Jordan Peterson Cancels Podcast with Muslim Again

I'm torn because I see some value in faith, however, it can also serve as a bridle to civil liberties and free inquiry.

I honestly see Islam as significantly more coherent and wouldn't be opposed to my people converting en mass, however, I wouldn't want us to ever put Arabs on a pedestal.

Arabs make like 10% of the muslim population, the people that put them on a pedestal tbh are uneducated in the deen, matter of fact our beloved prophet pbuh ended his final sermon by crushing any form of discrimination and racism in the ummah. Pretty much all the bad parts you see and think 'aha this must be because of islam' is because of the people and what they have in the culture, lots of people confuse islam with culture


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
what exactly do you disagree with him?

Saxiib, I'm sorry but someone who comes confidently to a debate with a Marxist after having only read the Communist Manifesto mildly when he was in college is most assuredly a clown.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Only people who are insecure about their intelligence like Muhammad Hijab or Jordan Peterson.

There are an infinite number of more knowledgeable sheikhs but Muhammad Hijab is more preferred because he sounds smart when he “owns the kuffar”.

Go listen to Mufti Menk or Omar Suleiman or Hamza Yusuf etc.

