Juba Valley Alliance

How influential was Bare Hiraale?:yacadiim:
He was sharing Kismaayo with Gobale and Serar who were not even heavy weights of the Ceyr clan.
Did he have influence how come he never created a Marexan JL?
He wasnt reer baadiyo some marexan said he graduated from Westpoint :drakelaugh:

How come if Marexan were the top dogs in Kismaayo didnt eat the pie alone?
Did they share any revenue from Baraawe or Merka with Bare Hiraale?:gaasdrink:

Kab iyo lax alliance and isbahaysi of ICU couldn't hold kista for only a few months before they were karbashed in 2007 and kikuyu held axmaqs hand in 2013 where are the cagdheer geesiyaal that can liberate outskirts of kismayo and middle jubba? Your ONLF surrendered, your iley is in xabsi and qalbidagax was sold like cattle where is cagdheer geesiyaal? Cagdheer have been irrelevant in kismayo since the days of casho caydiid aka umar jess was kicked out. Your uncle turki and madoobe tried and failed in 2006 with his own nuts, which is why madoobe was captured and shot (why he uses a cane). I know my post triggered you, but I can't help but bring the facts which is why my posts hurt the most. As for the people you mentioned, it is known where they got some clout from.

"President Ismail Omar Guelleh and Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf to discuss the Ethiopian/Eritrean border conflict, engaging with Somalia, and strengthening the coalition at Camp Lemonier. DAS Yamamoto sought and obtained President Guelleh's agreement to approach the Ayr clan in Somalia with a view toward tamping down the violence there and facilitating the reconciliation process. Guelleh cautioned, however, that the Ayr had very little real influence in Somalia, and derived much of its authority from its affiliation with the Marehan.Guelleh described Somalia as both complicated and simple, and the warlords as "dangerous." He also said the warlords will never accept a central government. Foreign Minister Youssouf urged continued U.S. engagement with and support of the Transition Federal Government (TFG), as well as a focus on security and financial support of its "

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So you come up with wiki leaks as source.


Everyone knows that Marexan in Kismaayo were carrying sandals for Ceyr.They were the custodians of Kismaayo.Incase the city felt threatened the Ceyr clans would request reinforcements from Indocade in lower shabelle.

If marehan are braver than Ogaden how.come there wa no Guarille warfare organised by Marexan to counter KDF?
KDF is surely weaker than EDF who ONLF and Ceyr have faced in the past.
Geesinimo is it the qulle?


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@Dues Ex Machete you are disregarding one factor that makes this round of warfare over Kismayo different. Axmed Madoobe has brought in Ogaden from Qorahay, mostly former ONLF, who are hardened fighters. Marehan will have a hard time against the Ethiopian contingent of Reer Abdille/Reer Isaaq that are holding Kismayo today.

The days when one clan gets to erase another clan from Kismyo are over. Kismayo will be run by Ogaden from here on out, that much is clear to any observer.
So you come up with wiki leaks as source.


Everyone knows that Marexan in Kismaayo were carrying sandals for Ceyr.They were the custodians of Kismaayo.Incase the city felt threatened the Ceyr clans would request reinforcements from Indocade in lower shabelle.

If marehan are braver than Ogaden how.come there wa no Guarille warfare organised by Marexan to counter KDF?
KDF is surely weaker than EDF who ONLF and Ceyr have faced in the past.
Geesinimo is it the qulle?

Sxb how come the ogadenis never took over kismayo since 1998 to 2013 for more than a few months? You tried isbahaysi with all groups but still couldn't do it. Now that you have foreign tanks in the city you talk about geesinimo? You know what the Ethiopians did to the ogadenis for 100 years and the slavery and colonialism the amxaaro put your people through. The kdf lost the battle of el cadde where they lost the most troops in their history. Today the ogadenis in ONLF have surrendered where are their warrior spirits? Why did they give up if they are the strongest somali ethnic group?
@Dues Ex Machete you are disregarding one factor that makes this round of warfare over Kismayo different. Axmed Madoobe has brought in Ogaden from Qorahay, mostly former ONLF, who are hardened fighters. Marehan will have a hard time against the Ethiopian contingent of Reer Abdille/Reer Isaaq that are holding Kismayo today.

The days when one clan gets to erase another clan from Kismyo are over. Kismayo will be run by Ogaden from here on out, that much is clear to any observer.

Doesn't matter how much he imports from DDSI they will never outnumber us in the region, We have the superior numbers game in the area and as long as logistics are handled troops will easily be replenished from our home region which is larger than the lower and middle jubbas combined. Talxe, reer hassan, reer axmed and reer diini have significant numbers in lower jubba/Gedo which is why if there was an actual war to break out without outside interference it would be in our favor.
Sxb how come the ogadenis never took over kismayo since 1998 to 2013 for more than a few months? You tried isbahaysi with all groups but still couldn't do it. Now that you have foreign tanks in the city you talk about geesinimo? You know what the Ethiopians did to the ogadenis for 100 years and the slavery and colonialism the amxaaro put your people through. The kdf lost the battle of el cadde where they lost the most troops in their history. Today the ogadenis in ONLF have surrendered where are their warrior spirits? Why did they give up if they are the strongest somali ethnic group?
You were in galgaduud unfortunatly when all the events were unfolding in Kismaayo.

First and foremost Kismaayo battle of supremacy was between MJ and Ogaden.
Marexan were 5th Column.
Secondly Lower Jubba is MZ tough and since you start history from 98 Let me refresh your mind.
MZ was the only clan that was disarmed by UNISOM Belgium in Kismaayo.That is the reason Morgan took the city on a silver platter

You were a guest of MJ before they kicked your squatter @ss out of Kismaayo.

In 1998 Axmed cumar Jess,Xaji qoraxey brought Ceyr to Kismaayo Marexan having been suquatting in jilib and having been feasted by mosquitos were invited.Morgan was was removed from power and Axmed Umar Jess.was apprehending Morgan before Morgan negotiated with Xaji Qoraxey which was to assasinate Umar Jess.Umar jess almost lost his life persuing Morgan as he was ambushed by Ogaden financed by Qoraxey.Axmed survives assasination attempt he comes back to Kismaayo.Then Xaji Qoraxey confisicates a car belonging to Hiraale and Hiraale goes to Jess seeking to be given the technical.Omar Jess told him to man up and get it by force.Hiraale does that and kills Xaji Qoraxey in the process.Umar Jess looses support of MZ for not assisting Xaji qoraxey and he leaves the scene.Then JVA is formed under Cabdi.qassim.salad boi.

Ceyr control of JVA was evident Marexan were just puppets.Sharing g 50/50 of port revenue.HG disnt want to settle in JL because they knew of the backlash.

Madhoobe is the same guy that defeated Hiraale in Buale.Then marexan media was screaming foul that wounded soilders were removed from hospital and shot.

The same goes with Kismaayo.axmed.blackie won fair and square this time marexan claimed it was KDF to save their face.The question is why would Axmed.use KDF when he has whooped.their @ss before.in Buale?

KDF just like Ugandan AMISOM in Xamar are their to fight AS.and not Marexan
Do you think Failmajo would have lasted a second without Uganda in Villa.Somalia.They guy would have ran for his life all the way to Buffaloo forget about staying in Nairobi.
Doesn't matter how much he imports from DDSI they will never outnumber us in the region, We have the superior numbers game in the area and as long as logistics are handled troops will easily be replenished from our home region which is larger than the lower and middle jubbas combined. Talxe, reer hassan, reer axmed and reer diini have significant numbers in lower jubba/Gedo which is why if there was an actual war to break out without outside interference it would be in our favor.
Just like majority of Ohio Colimbus and Seattle are marexan.

Tell me on battle.Marexan single handedly defeated ogaden in history.

Just one will be enough.Dont use MSB as it is him who settled you in Bardhere,Faxfadun etc.

Also dont use JVA as it was Ceyr who provided the muscle.

You guys were kicked out from.Mudug by Ceyr and your squatters thought it wise to settle in Kismaayo.
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How influential was Bare Hiraale?:yacadiim:
He was sharing Kismaayo with Gobale and Serar who were not even heavy weights of the Ceyr clan.
Did he have influence how come he never created a Marexan JL?
He wasnt reer baadiyo some marexan said he graduated from Westpoint :drakelaugh:

How come if Marexan were the top dogs in Kismaayo didnt eat the pie alone?
Did they share any revenue from Baraawe or Merka with Bare Hiraale?:gaasdrink:
The rightful owners are back and so no one can do nothing there anymore
Marehen has this or Ogaden has that, is all useless, the only thing that matters is that after Kenya leaves, the only qabiil that will be left standing and rule Kismaayo is the one that has HG backing, so far our bond and words of agreement is siding with our walaal Ogaden forever.

Aideed backed the rightfully ruler of Jubaland the Ogadens then and so will we back them again and forever, and as for beesha mx they have dropped their fake wadani mask with Farmaajo as they always do with their fake leaders, so I doubt they will forever have anyone's backing again especially with the powerful HGs.
This is what we did to the last MX hope, I don't know how the b00ns still have the cheek to show their face after such karbash :pachah1:


