Kenyans lusting after Xalimos again

I do agree with you in the case that Somali women are more appealing to ajnabi men than Somali men are to ajnabi women

Things are changing, couple of my Pakistani friends have been expressing interest In Somali guys and this is how I felt



Attractive Somali girls really have no problem getting non Somali men, white or Arab ect.

So cope with what?
You said Arab and Whtie girls aren't > than Somali girls.

That simply isn't true and is a massive cope. Somali girls are over Madow girls only.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:hillarybiz: When a chocolate jigglypuff with a morbid case of Asian infatuation tells you that, you'd be picked nearly dead last when you've attracted men that look closer to Jason Momoa. Yet never went for them out of principle and an undying loyalty to your ethnicity.

I have a feeling this is what @Halimak must be experiencing right about now.
:hillarybiz: When a chocolate jigglypuff with a morbid case of Asian infatuation tells you that, you'd be picked nearly dead last when you've attracted men that look closer to Jason Mamoma. Yet never went from them out of principle and an undying loyalty to your ethnicity.

I have a feeling this is what @Halimak must be experiencing right about now.
Jason Mamoa? No homo but I've never even met anyone that good-looking before. But I've had the same kinda thing myself ngl.. :gaasdrink:
Me inspired by @Halimak

Shouting on a megaphone in some soukh/market corner
Latino, white, blacks and everyone else in between, I need your attention.
Somali women are beautiful, smart and in high demand.. Somali men can't handle them. Today's your lucky day brothers.. Buy one and get 3 for free.. Yes you heard it, buy one for an apple and get 3 for me the apples and grab yourself a wife, one, two, three and four :samwelcome:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
You said Arab and Whtie girls aren't > than Somali girls.

That simply isn't true and is a massive cope. Somali girls are over Madow girls only.
Thinking your superior to the most beautiful women white women is a massive cope :russ:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Jason Mamoa? No homo but I've never even met anyone that good-looking before. But I've had the same kinda thing myself ngl.. :gaasdrink:

I knew one like him in high school (half Samoan). I ignored the poor lad. Must have never met someone with caramel skin with certain features. Somalis weren't very known of back then (we were still an enigma). I was more into me TBH.