Jubbaland Projects

wesbite up again. here is the attached document. summary of major project. All were not funded and built like bardheere dam that was in final stages
Thats so sad had all that acutely happened in the late eighties somalis would've been leading Africa.
Didnt know there was all this extensive studying behind it, Only thought it was project. In fact i think a few months ago I was searching up terrain maps and figuring out the best place to place the dam on the river and how large the resevoir wouldve been I think its like 200 meters about sea level
Found a very nice PDF giving more information about Mogambo Irrigation

Yes Ethiopia is taking advanatage and diverting rivers upstream Somalia has no control over its rivers we are at their mercy might be one day we barely get flow as they have big irrigation projects .
The entire basin is inhabited by somalis, thats what makes me very annoyed. The land their complaining about isn't even theirs to begin with. Like what? If there was a government who ruled over the land, they wouldve been able to properly plan water use without the problem of Greed

