kenyan divides somalis , says somalis in mogadishu are dying like flies

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That's incorrect sxb. North Africans are 70-80% Berber genetically on average, skin tone is irrelevant. Both Brown-skinned & Olive-skinned berbers are genetically the same, the environment has influenced the skin tone of various regions, like for example Northern Berbers tend to be lighter, since where they live is less hot & more mild etc.

Somalis on average are darker, due to the ancient SSA admixture we've gained when we conquered the HOA & Sudan.
Find me a historical source backing up this claim of yours.


@SOMALI GENERAL and @xalimathe6

Let’s take a deep breath and calm down.

Who wants ice cream?

Find me a historical source backing up this claim of yours.
Genetic studies along with historians such as Gabriel Camps and Charles-André Julien lend support to the idea that the bulk of the gene pool of modern maghrebis, irrespective of linguistic group, is derived from the Berber populations of the pre-Islamic period.

Modern Berbers, especially the coastal ones have gained some SSA, Iberian & Arab admixture, but the overwhelming majority of their racial ancestry is North African. Check out this DNA result of a Northern Riffian Berber:
@SOMALI GENERAL Why do you like North Africans so much? Just curious. I never felt any connection to them besides religion.
They're a good people irl sxb, since I've grown up with them alongside other ethnic groups. Where i'm from(London), Somalis get along with Yemenis & North Africans(Moroccans & Algerians) the most.

Overall, i don't have any particular preference for them over other peoples, since i have good friends from other groups.
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Genetic studies along with historians such as Gabriel Camps and Charles-André Julien lend support to the idea that the bulk of the gene pool of modern maghrebis, irrespective of linguistic group, is derived from the Berber populations of the pre-Islamic period.

Modern Berbers, especially the coastal ones have gained some SSA, Iberian & Arab admixture, but the overwhelming majority of their racial ancestry is North African. Check out this DNA result of a Northern Riffian Berber:
Their y dna is definately majority e1b1b but their mtdna( passed down from mother daughter) is 80 percent euroasian.

As known the moors had liking to white women. This is found in paintings and literature and explains why the blackamoors became white. The white slave trade was rampant in the afroasiatic world. Even the word slave originates from the eastern european slavs who were so heavily enslaved in the medeival period.

Their y dna is definately majority e1b1b but their mtdna( passed down from mother daughter) is 80 percent euroasian.
View attachment 67323 View attachment 67324
As known the moors had liking to white women. This is found in paintings and literature and explains why the blackamoors became white. The white slave trade was rampant in the afroasiatic world. Even the word slave originates from the eastern european slavs who were so heavily enslaved in the medeival period.

Moors were black? Proof? I thought that was we wuz nonsense
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