Just found out that Cadaans used to eat mathow people and throw their kids into rivers filled with alligators


I previewed this book. Cadaans are savages authubillah :snoop:
That kind is very savage
and who is this Vincent Woodward? Does it say there he was the winner of the 2015 khaniis awards? I see. He may very well be telling the truth, be certain he is.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
even africans with all their savagry wouldnt think of throwing somones baby into a river full of crocodiles
I am betting some random bantu tribe in africa was doing that shit as some ritual sacrifice.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Is this the first thing that came to your mind? This is sickness, take a break from being online and heal.
What? these madows and cadaans and all these other ajnabis do the exact same thing to my people and your calling me sick for that? If you havent noticed the whole world hates us and you expect us to just standby and not give the same energy back?
What? these madows and cadaans and all these other ajnabis do the exact same thing to my people and your calling me sick for that? If you havent noticed the whole world hates us and you expect us to just standby and not give the same energy back?

This is what I mean. You need to get off the internet and meet people and make friends in real life. You've exposed yourself to a community of deranged sociopaths online and are starting to think like them. Someone brings up a group of people being brutalised historically and your first thought is to use it against them instead of feeling sorry for the victims. How do you read about babies being thrown in crocodile infested rivers and think "this is good fkd material"? It's sick, even if you don't see it.

If you havent noticed the whole world hates us

This is how so many young Somalis got radicalised online. 🤦🏽‍♀️


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
This is what I mean. You need to get off the internet and meet people and make friends in real life. You've exposed yourself to a community of deranged sociopaths online and are starting to think like them. Someone brings up a group of people being brutalised historically and your first thought is to use it against them instead of feeling sorry for the victims. How do you read about babies being thrown in crocodile infested rivers and think "this is good fkd material"? It's sick, even if you don't see it.

This is how so many young Somalis got radicalised online. 🤦🏽‍♀️
Trust me I am out and about plenty 😂 and my thoughts towards certain demographics is very much justified stop acting like these madows and cadaans will hesitate to cuss you and your people out just for your identity becausee they definitely will.