What traitors?At least the water isn't full of traitors like NFD is.
Is Ina Sharmake from NFD?
Is Abdi Shakur from NFD?
How have reer NFD become traitors please explain.You left them mowed by Kenyan military for decades when the citizens needed somalia badly.
They faced killings,destruction of business and executions from the birth of Kenya till the late 80s where was Somalia?where was Sharmake,Adan cade,MSB?
Somalia betrayed and are traitors to reer NFD when it needed Somalia most.
So you want reer NFD to fight for Somalia over water which was issued with he blessing of the den of corruption Villa Somalia?
Reer NFD welcomed Somali refugees as Somalia plunged into civil war.
Somalia are rhe most unpatriotic tribalistic society.