Khatumo leader on tour in Sland

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The Gypsy King


I don't like Galaydh but props for him for convicing Somaliland that he is still Khatumo leader.

He doesn't hold any influence in any of our towns and lost all of his militia two years ago and somehow he is a VIP in Hargeisa



Reformation of Somaliland
I don't like Galaydh but props for him for convicing Somaliland that he is still Khatumo leader.

He doesn't hold any influence in any of our towns and lost all of his militia two years ago and somehow he is a VIP in Hargeisa


& Burco also Borama him and samatar are like tabliq going to every place and holding events
I don't like Galaydh but props for him for convicing Somaliland that he is still Khatumo leader.

He doesn't hold any influence in any of our towns and lost all of his militia two years ago and somehow he is a VIP in Hargeisa


You seem to be a Dhulo. Most Dhulos i know loved Cali Khalif before he started talks with SL, he was the main man for them, but some left him after he started the talks and others left him because non of the promises SL made for him (e.g. a new constitution) were fulfilled.

If i may ask brother, who do your diaspora community support politically, after Cali Khalif is not longer your main political figure ?
You seem to be a Dhulo. Most Dhulos i know loved Cali Khalif before he started talks with SL, he was the main man for them, but some left him after he started the talks and others left him because non of the promises SL made for him (e.g. a new constitution) were fulfilled.

If i may ask brother, who do your diaspora community support politically, after Cali Khalif is not
i'd say Cali Khalif today has no political leverage in any of our towns. 2 years ago he was denounced by all isimada buuhoodle and was replaced by his vice president.

He would've been banned from buuhoodle if his reer abtiyaal weren't cali geri and his mother lives there.

If i may ask brother, who do your diaspora community support politically, after Cali Khalif is not

there isn't any main political figure today tbh

Buuhoodle and surrounding tuulos always ruled themselves with xeerka somaliyeed and does not need any authority

Laascaanood is doing fine and developing at a good pace

i don't see things changing for a while
i'd say Cali Khalif today has no political leverage in any of our towns. 2 years ago he was denounced by all isimada buuhoodle and was replaced by his vice president.

He would've been banned from buuhoodle if his reer abtiyaal weren't cali geri and his mother lives there.

there isn't any main political figure today tbh

Buuhoodle and surrounding tuulos always ruled themselves with xeerka somaliyeed and does not need any authority

Laascaanood is doing fine and developing at a good pace

i don't see things changing for a while
He played everybody but his enemies
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