Just heard the MAYOR OF MOGADISHU say “whether u frm Jigjiga,Garisa or Djibouti we’ll give citizenship. U r Somali”. This shld be stoppped

If I were an Ethiopian or Kenyan Somali I will be used and exploited by the leaders of these governments simply so they could get Intel on our people. These folks will be sent to infiltrate our nation as a whole, they dont express no loyalty, therefore they have no loyalty. They only serve one kingdom, and it ain't Somali.
So that applies to MSB who was Ethiopian and destroyed Somalia.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
What exactly is somalinimo?
Putting the nation of Somalia above anything else, that includes ones self interest. I've seen too many of these K5 and NFD Somalis and wallah they are lost, I would go as far as saying the Kenyan ones are fully lost to the point where redemption for them is impossible. I have Ogaden friends from the Kenyan region, and they all wear that Kenyan flag on their wrist, have Kenyan flags on their social media and basically self identify as Kenyans. Those kind of people are moving a little sus in my opinion and can and will fuk their somali brethren over in a split of a second. My parents were born in the UK and so was I but I know where my loyalties lay and its with Somalia, and never have I ever claimed to be a Brit, although in the technical sense I am. Whenever people ask me I tell them I'm Somali and say it with my chest.
Putting the nation of Somalia above anything else, that includes ones self interest. I've seen too many of these K5 and NFD Somalis and wallah they are lost, I would go as far as saying the Kenyan ones are fully lost to the point where redemption for them is impossible. I have Ogaden friends from the Kenyan region, and they all wear that Kenyan flag on their wrist, have Kenyan flags on their social media and basically self identify as Kenyans. Those kind of people are moving a little sus in my opinion and can and will fuk their somali brethren over in a split of a second. My parents were born in the UK and so was I but I know where my loyalties lay and its with Somalia, and never have I ever claimed to be a Brit, although in the technical sense I am. Whenever people ask me I tell them I'm Somali and say it with my chest.
What do you mean putting the interest of Somalia first?

Somalia was created in 1960 and no Somali was asked referendum to create the country.
SYL was created in Jigjiga and was meant to champion the rights of Somalis all over the horn.
Secondly Somalia is a collection of clans no clan has more right than others.
Every Somalia leader since 1960 put their clan interest first and gave them preferential treatment.To be relevant in politics these Somalia leaders created fake nationalism of Somaliweyn.Which shifted focus from them.

As for NFD and Ogaden.I guess the Somalia foreign policy is the one that fucked them up big time.Because having Someone in Villa Somalia claimming to be Somali nationalist in public but in private having under ground chanels of communication with leaders of Kenya and Ethiopia and back stabbing somalis in those parts.So their plight was not only hijacked but also put at risk.

For example Cigal forfeited the NFD to Kenya in the 60s when he was PM and the suscessive regimes that took kept shedding crocodile tears and inciting reer NFD to rise against Kenyan authories whole being kept in the dark by the undercover deals.
MSB an ex Italian colonial police officer
as well as an Ethiopian national decided to try and frastrate the struggle of ogaden self determination by hijacking it for gis personal reasons.
He appointed an oromo to WSLF ehich pissed Ogadens.Then he entered the war 1977 when most Ogaden politicians were against.He ended up in losing the battle and retreated.

In 1970s he brought his kins from Ethiopia and settled them in Gedo displacing other Somalis.

So when Somalia descended into a civil war you dont expect people from NFD and Ogaden to wait for Somalia to stand back on its feet but they took the initiative to learn how to live in their environment.Today NFD is doing far better than when Somalia had a govt ask yourself gow come?

Also Somalia is a tribal society you go to hargeisa they tell you go back to Konfuria, you go to Xamar they tell you unnuka xamar leh etc So I dont know why you have that much beef eith NFD which holds one of the largest Somalia refugee camps in the world.

I guess you want reer NFD to pick up arms and fight Kenya for what reason to join their unnukah leh xamar brothers come on.

Farmajo has used Ethiopians to kill Somalis and silence them.
He even appointed an Ethiopian national to become the govonor of Gedo.

Aideed,Abdiraxman Tuur, MSB,Adan Caade,C Yussuf ,Tarzan, C Mahdi and many more were all Ethiopian nationals and held top positions in Somalia govt.

We can keep on arguing qof aad kaxigtid Somalia ba jirin.if you love Somalia and want to exclude others start with those from your qabil that reside in Ethiopia kick them out first because they are not loyal to Somalia.
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What exactly is somalinimo?

Being loyal to ethnic Somalis and their cause. Somalinimo is more than nationality as we have Somalis in Djibouti ect. We are an ethnic group and our loyalty is towards those that have the same heritage as us.

The problem with some Kenyan Somalis and Ethiopian Somalis, is that they are loyal to nation in which they are minority. The governments in those countries will always put Amhara and kikuya and other Bantu Kenyans above them.
Some of you whose tribal lands were lucky enough not to be added to Ethiopia and Kenya are so insensitive and downright ignorant.

You carry Western passports but want to make life difficult for fellow Somalis.

What are they supposed to do? Turn into lifelong rebels without rights? If you're about that life, go there and free those lands. If not, please naga aamusa.

Just admit you are a qabiilist because it's clear what your agenda is and it's not patriotism.
Being loyal to ethnic Somalis and their cause. Somalinimo is more than nationality as we have Somalis in Djibouti ect. We are an ethnic group and our loyalty is towards those that have the same heritage as us.

The problem with some Kenyan Somalis and Ethiopian Somalis, is that they are loyal to nation in which they are minority. The governments in those countries will always put Amhara and kikuya and other Bantu Kenyans above them.
Go read the Somalia history start from prior 1960.
Dont start from 1991.

Secondly the reaon why somalia is fucked up and has foreign troops is not because of somalis from NFD or ogaden region but because of clannism.

The weapons that were to be used to liberate Ogaden and NFD was used to destroy Somalia by fake Somalia nationalists .Airplanes bombed Hargiesa.Wells were poisoned in Bari, ethnic cleansing of Somalis in Xamar in 1991.and Juboyinka in 1988.Genocide in Hargeisa in 1980s.

What is the moral of the story ?
Loyality only lies with your clan which is a somali old adage.

Reer NFD have every right to steer their own plight.
I dont expect someone whose relatives activeĺy took place in hacking other ethnic somalis with machettes and killing close to half a million somalis in Xamar to lecture someone from NFD.

I dont expect Someone whose relatives supported the ethnic cleansing of fellow somalis in Hargeisa under the brutal kacanka to have a say about reer NFD.

I dont see you as a nationalist but a xaasid who only wants other people to burn their houses just because you stupidly burnt down your house.


Hakuna matata
They are all from the same ethnicity and those regions they live in was once part of Somalia. You're thinking is invalid and will cause division and hate.

It's like me saying to you, GRIG you are somali living in america, you should not be allowed to have somali citizenship,
do you see how stupid you sound.
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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
The people from these places should not be given any Somali passport.

let’s respect the international order of things.

You don’t see Germany just handing out citizenship to their Austrian brethrens.

International order? Ignorance will kill people like you.

Do you know the concept of dual citizenship?

Millions of German Americans are eligible for German passports through descent.

Italian and Portuguese passports are handed out like flyers to Brazilians and Argentinians

Spanish citizenship is also very easy for other South Americans to obtain.

This is why so many South Americans in London have EU passports.


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
I don’t understand what the big deal is , if you are an ethnic Somali you should have the right to Somali citizenship.


Some of you whose tribal lands were lucky enough not to be added to Ethiopia and Kenya are so insensitive and downright ignorant.

You carry Western passports but want to make life difficult for fellow Somalis.

What are they supposed to do? Turn into lifelong rebels without rights? If you're about that life, go there and free those lands. If not, please naga aamusa.

Just admit you are a qabiilist because it's clear what your agenda is and it's not patriotism.
Coming from you :dead: :dead: .

They shouldnt be given citizenship until theyve stayed in the country continiously for 10 years and pass a citizenship test. This should be a specific rule to nfd and galbeed somalis only.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
The people from these places should not be given any Somali passport.

let’s respect the international order of things.

You don’t see Germany just handing out citizenship to their Austrian brethrens.

Gri a Somali passport is a sh!thole nobody cares about it! I have no problem with the inclusion.
True Facts today:
Many Somalis in Somalia carry Ethiopian passport. It's an open secret. I see alot of unuka leh being far right nationalist Somalis here, but once the dust settles you will have more Ethiopians(Somalis who bought Ethiopian passport for $5000 usd) in Muqdisho than in Jigjiga. Tell then who is Somali?
True Facts today:
Many Somalis in Somalia carry Ethiopian passport. It's an open secret. I see alot of unuka leh being far right nationalist Somalis here, but once the dust settles you will have more Ethiopians(Somalis who bought Ethiopian passport for $5000 usd) in Muqdisho than in Jigjiga. Tell then who is Somali?
You forgot alot of them having Kenyan passports.

These guys have no wadaniyad.qabyalad iyo xasadnimo.
Coming from you :dead: :dead: .

They shouldnt be given citizenship until theyve stayed in the country continiously for 10 years and pass a citizenship test. This should be a specific rule to nfd and galbeed somalis only.
Abgaal have to pass the Somali language test before they can get a passport tbh:pachah1:

