Who will win

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I predict his wife will leave him in the next 5 years
its more like in the next five weeks or so, definitely after inauguration as she already have negotiated their prenup after Trump won and the whole Stormy scandal as he had a lot to lose if she had left him then. Remember Trump main voter base evangelicals who a hard core believers of sanctity of marriage.
I predict Don Jr will be the nominee for the republicans/Trump party in 2024.
Democrats will probably try to lock him up for various reasons and a lot republicans wouldn’t mind as he held them hostage for 4 years cuz Trump was acting like a mob boss.


Veni Vidi Vici
Trump will leave with a blow, ruining all customs and traditions

a) No Conceding speech
b) Won't write a letter
c) Tour of White House
d) Inaguration/ won't come
e) Gift for President

He will legit be as sour as possible.

He will not leave without a fight


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I turned off CNN because a grown man was crying, now on Fox another one is crying :farmajoyaab:


If trump took covid serious he would have had easily won this but he has a mudug attitude where he's stubborn as f*ck :trumpsmirk:
Yeah we’re not going to give 20 million illegal immigrants citizenship ( creating a permanent one single party state for decades to come knowing immigrants almost entirely vote democrat). We also need to secure our borders, we’re not a charity taking in everyone who can manage to cross the border. So we can’t tweak our immigration stance, but we can lean more into the health care thing.
Why not win over those 20 million illegals, create solutions to problems they might face and appeal to them?
White BLM "allies" are in for a shock. What happens when they want to tone down the rioting because Trump's gone? My money's on Commissar Jamal bashing their fucking skulls in lol
Most Somalis would have voted for them as well if they were not anti-immigration, racist and anti-Muslims.
True, this is the fundamental problem with the Republican party, they have shot themselves in the foot with their rhetoric, which has turned away voters that would have otherwise been for them. It's not too late to change route though seeing that it's a losing position

