Jowhar’s famous rice now flooding Mogadishu’s markets

Minister of Agriculture made it clear no more imported rice from abroad. He gave 20+ tractors to farmers in Jowhar area and now the rice the district was famous for before the war is back. Much tastier and healthier. These rice farms are capable of supplying whole country.

Watch this thread not get as much as traction as the doomer ‘USAID’ nonsense. Somali maxamed hoogsheeg jeclaa

The Wire Laugh GIF


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Before the 1970s, Somalia was largely self-sufficient, with a thriving agricultural sector and a pastoral economy that sustained its population. However, this changed when the government began taking loans from IMF and the World Bank WB which serve it's rich donars and any country taking loans from these organisations will be hit by financial hitmen. These loans came with conditions that required Somalia to shift its focus toward producing cash crops for export, such as bananas and cotton, rather than prioritizing food crops for local consumption. This shift disrupted traditional farming practices and made the country heavily reliant on global markets.

The emphasis on cash crops, combined with poor planning, environmental challenges, and political instability, led to a severe decline in food production. This, in turn, contributed to some of the worst famines in Somalia’s recorded history, particularly in the 1990s. The famines devastated communities, displaced millions, and left a lasting impact on the nation’s social and economic fabric.

Today, Somalia is slowly recovering from these challenges. Efforts are being made to rebuild the agricultural sector, improve food security, and reduce dependency on external aid. While progress is gradual, there is hope that Somalia can regain its former self-sufficiency and resilience.
Once the US and other donor countries stop dumping their agricultural outputs to Somalia the quicker Somali farmers can produce crops, earn a profit, and make Somalia more food secure. All around win-win situation.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Watch this thread not get as much as traction as the doomer ‘USAID’ nonsense. Somali maxamed hoogsheeg jeclaa

The Wire Laugh GIF
Somali contents in a nutshell

"Alla ba'nayeey alla dhimanay hoogey oo ba'nay"
1M views - 400k likes - 170k shares

"Maanta wan guleysay Somalia oo horumar cusub sameysay guul iyo gobonimo"
200 views - 2 likes - 0 shares

50474 - SoyBooru.png
If they send it abroad we will all buy it please somebody start a business importing somali goods.
I need more Somali goods. The spices, bariis everything I still miss it. I miss the honey and the caano geel too. Nothing tastes as good as it tasted back home especially the bisbaas. And the clothes and textiles!
If they send it abroad we will all buy it please somebody start a business importing somali goods.

Get your basmati eating rice self outta here lol.

The Jowhar rice has one problem tho, Somalis in the west mainly use long grain basmati rice and in Somalia most people who can afford buy medium grain rice.

The jowhar one is called bariis buurbuur back home, short grain, thick and sticky. Eatable for the vast majority of the population, but if you've tried furfur basmati or long grain you won't be content lol


Get your basmati eating rice self outta here lol.

The Jowhar rice has one problem tho, Somalis in the west mainly use long grain basmati rice and in Somalia most people who can afford buy medium grain rice.

The jowhar one is called bariis buurbuur back home, short grain, thick and sticky. Eatable for the vast majority of the population, but if you've tried furfur basmati or long grain you won't be content lol
Between buying possibly expired imported rice or the locally produced rice which one are you choosing :drakegrin:
Between buying possibly expired imported rice or the locally produced rice which one are you choosing :drakegrin:

Definitely homegrown, I've seen mad videos of plastic rice being made in China.

I dont even eat rice anymore so you all can enjoy your bariis buur buur.
What do you eat now?

I'm currently in Somalia so
Breakfast - Canjeero made from a blend of barley/corn/millet grains that are milled locally paired with Liver or egg omlette or just good old subag and shaah...not a fan of dalac bilaash don't know why lol.

Main meal at 3-4pm - Masago(millet) cooked like rice with any protein source, or muufo iyo maraq or soor with maraq/ suugo with qudaar like spinach/sweet potatoes etc. Use Subag or saliid macsaro instead of dodgy imported vegetable oil.

Don't do dinner but if I'm hungry just drink caano geel.

I dont trust anything that is imported since there is no proper regulations on imports of food or medicine. I try to eat only raashinka dalka when I'm back home. I've heard too many firsthand accounts of people who have seen out of date flour being brought into xamar, sieved and repackaged with new expiry dates. A lot xaraamis go to the gulf and buy expired or expiring stock.

I might eat pasta occasionally, because I love pasta and its probably the most legit import since they import it straight from Turkey.
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