JUST IN: Rulers of quarter of Mogadishu's chief intelligence officer confirms the betrayal of ONLF

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You should seek help, your anti-isaaq-nimo might cause you an overdose bud.

Equating SL with habashi rapists. I've seen it all now.
A Muslim xabeshi is the same as a Isaac Muslim, doesn't Allah say all Muslims are the same?

No I don't hate Isaac but most Isaac are separatists am I wrong in saying that cause if so please do correct me.

Lastly to be blant I respect Isaac more than hawiye atleast Isaac have law order & governance whereas hawiye only know the law of the jungle forget about other hawiye uniting habar gidir alone can't come together to make a federal state just look at galgaduud there's three different administrations running that one region Galmudug, Al shabaab, ahulsunnah wal jamaca.

@Cadmus its been 26 years and hawiye have been leading Somalia for most of that time, Forget about the rest of Somalia, tell me what have hawiye got to show for it?

Today jigjiga is better than Mogadishu & hargaisa stop being bitter with the envy and jealousy can't you find it in your heart to be happy to the people of Ethiopia Somali region? just like @Mokillem you don't have a problem with Somalis in NFD sharing a government with Kenyans who are overwhelmingly Christian yet you look on with scorn any mention of Abdi Iley the president of Ethiopia Somali region & Ethiopians in general yet most xabeshi are Muslim.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You're an idiot if you believe that, we have something called a census every 10 years. If you go throughout Ethiopia, you can easily tell it's a Christian country. The reason why people think oromos are Muslim is because the Christians who make up all of central Ethiopia, half of arsi, and western Ethiopia have mostly amharic names. 90% of Amharas are Christian, 99.9% of tigru are Christian. The people of gambela, south nations are also predominately Christian. It's undeniable.

Eritrea on the hand is closer, but 55-60% of the population is Tigrinya and they are 95% Christian.
The Christian run Ethiopia government of-course they'll be biased:drakekidding:
A Muslim xabeshi is the same as a Isaac Muslim, doesn't Allah say all Muslims are the same?

No I don't hate Isaac but most Isaac are separatists am I wrong in saying that cause if so please do correct me.

Lastly to be blant I respect Isaac more than hawiye atleast Isaac have law order & governance whereas hawiye only know the law of the jungle forget about other hawiye uniting habar gidir alone can't come together to make a federal state just look at galgaduud there's three different administrations running that one region Galmudug, Al shabaab, ahulsunnah wal jamaca.

@Cadmus its been 26 years and hawiye have been leading Somalia for most of that time, Forget about the rest of Somalia, tell me what have hawiye got to show for it?

Today jigjiga is better than Mogadishu & hargaisa stop being bitter with the envy and jealousy can't you find it in your heart to be happy to the people of Ethiopia Somali region? just like @Mokillem you don't have a problem with Somalis in NFD sharing a government with Kenyans who are overwhelmingly Christian yet you look on with scorn any mention of Abdi Iley the president of Ethiopia Somali region & Ethiopians in general yet most xabeshi are Muslim.
First of all, not all Isaaq support Silanyo or separatism, just as most in Somali Galbeed don't support Iley.

Abdi Iley is a scum who allowed 10.000's of Somali women to be raped in the last year alone. This is well known, but i'm sure you being from his qabil/sub qabil doesn't allow you to see that. Jigjiga is better kulaha, maybe for your sub qabil. Go to jigjiga prison and ask all the other non-ogaden absame clans, hawiyes, Isaaq etc that are imprisoned and raped there.

NFD too is a s*** hole where Somalis are routinely raped and executed. Somalis have NO power there. NONE.

Jigjiga is THE worst place for a Somali, and Iley the rapist is the one who oversees this for the dirty habashi. That makes iley dirty as well.

Secondly, I love my hawiye brothers, and find it disgusting that you think i'd be flattered about your praise for my SL people at the cost of lowering my hawiye brothers. No, i'm not hawiye, but i'd take a bullet for one any day of the week against foreigners AND domestic traitors bud.

Don't get it twisted, Somali brotherhood is very sacred.

Thirdly, you can't blame things on hawiye, when AY was the one to bring habashi into Somalia in the first place.

Fat ass traitor Sharmarke sold off the seas.

Every qabil is responsible for our current situation. Cherry picking based on your qabyaalad sensibilities won't persuade anyone here.

You sound bitter. This is no way to live life, for real.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You're glad that the supposed gov handed over a guy who has consistently risked his life to free your people. everything you say is garbage.

I commend you for your consistency in being a contrarian.
Free my people? I am not from Ethiopia I am from Somalia.

Hes fighting his own cousin that governs the Somali region of Ethiopia.



@John Michael lets see how consistent you are.

Do you have a problem with NFD Somalis being part of the Kenya as a country & government?

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
First of all, not all Isaaq support Silanyo or separatism, just as most in Somali Galbeed don't support Iley.

Abdi Iley is a scum who allowed 10.000's of Somali women to be raped in the last year alone. This is well known, but i'm sure you being from his qabil/sub qabil doesn't allow you to see that. Jigjiga is better kulaha, maybe for your sub qabil. Go to jigjiga prison and ask all the other non-ogaden absame clans, hawiyes, Isaaq etc that are imprisoned and raped there.

NFD too is a s*** hole where Somalis are routinely raped and executed. Somalis have NO power there. NONE.

Jigjiga is THE worst place for a Somali, and Iley the rapist is the one who oversees this for the dirty habashi. That makes iley dirty as well.

Secondly, I love my hawiye brothers, and find it disgusting that you think i'd be flattered about your praise for my SL people at the cost of lowering my hawiye brothers. No, i'm not hawiye, but i'd take a bullet for one any day of the week against foreigners AND domestic traitors bud.

Don't get it twisted, Somali brotherhood is very sacred.

Thirdly, you can't blame things on hawiye, when AY was the one to bring habashi into Somalia in the first place.

Fat ass traitor Sharmarke sold off the seas.

Every qabil is responsible for our current situation. Cherry picking based on your qabyaalad sensibilities won't persuade anyone here.

You sound bitter. This is no way to live life, for real.
Isaac are overwhelming for separation anyone can tell you that but I guess your tribal allegiance trumps everything else but not I thats why I find them repugnant.

If abdi iley is a killer then what about the leaders of somaliland SNM? Muuse bixi, siilanyo are they all angels compared to abdi iley or is it cause of tribal baises that you bear thats exposing all the malice and hostility you bear towards the leader of Somali region of Ethiopia.

I hate to break it to you but jigjiga is more developed than hargaisa and Mogadishu combined now go do something for Somalia that's controlled mainly by al shabaab leave the good folks of Ethiopia alone and their leader abdi iley stop with the jealousy and give credit where credit is due envy won't get you far in life it will just keep eating at your soul and body till you perish due to old age before you're even 40 boowe

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Free my people? I am not from Ethiopia I am from Somalia.

Hes fighting his own cousin that governs the Somali region of Ethiopia.


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@John Michael lets see how consistent you are.

Do you have a problem with NFD Somalis being part of the Kenyan country & government?


The qashin of NFD need to stay in their kikuyu lane within the nation of KENYA. Matutu mpatata hsmskshhs

And yes I am inconsistent on that front. :yloezpe:

Also you are inconsistent, why are you against puntland's succesionism AND somaliweyn when it comes to K5?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The qashin of NFD need to stay in their kikuyu lane within the nation of KENYA. Matutu mpatata hsmskshhs

And yes I am inconsistent on that front. :yloezpe:

Also you are inconsistent, why are you against puntland's succesionism AND somaliweyn when it comes to K5?
Watch all the videos of Somali region of Ethiopia that I posted and all the development and infrastructure president abdi iley has provided for his people to be honest jigjiga is doing much better than hargaisa and Mogadishu masha Allah

Half my family are from jubaland and the other half from Puntland.

Personally I would like to see Isaac secede with their territories burco hargaisa berbera but they have no right to force samaroon dhulbhante Ciise warsengeli to join them.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The hypocrisy of hawiye today they're threatening farmaajo in Mogadishu saying he's darood he should go to gedo or cabudwaaq crying this fake crocodile tears about the ONLF terrorist all in the name of somalinimo and they're requesting he steps down yet farmaajo hasn't even been in office for a year.


Yet there wasn't no demonstration from hawiye no crocodile tears shed no riots in Mogadishu demanding he steps down no one told him to get out of Mogadishu. No crocodile tears shed from somalidiid talking about I don't believe in somalinimo no more.

Is it cause Hassan shiekh is hawiye while farmaajo is darood :sass2:


Yuusuf direed Founding Father of Ahlu-naar
The hypocrisy of hawiye today they're threatening farmaajo in Mogadishu saying he's darood he should go to gedo or cabudwaaq crying this fake crocodile tears about the ONLF terrorist all in the name of somalinimo and they're requesting he steps down yet farmaajo hasn't even been in office for a year.


Yet there wasn't no demonstration from hawiye no crocodile tears shed no riots in Mogadishu demanding he steps down no one told him to get out of Mogadishu. No crocodile tears shed from somalidiid talking about I don't believe in somalinimo no more.

Is it cause Hassan shiekh is hawiye while farmaajo is darood :sass2:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
So your folk supported Hassan shiekh the previous president of Somalia's visit to jigjiga the first president in Somalia history to ever do so mind you while he relinquished any claims Somalia had over kilinka shanaad but you're against farmaajo handing over one terrorist the logic of your folks that are still stuck in the dark ages the times of the Black Death, logic elude me :chrisfreshhah:


Yuusuf direed Founding Father of Ahlu-naar
So you supported Hassan shiek relinquishing any claims Somalia had over kilinka shanaad but you're against farmaajo handing over one terrorist the logic of your folks that are still stuck in the dark ages the times of the Black Death, logic elude me :chrisfreshhah:

Let me check my HIT LIST if hsm is on it, yep he's on it on the 2nd place for the TIIR :gunsmiley:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Let me check my HIT LIST if hsm is on it, yep he's on it on the 2nd place for the TIIR :gunsmiley:
If hawiye & somalidiid didn't shed no crocodile tears and condemn Hassan shiekh Mohamud for giving kilinka shanaad to Ethiopia then, they don't have a right to condemn farmaajo now for handing over one terrorist stop the hypocrisy and your double standards yaa yajuuj & majuuj :ufdup:dismantle all the isbaaro and remove all your suicide bomb vests and disarm or Allah will keep sending missiles from the high heavens :umad:
Watch all the videos of Somali region of Ethiopia that I posted and all the development and infrastructure president abdi iley has provided for his people to be honest jigjiga is doing much better than hargaisa and Mogadishu masha Allah

Half my family are from jubaland and the other half from Puntland.

Personally I would like to see Isaac secede with their territories burco hargaisa berbera but they have no right to force samaroon dhulbhante Ciise warsengeli to join them.
Which makes you what, full majertain...

Don't tell me that I can't condemn the rape and murder of my own women. You should know your place.
Isaac are overwhelming for separation anyone can tell you that but I guess your tribal allegiance trumps everything else but not I thats why I find them repugnant.

If abdi iley is a killer then what about the leaders of somaliland SNM? Muuse bixi, siilanyo are they all angels compared to abdi iley or is it cause of tribal baises that you bear thats exposing all the malice and hostility you bear towards the leader of Somali region of Ethiopia.

I hate to break it to you but jigjiga is more developed than hargaisa and Mogadishu combined now go do something for Somalia that's controlled mainly by al shabaab leave the good folks of Ethiopia alone and their leader abdi iley stop with the jealousy and give credit where credit is due envy won't get you far in life it will just keep eating at your soul and body till you perish due to old age before you're even 40 boowe

Logic at it's finest there bud.

I should've known that I was debating with a god damn FOB :deadrose::lolbron::russ:

I'm done, good day to you.


Sug dee ninyahow
If hawiye & somalidiid didn't shed no crocodile tears and condemn Hassan shiekh Mohamud for giving kilinka shanaad to Ethiopia then, they don't have a right to condemn farmaajo now for handing over one terrorist stop the hypocrisy and your double standards yaa yajuuj & majuuj :ufdup:dismantle all the isbaaro and remove all your suicide bomb vests and disarm or Allah will keep sending missiles from the high heavens :umad:
A nigga called us yajuj wa majuj loooool
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