Kanye met his match


Not gonna even claim anti-blackness, I remember how they cancelled Rick Sanchez (CNN) and Mel Gibson overnight :noneck:


i feel sorry for kanye, he didn’t do anything wrong. X community is proving him right. No wonder why every single country and civilisation persecuted them historically.


Forza Somalia!
Nice, but that happened after his comments on the Jewish ppl, which is bad, but they should have done that when he started commenting on black ppl as well.
This racist targeting by the Zionist community makes me support brother Kanye even more although he seems to be mentally unstable 🙏🏾

I hope he bounces back and defeats the Jewish operated media & corporates

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
the worse they do him, the more it proves his point.

there's the famous hadith "The Story Of The People Of The Ditch And The Magician, The Monk And The Boy"

the boy dies but he ends up winning the people over to his religion. I don't support whatever it is Kanye believes in terms of religion but he is definitely going to have an impact in terms of peoples' thinking.

look at Malcolm X and MLK. doing away with them didn't exactly do away with their messages. Tupac probably wouldn't be as idolized as he is if he hadn't (supposedly) died.


Coping through the 1st world
Not gonna even claim anti-blackness, I remember how they cancelled Rick Sanchez (CNN) and Mel Gibson overnight :noneck:

I noticed when ever people go against the press they’re usually called insane or mentally ill.

Mel Gibson is a fine example.

