Jubbaland elections are near who will you back?

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If it was only AMISOM that pacified Gedo they would be able to do it all over the South clearly your ignorant about the 2 year war between ASWJ vs Al Shabab from 2010 to 2012 granted they had help from Ethiopia and Kenya came after Al Shabab was defeated and lol @ MX being a minority in Jubbaland if they were the place would be like lower Shabelle non stop attacks
Man just shut the hell up TFG along with Ethiopian troops fought side by side with ASWJ to oust Shabaab various towns such as Garbaharey, Luuq, and Ceel waaq were freed only after AMISOM involvement they came after they were defeated kulaha I can't take you seriously lol

fyi ASWJ were trained, funded, and equipped by Ethiopia this is well known

"A TFG military offensive launched in February 2011, supported by the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Kenyan and Ethiopian armed forces, and Somali militias, including those organized in Kenya and Ethiopia, has resulted in the capture of territory previously under al-Shabaab control in Mogadishu and in the south of the country near the borders with Ethiopia and Kenya. In particular, Kenya aims to make a strip of Somali land adjacent to its border, referred to as “Jubaland,” into a buffer zone between Kenya and al-Shabaab controlled areas."



Seeker of knowledge and truth
Man just shut the hell up TFG along with Ethiopian troops fought side by side with ASWJ to oust Shabaab various towns such as Garbaharey, Luuq, and Ceel waaq were freed only after AMISOM involvement they came after they were defeated kulaha I can't take you seriously lol

fyi ASWJ were trained, funded, and equipped by Ethiopia this is well known

"A TFG military offensive launched in February 2011, supported by the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Kenyan and Ethiopian armed forces, and Somali militias, including those organized in Kenya and Ethiopia, has resulted in the capture of territory previously under al-Shabaab control in Mogadishu and in the south of the country near the borders with Ethiopia and Kenya. In particular, Kenya aims to make a strip of Somali land adjacent to its border, referred to as “Jubaland,” into a buffer zone between Kenya and al-Shabaab controlled areas."

Kenya started making bases in Gedo after Al Shabab was routed by ASWJ in 2011 they Ceelwaaq and Bardera districts they weren’t there before that I never denied ASWJ had help from Ethiopia/SFG
but Kenya came 2012 don’t try to tell me about my gobol
khatlanders are no different but even much worse as they even go as far as try gaalnimo for ictiraf plus bootyclapping for anyone who will listen
Give an example :gucciwhat:

Here you have guys bringing in Kenyans gaalo niggars to help them control the 4 square km town of kismaayo just for qabyaalad purposes. Meanwhile those Kenyans in kismaayo get comfort women so this minority clan can tell the world they're a majority yet this huge clan can't even move out of kismaayo to where the local clans wait:chrisfreshhah:.
And worst of all as OP show , they can't select a leader without the Kikuye authorization. Epitome of dabodhilif gaalnimo:pachah1:
Give an example :gucciwhat:

Here you have guys bringing in Kenyans gaalo niggars to help them control the 4 square km town of kismaayo just for qabyaalad purposes. Meanwhile those Kenyans in kismaayo get comfort women so this minority clan can tell the world they're a majority yet this huge clan can't even move out of kismaayo to where the local clans wait:chrisfreshhah:.
And worst of all as OP show , they can't select a leader without the Kikuye authorization. Epitome of dabodhilif gaalnimo:pachah1:
Fantasyland does all the things you mentioned and are stuck between teo sugar daddies in uae plus ethiopia yall masters plus don't you guys give away woman to every dale n dave that visits
Fantasyland does all the things you mentioned and are stuck between teo sugar daddies in uae plus ethiopia yall masters plus don't you guys give away woman to every dale n dave that visits

Bradar only wants reer buntlayn and reer occupy kismayo brought gaalo into Somalia to fight others Somalis. Why aren't they bowerful enough to fight without gaalo help:yacadiim:
Bradar only wants reer buntlayn and reer occupy kismayo brought gaalo into Somalia to fight others Somalis. Why aren't they bowerful enough to fight without gaalo help:yacadiim:
You mean the un security council did and kenya came on it's own threw amison so your agruement is pointless like how landers still have not gotten revenge on southerners who butchered them in the south n north still to this day
You mean the un security council did and kenya came on it's own threw amison so your agruement is pointless like how landers still have not gotten revenge on southerners who butchered them in the south n north still to this day

No I mean President of Somalia Abdullahi Yusuf who asked the Americans and UN to bring in Habashi troops. This is well documented kid, he couldn't contain the gal mudugs natives:pachah1:

And Django Madoobe bringing KDF Kenyan kufaar to get his clan a foothold in Kismaayo. Another more recent well documented history :susp:
Shit sounds like a Kenyan colony:gucciwhat:
Will this selected leader of Jubbaland capturd anything outside the 4 sq km city of Kismayo:gucciwhat:

go and fix lascanood or hargeysa, what ever you are, 1door today, dhulbahante tomorrow,

focus on your own region, keep your nose out unless yuo are Ogaden, the majority owners of this land or followed by marehan the second majority,
go and fix lascanood or hargeysa, what ever you are, 1door today, dhulbahante tomorrow,

focus on your own region, keep your nose out unless yuo are Ogaden, the majority owners of this land or followed by marehan the second majority,
He's a sheegato who claims Dhulo
go and fix lascanood or hargeysa, what ever you are, 1door today, dhulbahante tomorrow,

focus on your own region, keep your nose out unless yuo are Ogaden, the majority owners of this land or followed by marehan the second majority,

Why cant this "majority" Ogaden control more than 4 square km Kismaayo, Even with Kenyan muscle. It doesn't add up abaayo:gucciwhat:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
If axmed madoobe cannot step up and liberate jubbooyinka its over.
He's that id.oor kid salaaxbaashe on somnet how many accounts does this bum have on various somali forums shaqo la aan baa ku haysa ninyo
No I mean President of Somalia Abdullahi Yusuf who asked the Americans and UN to bring in Habashi troops. This is well documented kid, he couldn't contain the gal mudugs natives:pachah1:

And Django Madoobe bringing KDF Kenyan kufaar to get his clan a foothold in Kismaayo. Another more recent well documented history :susp:
Un brings who they want as ay and madoowe have no control over the security council as the same way sl would if ethiopia invaded that fake nation state
Imagine role playing as a majority clan in Jubbaland :mjlol:
Why does this autistic kid enter every jubaland thread regurgitating the same talking points about who's the majority in Jubooyinka horta Jubaland maxa ka galay you're an ido.or who inhibits the "vast" territories consisting of Berbera Burco and Hargaysa otherwise known as the Bermuda triangle :mjlol:

Beesha Direed ee Issaq can participate only in Jubooyinka related threads concerning Jamame :trumpsmirk:

I want to see more Las Anod "blossoming" under Somaliland threads maybe the next thread can be Kulmiye voter registration spikes in Buuhoodle ahead of the Somaliland parliamentary elections please entertain us sheegaato:russ:
Why does this autistic kid enter every jubaland thread regurgitating the same talking points about who's the majority in Jubooyinka horta Jubaland maxa ka galay you're an ido.or who inhibits the "vast" territories consisting of Berbera Burco and Hargaysa otherwise known as the Bermuda triangle :mjlol:

Beesha Direed ee Issaq can participate only in Jubooyinka related threads concerning Jamame :trumpsmirk:

I want to see more Las Anod "blossoming" under Somaliland threads maybe the next thread can be Kulmiye voter registration spikes in Buuhoodle ahead of the Somaliland parliamentary elections please entertain us sheegaato:russ:

Why do you get upset about facts:gucciwhat: If you're a dabadhilif clan you should be proud like bradar @Thegoodshepherd who mentioned many time in past that his interests are beyond Somali ethnic:pachah1:

Un brings who they want as ay and madoowe have no control over the security council as the same way sl would if ethiopia invaded that fake nation state

When Kenya leaves what will you do


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