Kick off FKD 2019-2020 season

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As long as their mind-set is 'bantu' yes. If it's still pastoral NO. No cultural change happened, the old primitive culture is still existing.

Biimaal abandoned pastrolism long time ago. And have been city dwellers for generations.

I look forward to having long intellectual debates free of as hominem. Puntlanders are the only group here that hold a lot of diverse and opposing ideas. As Gen. Abshir said 'we in the north east might debate heatedly, we do not shoot one another'

Foxes have holes
birds have nests
Somalis have Puntland
for Puntland is
where Somali sons & daughters prophesy
Somali salvation
Somali greatness
Somali singleness of solidarity
for Puntland is
where old men dream dreams
where young men see visions
of the unity of the Somali Spirit
in the bonds of Peace
for the city of Bossasso is now the Boston of East Africa
for the city of Bossasso now is the beacon of light
all beleaguered Somalis
all blighted Somalis
all benighted Somalis
all besieged Somalis
that is why I call the Puntlanders
the only gob of the Somali race
the only kings of the Somali race
the only aristocrats of the Somali race
the only Macavity aristo-cats of the Somali race
that is why I call the Puntlanders
the only custodians
of Somali honor
of Somali decency
of Somali dignity
of Somali integrity
that is why I call the Puntlanders
the only custodians of our Somali collective conscience
the only custodians of our collective Somali destiny
for they are
the quiddity of the Somali race
the quintessence of the Somali race
when Gerald Hanley testified that
Of all the races of Africa,
there cannot be one
better to live among than
the most difficult
the proudest
the bravest
the vainest
the most merciless
the friendliest
the Somalis
I am certain
that he had meant the Macavity Puntlanders
among whom he had lived.

I cant believe this was written by fellow Waceysle cadde. Sources pls??
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Bah Dubays Academy finding by Dr Osman on EYLE.

Shoots email to abdalla and says please present yourself to bah dubays academy in garowe. I will show u comparison of mental capacity of bushmen compared to 10 year old bah dubays and prove that 10 year old in our culture is superior mentally and can count numbers, do additions, substraction, understands emotions, communicates in a language, can perform logical tasks if given. Finding will result in the an adult bushman in his prime cannot match mentally the equivalent of a 10 year child in puntland highly sophsiticated culture.

Heck u wud need to take him mentally down to 3 year old child who communicates in 'screams' and 'da da' langage.


Biimaal abandoned pastrolism long time ago. And have been city dwellers for generations.

I cant believe this was written by fellow Waceysle cadde. Sources pls??

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If this is true, I will see who their 'neighbor was' if it was 'raw cushites' then forget about it, their just banging heads with 68 IQ, nothing will increase in that society. U need someone from superior IQ level to bump heads with which should naturally result in the primitive IQ pastoralist to 'adapt' and 'change' to the higher IQ culture unless of course if they live on 'myths or some nonsense' to isolate themselves and create excuses or drum up 'war' which is what happens when low iq refuses to assimilate to high iq society, they become arab bedouins who rampaged thru syria, iraq, egypt massive river source civilizations and killing people to accept their way.

For example you got farmers in 'awdal' but their surrounded by 'raw pastoral cushite neighbors' 68 IQ can't increase even if he does 'farm'. It's not about the occupation so much but adopting the 'mind-set' of farmers and usually this happens if you adopt their way of living but not always you can 'adopt' their mindset. For example the raw oromo cushite that is herding animals in the desert can continue herding his animals but he needs to drop this mind-set of sub-clan groupings and small family groups if he ever enters a city or farming area because people will literally die and go extinct in such small confined areas near river sources.

Once that barrier of 'subclan grouping' thinking is gone, he will be open to learn new skills that the farmer has like metal making, iron working, metals, stone masonry and building, farming, fishing, digging the earth for minerals. However this can't happen if the pastoralist still has the world view of 'clan' because this will cause him to reject 'knowledge' given by the bantu because he will view the bantu as 'clan' and hostile and so forth, his killing himself by isolating his brain like aborigines isolated themselves. Isolation turns ppl into animals in the end.


You will eventually love each other bantu, cushites in the end because waxaa isku jeclanaysan 'horumarka' la gaadhay iyo cilmiga kordhayo plus the barriers of sub-clan grouping is out of the picture since it was accepted it needs to be killed away from 'settlement areas or farming areas' since people depend on river that is mutally important to everyone. This will lead to that society basically entering it's own boom once the barriers of ignorance comes unglued. That's how humans survive I guess or it's basically 'death' in the end because u refuse to 'adapt and change' to superior culture. Imagine if you don't adapt and change to western culture, you will be removed like the infection you are to their society and DEPORTED have u seen that? that's what Bantu should've have done also to cushites but they didn't.

The one group they never got a stranglehold on was our group the cushites, they brought down the bush-men and only a few are remaining today. We brought down the hunter/gatherer eyle and so many other clans who had such living styles. This is cultures that cannot co-exist, one has to be removed or assimilated before everyone dies in the end.

The Habasha brought down only 'half oromo' the western side. Somalis are still very RAW in that sense also especially the ones who cluster with eastern oromo pastoral groups who have exact mind-set of cushites, their PRETTY DAMN RAW.


Make Hobyo Great Again
I see that @DR OSMAN was let out of his cage just in time for Ciid. It's good to have you back doctor.
You should go back to making those savage podcasts.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I look forward to having long intellectual debates free of as hominem. Puntlanders are the only group here that hold a lot of diverse and opposing ideas. As Gen. Abshir said 'we in the north east might debate heatedly, we do not shoot one another'

Foxes have holes
birds have nests
Somalis have Puntland
for Puntland is
where Somali sons & daughters prophesy
Somali salvation
Somali greatness
Somali singleness of solidarity
for Puntland is
where old men dream dreams
where young men see visions
of the unity of the Somali Spirit
in the bonds of Peace
for the city of Bossasso is now the Boston of East Africa
for the city of Bossasso now is the beacon of light
all beleaguered Somalis
all blighted Somalis
all benighted Somalis
all besieged Somalis
that is why I call the Puntlanders
the only gob of the Somali race
the only kings of the Somali race
the only aristocrats of the Somali race
the only Macavity aristo-cats of the Somali race
that is why I call the Puntlanders
the only custodians
of Somali honor
of Somali decency
of Somali dignity
of Somali integrity
that is why I call the Puntlanders
the only custodians of our Somali collective conscience
the only custodians of our collective Somali destiny
for they are
the quiddity of the Somali race
the quintessence of the Somali race
when Gerald Hanley testified that
Of all the races of Africa,
there cannot be one
better to live among than
the most difficult
the proudest
the bravest
the vainest
the most merciless
the friendliest
the Somalis
I am certain
that he had meant the Macavity Puntlanders
among whom he had lived.

Abdalla, I think I've cried twice.

So beautiful, so magnificent. Such powerful words.

I think I'm in love... With these beautiful words. I must print this and frame it. Read it whenever I get mad about folks who love to make me mad for no reason.
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