Jubaland Pictures & Videos

Yeah I think it is. Beautiful Badhaadhe. I wish we had videos/pics of other towns like Badhaadhe Town, Buushbuushla, Dalaayad etc. Just look at that greenery and nimcad, you would think it's somewhere in Europe. No wonder all Somalis claim it.
Abdale are going back to their old tuulos which is full of girgir clans who are mostly shabaab


Abdale are going back to their old tuulos which is full of girgir clans who are mostly shabaab
Waa runtaa, hada Galjecel baa sheeganaya Burgaabo iyo Rascambooni cannot believe
Giirgiir baa dhulka is ka fidisiy markii dadkii ay kacarareen or Xaga Kenya ay galeen during civil war
Badhadhe has to liberated from AS


Yeah I think it is. Beautiful Badhaadhe. I wish we had videos/pics of other towns like Badhaadhe Town, Buushbuushla, Dalaayad etc. Just look at that greenery and nimcad, you would think it's somewhere in Europe. No wonder all Somalis claim it.
Two weeks ago I was close to Badhadhe
I was in Stanbuul, I travelled by cost from Qandal, Fuuma, Inguumi then Stanbuul
Is beautiful land , the only the problem fear of AS.


Are people returning?
Yeah definitely
Is relatively peaceful areas apart of AS problem and people are coming back from refugee camps. Drought caused some problems but people are back.
People who Said Girgir is the problem is true , they are the people who leading AS to the area.
Bajuun are better people, they are not pro AS
So as Jereer Weyn
Only the problem is Girgir


Yeah definitely
Is relatively peaceful areas apart of AS problem and people are coming back from refugee camps. Drought caused some problems but people are back.
People who Said Girgir is the problem is true , they are the people who leading AS to the area.
Bajuun are better people, they are not pro AS
So as Jereer Weyn
Only the problem is Girgir
I have a lot of relatives still in Dadab. A lot returned but many remain. We need to deal with the girgir problem.


I have a lot of relatives still in Dadab. A lot returned but many remain. We need to deal with the girgir problem.
The good news is Kismaayo
Absame everywhere in the world are pouring into Kismaayo. Even burashadley Cawalyahan from Bakool has big area .
Kismaayo has 6 District, three is exclusive Absame area .
Kismaayo became Maka😀
I have a lot of relatives still in Dadab. A lot returned but many remain. We need to deal with the girgir problem.

I have always said that the Girgir terrorist problem needs to be dealt with for good. these are the people planting IEDs & land mines on our roads and throwing grenades into our homes at night. they are terrorists that need to be eradicated. These Girgirs do not thrive in peace it is why they use violence & instability to settle in. We must fight Fire with Fire!!


I have always said that the Girgir terrorist problem needs to be dealt with for good. these are the people planting IEDs & land mines on our roads and throwing grenades into our homes at night. they are terrorists that need to be eradicated. These Girgirs do not thrive in peace it is why they use violence & instability to settle in. We must fight Fire with Fire!!
But in Kismaayo, Jubaland government is doing great jobs , they search homes every couple days . My sister house was searched twice while I was there. She said she didn’t mine and police are very respectful. One time one of her rooms was locked and the key was with somebody in town, they have to come back and open the room.
Also they search every car in the night and sometimes in the day.
That is why Kismaayo is so secure and you can walk anytime in the night


I have always said that the Girgir terrorist problem needs to be dealt with for good. these are the people planting IEDs & land mines on our roads and throwing grenades into our homes at night. they are terrorists that need to be eradicated. These Girgirs do not thrive in peace it is why they use violence & instability to settle in. We must fight Fire with Fire!!
If certain communities won't stop supporting the terrorists, then they will need to be expelled. Pack their camels and leave. We can't have backstabbers in our midst.


The good news is Kismaayo
Absame everywhere in the world are pouring into Kismaayo. Even burashadley Cawalyahan from Bakool has big area .
Kismaayo has 6 District, three is exclusive Absame area .
Kismaayo became Maka😀
I'm going there soon as well insha Allah. But we should not abandon the villages/countryside.


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