Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I suspected k6734 was him all this time wallahi. I have nothing to prove it though, do you have anything?
What kind of retard goes onto a development forum (SkyScraperCity) and does FKD when they banned qabayalad?Especially with posts that bear an uncanny resemblance to those of Mooryan Geeljire. If you have something to indict him it would make my life, let alone my day.
Listen all the mooryans on the internet are the same: LegendarySSJ4(SSC Somalia) = GallumerianSlayer(somnet) and Malistar2012(SOnline) = k6734(SSC Somalia) = Geeljire252 (somnet) = Boqor Geeljire252
I know for certain that Legendary is GallumerianSlayer and that Malistar is k6734 and that Geeljire252 is BoqorGeeljire252, I just need that final link to prove once and for all that the last 4 accounts listed (k6734, Malistar, Boqor Geeljire and Geeljire) are one and the same. We need evidence (hard evidence) that k6734 and Geeljire are the same.