Jubaland SEIT announces completion of elections in Ceelwaaq


Its not in Ceelwaaq but Ceelqaalow, Kenya a small tuulo on the Kenyan border. No one in Gedo will attend except a few hungry opportunists willing to grab a few shillings. The Main Ugaas of Gedo is in Garbaharay.
That Ugaas
The one in Garbaharey is Ugaaska reer Diini
Any other Sade reer Gedo have their Ugaas
Maxamed Xaashi is Ugaas reer Diini
Farmaajo played us man. He don’t care about Gedo he only cares about himself. We thought he was a qabyaaliste turns out he’s a politician. I’m sorry Gedo but at least Madoobe is offering you more MPS on top of the ones selected in Kismaayo. That’s 28 Marehan MPs coming from Jubaland.
Not bad at at all :hmm:
Not is not. Stop lying. It is 19.
How can farmajo fail aftee every thing he did? Kkk axmed islam must be living off his parents’ duca or something. Marehan ciile kkkk


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
That Ugaas
The one in Garbaharey is Ugaaska reer Diini
Any other Sade reer Gedo have their Ugaas
Maxamed Xaashi is Ugaas reer Diini
You mean the same Ugaas whose son was made a Senator in Aqalka Sare?

The guy is not a real Ugaas but a corrupt appendage of Madoobe, him Fartaag and Sayid Aden cannot even come to Gedo they just sit in Kismayo all day. They do not represent Beesha Sade.
You mean the same Ugaas whose son was made a Senator in Aqalka Sare?

The guy is not a real Ugaas but a corrupt appendage of Madoobe, him Fartaag and Sayid Aden cannot even come to Gedo they just sit in Kismayo all day. They do not represent Beesha Sade.
Plus he is not the mx ugaas. It's a fake mx ugaas being used by madoobe.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Ugaaska sade Gedo will be landing in ceelwaaq soon.
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Reer axmed kulaha :russ::russ:
"Walaaloow waa la isoo qaldey Dhoobley baan ka imi":deadpeter:
"Walaalow waa la isoo khalday hadaan dhinto ehlu naar baan ahaan lahaa"
"deegaan aan aqaaniin ayaa la i geeyay"

After going for kismayo but instead end up losing parts of gedo, you can cling on that to make yourself better. Kkk
I think the only place these troops can go are Kenyan boarder towns and we saw what happened in Beledxaawo :hahaidiot:

You are nothing without Ethiopian troops guarding you in Gedo region & Gorgor & Haramcad mercenaries being used to save you.

We saw how quick our boys Jugta culus oo Hal maalin gudaha Beledxaawo ku soo casheeye. If Janan didn’t betray us, it would’ve been a different story. We are waiting for the day the Ethiopian troops & Gorgor mercenaries occupying west Gedo are removed. Until then waa inoo Balan!

You are nothing without Ethiopian troops guarding you in Gedo region & Gorgor & Haramcad mercenaries being used to save you.

We saw how quick our boys Jugta culus oo Hal maalin gudaha Beledxaawo ku soo casheeye. If Janan didn’t betray us, it would’ve been a different story. We are waiting for the day the Ethiopian troops & Gorgor mercenaries occupying west Gedo are removed. Until then waa inoo Balan!

You’re celebrating this whole ceelwaq thing like it’s OGS entering the city by force. All those dudes are MX puppets working for Madoobe and he can’t even go there himself. Remember he’s the only federal governor who isn’t allowed to visit a whole state he supposedly controls :heh:
You’re celebrating this whole ceelwaq thing like it’s OGS entering the city by force. All those dudes are MX puppets working for Madoobe and he can’t even go there himself. Remember he’s the only federal governor who isn’t allowed to visit a whole state he supposedly controls :heh:

You are the same one who’s against Madoobe but want to tell us Guudlaawe & Laftagareen are clean. Dirty hypocrite I don’t have time for your nonsense

Wow. Seems Farmaajo made Madoobe the weakest regional president by far, confined to Kenyan bases whether in Ceelwaaq or Kismaayo where KDF are stationed.

Laftagareen, Guudlaawe, QoorQoor have long ways to go but they at least can enter different towns in their maamuls.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Wait is farmajo not confined to villa somalia sarounded by amisom?-madobe stays- keeps 16 seats- farmajo leaves gedo back to square 1-I think i like that.
Wow. Seems Farmaajo made Madoobe the weakest regional president by far, confined to Kenyan bases whether in Ceelwaaq or Kismaayo where KDF are stationed.

Laftagareen, Guudlaawe, QoorQoor have long ways to go but they at least can enter different towns in their maamuls.
Kkkk madobe is holding the election in gedo right in front of farmajo and farmajo can only watch. Yah madobe is weak. These guys will spin anything kkkk.

