Kanye, the black self hating, and NAZI loving MADHOW says he likes HITLER.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ

Tom Cruise Laughing GIF by JustViral

Omar del Sur

What do you mean by Freemason and what evidence or source you have to these influential ppl are ?

if you want to know about this, get the book Codex Magic by Texe Marrs. I will give just one example



notice the apron.

now look at this. it should be obvious


also notice

Is Donald Trump right when he says Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails? Yes and no.​

What Trump did — and didn’t — get right during tonight’s debate.

notice- 33,000. look up 33 and masonry. even the infographics episode on masonry will tell you about 33 and masonry

Omar del Sur

What do you mean by Freemason and what evidence or source you have to these influential ppl are ?

also i forgot- if anyone wants proof the world is dominated by freemasons, go on bit chute and watch the documentary by altiyan childs. he very clearly proves that pretty much all the big famous people of today are freemasons. if you do the research it's very obvious and that's how I know.


Forza Somalia!
if you want to know about this, get the book Codex Magic by Texe Marrs. I will give just one example

View attachment 244618

View attachment 244619

notice the apron.

now look at this. it should be obvious

View attachment 244620

also notice

Is Donald Trump right when he says Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails? Yes and no.​

What Trump did — and didn’t — get right during tonight’s debate.

notice- 33,000. look up 33 and masonry. even the infographics episode on masonry will tell you about 33 and masonry
Cat Illuminati GIF
I'm currently reading an interesting book about the Holocaust. It seems that the holocaust, at least, the various ways it has been conceptualized and rationalized in the sociological and collective behavioral sense; be it from an ethnographic perspective, or near-in scope of Hitler's psychological authoritative capable reach, was all wrong, albeit at best, partly, yet not effective, explanatory historical viewpoint.

To put it bluntly, those concentration extermination camps were caused by factors of "modernity". It didn't derive from an accumulation of millennia-old Jew hatred or specific hate for Jews or anything like that (although Jews were seen as in the way of their utopian dream, so they had to be gotten rid of—there is a stark difference in nuance that carries the right explanatory power from a broad based perspective that the conventional story gives a weak model for). This rhetoric is a heinous opportunistic post-occurrence instrumentalization of wrong historical framing by Jews and the Western world for various reasons and motives.

It came from the bureaucratic, scientific, social-engineering, and technological systematization of society, which placed the human within that context, not outside it as something special. In fact, that's why all that infrastructure was as if they were moving stuff logistically, through an optimized efficient factory. Placing animals, minerals, or whatever goods in those systems, would suddenly look like the best technology and be of good use for humanity, using the same pervasive calculative principles. But what came with that stuff, was a materialistic reductionist view of the human condition of a great cynical filter, where the human status devalued. That's why processing people to be killed was actually just a natural part of that society that placed "things" and the study of it above humans, even putting humans as just among the things. To even go further with the insight, making the human working the system, just a function of the system too, the person primed to think and act machine-like for professionalism, productivity, and the like.

Ironically, what Kanye is saying is true, even further, the pinnacle of Germany's technological reach and bureaucratic functionality of that time was the holocaust. It sounds fucked up, but it is true. The systems, technology, philosophy, and culture, all part of the wrong linear view of history but classified as the "advanced" extensive conglomerate 'modernity', made the Nazi shit possible. It was not a special kind of hatred or a system that came out of nowhere, unique for the Jews, or other types of rationalization. That's completely wrong. A similar type of beast, namely European colonialism, was part of that Western modernity aspect, and you can draw good valuable parallels. It derives from the same Western tradition.
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Omar del Sur


well that's one of the ways people are kept away from knowing about the influence of the Freemasons. if anyone studies the book and documentary I mentioned, they will see piles and piles of evidence. but then the defenders of the official narrative come along, ridicule people like me and then people are dissuaded from the research and remain uninformed. meanwhile in truth I have mountains of evidence behind what I am saying (compiled in the book and documentary) and you have a cat meme with no real argument.

this is also why censorship is so important. you can't actually disprove or refute what people like me are talking about so there's a big censorship apparatus used against us. this is why people who think like me are massively censored and got purged from YouTube.
He can fix this and say something profound. He needs to talk about how from a global pov the Nazis were no where near to being a threat to the World that the Allies were. Make it a Anti-colonial convo, say something like

"The Nazis went apeshit on European civilian populations & Jews for 6 years. Why is this the ultimate tragedy but the Allies + French who imposed their violence globally for 100s of years not as tragic? Nazis wanted to destroy the British and the Soviet empires simultaneously and create a German hegemon in their stead. Would decolonialism in India, Indonesia, Africa, the civil rights act in America happen without Kristallnacht or The Blitz?"

Didn't he say that slavery was a choice. This man is far gone there is no redemption for him.

Omar del Sur


Masonic emblem. Notice the one-eye. I'm sure everyone knows what one-eye is associated with in hadith. Was Imam Bukhari a crazy conspiracy theorist? But anyways...

again the eye


masonic website discussing the eye in masonry.^


gmail logo is masonic apron.





celebrities one-eye thing.

the "normal" explanation of this (the celebrity one eye thing) is crazier than my explanation as a "crazy conspiracy theorist". my explanation is the common-sense explanation that this is obviously coordinated. the "normal" explanation is this is all just coincidence, which is absurd. or they're all in on it as a marketing gimmick which is also retarded.

now obviously, @Aurelian you can't really refute this stuff so you need things like insults or censorship.

and then people like Kanye, alt-right, Hitler, etc. come along and instead of people looking into all this, they just start shrieking "jews, jews" and then it's painted as a racist thing and the pretext is given for it all to get shut down... meanwhile freemasonry goes unnoticed


also, in Mexico the president did an event where he shouted "viva la fraternidad universal"... "viva the universal fraternity"... what universal fraternity do people think he was referring to? in the English-speaking world they're a little more subtle with the Masonic stuff so people aren't as aware (I think it also has to do with that the Catholic church used to openly talk against Masonry... protestantism and masonry had much better relations for whatever reason)

What does the "Long Live the Great Universal Brotherhood" that AMLO shouted mean?​

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Idiot was honest to a fault. Someone had to help him apply for a social skills class. Now we don't know if he is a Nazi or if it was a retarded attempt of humor admits hyper liberal people and the press.

I remember that guy used to make degenerate po*rn films with "artistic" pretense.:mjlol:


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Idiot was honest to a fault. Someone had to help him apply for a social skills class. Now we don't know if he is a Nazi or if it was a retarded attempt of humor admits hyper liberal people and the press.

I remember that guy used to make degenerate po*rn films with "artistic" pretense.:mjlol:

It was seemingly an attempt humor that went horribly arie.


You can really see when poor Kirsten Dunst's face starts to go "Yeah, no Oscar for me..."

Kanye needs help; his mental health has clearly deteriorated and he doesn't seem to have anyone that could help him and prevent him from sabotaging himself.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Kanye said nothing wrong, only those brainwashed by the Zionist would disagree with him. We have been fed propaganda since middle school and have a knee jerk reaction. Winston Churcill killed millions in Bengal yet he is celebrated as a WW2 Hero.