ''Count the votes, count the votes''..
Stop the counting View attachment 151049
diversity multiculturalism ha noolaado make america colored cadaanka iska ilaaliJoe will lift Trump's refugee and family reunion caps and allow for more Somali fobs to come.
Cause of that xalimo om his heil
You guys really want Trump to win? The same man who's been shitting on Somalis for the last 4 years.
the us won't launch an assault on iran or rocket man because nuclear deterrenceCause of that xalimo om his heilnah but he ordered against his generals advice to end foreign interventions and to call back the US soldiers home. Obama/Hillary messed up Libya and Syria causing refugee crisis in Europe. Biden is a neocon he will probably start a war with Iran, North Korea then Russia.
Her prosecutorial record as a ag in California says otherwise.I have been following her since the primaries. Check out what far-lefties say about her on social media. They whine that she is secretly center-right or even outright right wing.
The far-left is really a danger to the Democratic party, they should stop listening to them. All the loses come from drifting towards them.
Her prosecutorial record as a ag in California says otherwise.
Stop cucking for corporate Democrats
Aoc 2024
The senate is still up for grabs with Georgie's 2 senate runoffs in January. It can tip the scales of power in Dems favour. But it's over for Dems if republicans prevail and win back the seats. Biden will be an inconsequential sitting duck of a President. 4 years later an energised Trump base will wipe the floor with Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.
Senetor Trump or Governor Trump doesn't sound as good as President Trump. Its all or nothing now.Something tells me Trump will run for Senate or governorship if he loses. He might run for presidency in 2024. Clout is one hell of a drug
I can't believe that an all time high record of voters is not enough to stop Trump. Madness walahi.