Kismayo Port

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thats equivalent to saying barawe belongs to hawyie because the mayor is hawyie, kismayo is multi-clan and doesn't belong any one clan.
Accept there is one problem the city is majority is us and was always us the ogaden government themselves accepts this by giving us majority of the mps in the city:childplease:
I will say this thoe I'm fine with calling the place darod city:denzelnigga:
Well i guess if i lived in the desolate deserts of Bari, Nugaal, and the northern tip of Mudug, and my diet consisted of eating nothing but Malaay (aka fish).

Then ofcourse, i too would want to relocate to greener pastures.

'Boowe, Bari iyo Bariis qalalan laga reeysay, Kismaayo Cadeey iyo Kistaa baan usoconaa'
Ilmahaan xaaraanta ku soo korre maxay dhaheen? Every dog has its day. Like Barre Hiiraale, Ahmed Blackie was born and raised in Killinka Shannaad and he will return there. Baso Juba belongs to Bajunis and Bantus and the rightful owners will one day claim their homeland back. There were few Darods who came in the 1910's from the Pirateland who were chased out of their homes by the soldiers of the Mad Mullah. Few more came after independence. Most Daroods came to Kismayo during the civil war. Will you claim the ownership if MPLS or Ohio since you were brought there as refugees? No you can't. Ahmed Blackie hasn't done one project in Kismayo but continues to rape the Somali environment by exporting charcoal through the port. His days are numbered and the xaq rightful owners with the help of their Bantu brothers the KDF will rule it.


You are a dhullo kurdi, your people rejected Puntland, your Cali Galleyr government is a farce and doesn't control one tuulo, maxaa ugu Doo gambahee Harti? If dhullo cares about Harti they would have joined Pirateland. Act like a Kurd and stop being stuck to MJ asses.
Ilmahaan xaaraanta ku soo korre maxay dhaheen? Every dog has its day. Like Barre Hiiraale, Ahmed Blackie was born and raised in Killinka Shannaad and he will return there. Baso Juba belongs to Bajunis and Bantus and the rightful owners will one day claim their homeland back. There were few Darods who came in the 1910's from the Pirateland who were chased out of their homes by the soldiers of the Mad Mullah. Few more came after independence. Most Daroods came to Kismayo during the civil war. Will you claim the ownership if MPLS or Ohio since you were brought there as refugees? No you can't. Ahmed Blackie hasn't done one project in Kismayo but continues to rape the Somali environment by exporting charcoal through the port. His days are numbered and the xaq rightful owners with the help of their Bantu brothers the KDF will rule it.


You are a dhullo kurdi, your people rejected Puntland, your Cali Galleyr government is a farce and doesn't control one tuulo, maxaa ugu Doo gambahee Harti? If dhullo cares about Harti they would have joined Pirateland. Act like a Kurd and stop being stuck to MJ asses.

you talking about these people ?


Sxb, we're tired of putting them in their place.


Ilmahaan xaaraanta ku soo korre maxay dhaheen? Every dog has its day. Like Barre Hiiraale, Ahmed Blackie was born and raised in Killinka Shannaad and he will return there. Baso Juba belongs to Bajunis and Bantus and the rightful owners will one day claim their homeland back. There were few Darods who came in the 1910's from the Pirateland who were chased out of their homes by the soldiers of the Mad Mullah. Few more came after independence. Most Daroods came to Kismayo during the civil war. Will you claim the ownership if MPLS or Ohio since you were brought there as refugees? No you can't. Ahmed Blackie hasn't done one project in Kismayo but continues to rape the Somali environment by exporting charcoal through the port. His days are numbered and the xaq rightful owners with the help of their Bantu brothers the KDF will rule it.


You are a dhullo kurdi, your people rejected Puntland, your Cali Galleyr government is a farce and doesn't control one tuulo, maxaa ugu Doo gambahee Harti? If dhullo cares about Harti they would have joined Pirateland. Act like a Kurd and stop being stuck to MJ asses.
You sound so bitter:ftw9nwa:
I give 2 fucks about dhulbahante up north my relatives live in south somalia kismayo to be exact all my other relatives plan to relocate there in the future two:chrisfreshhah:Hate all you want you shitty bantu:deadmanny:
The more stable the country becomes the more we come:damsel:
Ilmahaan xaaraanta ku soo korre maxay dhaheen? Every dog has its day. Like Barre Hiiraale, Ahmed Blackie was born and raised in Killinka Shannaad and he will return there. Baso Juba belongs to Bajunis and Bantus and the rightful owners will one day claim their homeland back. There were few Darods who came in the 1910's from the Pirateland who were chased out of their homes by the soldiers of the Mad Mullah. Few more came after independence. Most Daroods came to Kismayo during the civil war. Will you claim the ownership if MPLS or Ohio since you were brought there as refugees? No you can't. Ahmed Blackie hasn't done one project in Kismayo but continues to rape the Somali environment by exporting charcoal through the port. His days are numbered and the xaq rightful owners with the help of their Bantu brothers the KDF will rule it.


You are a dhullo kurdi, your people rejected Puntland, your Cali Galleyr government is a farce and doesn't control one tuulo, maxaa ugu Doo gambahee Harti? If dhullo cares about Harti they would have joined Pirateland. Act like a Kurd and stop being stuck to MJ asses.
I'm with the Somali Bantu movement and their fight for equality and fairness, but you're pushing it too far.

Weligeed taariikhda Lamagoodleey wars Ma soo marrin qawiil loo kala qeebsade oo la dumaale sidii dhuulos. Xaglatoosiye is wasiirka tarbiyeenta dhuulos ee Isxaaqland. Whenever the es moan, they send him to dhuulos to karbaash on their behalf. Pirateland sends a dhuulos colonel to karbaash those who accepted the Qaldaan karbaash. Walaahi dadkiina waa u naxaa Shiicada karbaashka Ashuurada lee lagu haayaa. Waxaa ku soo hare KastuumoLand uu hoggaamiyo Abu Johnny Walker, Cali Khalif, he's stuck on a cheap hotel in Nairobi paid by the welfare of single mothers waiting when Culusow will make him a minister. Dad idiinka dhaciufsan Ma arkin. Walaahi used condom aa noqoteen. When we take over Baso Jubba with the help of our Kenyan Bantu brothers, we will look after you and make you feel humans not to be karbashed by everyone. Stop licking other asses, stand tall and be strong. We will liberate you.

Sayid Gurey

Maashallah, arrag xamaasaddeeda iyo geesinimadeeda. She ain't a dhuulo single mum like Hodan Naaleeye who promotes a non-existent KastuumoLand

Sheekada raqiiska ah meesha kala tag. Darood has been fighting with one another over Kismayo for nearly 30 years, Marehans and Ogadens are still fighting. The Ogadens don't control the farms and most productive land. Alshabab controls. You want the Bantu Kenyan forces to free Gosha from Alshabab and you to claim, Xaarti owns Kismayo. Caqliga futada my idiinka galle.

To hell with your fake sympathy. We will get our land back by force and sent ilmo Jeberti back to where they came from. Lamagoodleys only understand force, they don't care about xaq and baadhil.

Sheekada raqiiska ah meesha kala tag. Darood has been fighting with one another over Kismayo for nearly 30 years, Marehans and Ogadens are still fighting. The Ogadens don't control the farms and most productive land. Alshabab controls. You want the Bantu Kenyan forces to free Gosha from Alshabab and you to claim, Xaarti owns Kismayo. Caqliga futada my idiinka galle.

To hell with your fake sympathy. We will get our land back by force and sent ilmo Jeberti back to where they came from. Lamagoodleys only understand force, they don't care about xaq and baadhil.
thats what they all say, but when we respond you cry genocide :jgjrrmx:



Weligeed taariikhda Lamagoodleey wars Ma soo marrin qawiil loo kala qeebsade oo la dumaale sidii dhuulos. Xaglatoosiye is wasiirka tarbiyeenta dhuulos ee Isxaaqland. Whenever the es moan, they send him to dhuulos to karbaash on their behalf. Pirateland sends a dhuulos colonel to karbaash those who accepted the Qaldaan karbaash. Walaahi dadkiina waa u naxaa Shiicada karbaashka Ashuurada lee lagu haayaa. Waxaa ku soo hare KastuumoLand uu hoggaamiyo Abu Johnny Walker, Cali Khalif, he's stuck on a cheap hotel in Nairobi paid by the welfare of single mothers waiting when Culusow will make him a minister. Dad idiinka dhaciufsan Ma arkin. Walaahi used condom aa noqoteen. When we take over Baso Jubba with the help of our Kenyan Bantu brothers, we will look after you and make you feel humans not to be karbashed by everyone. Stop licking other asses, stand tall and be strong. We will liberate you.

Sayid Gurey

Maashallah, arrag xamaasaddeeda iyo geesinimadeeda. She ain't a dhuulo single mum like Hodan Naaleeye who promotes a non-existent KastuumoLand
Bantu man be grateful to me my old man saved your people near jamama from darod militia man:eating:
As for khatumo and ali khalif don't worry about that will be fine:gunsmiley:

Sheekada raqiiska ah meesha kala tag. Darood has been fighting with one another over Kismayo for nearly 30 years, Marehans and Ogadens are still fighting. The Ogadens don't control the farms and most productive land. Alshabab controls. You want the Bantu Kenyan forces to free Gosha from Alshabab and you to claim, Xaarti owns Kismayo. Caqliga futada my idiinka galle.

To hell with your fake sympathy. We will get our land back by force and sent ilmo Jeberti back to where they came from. Lamagoodleys only understand force, they don't care about xaq and baadhil.

You are really making it hard for me to sympathize with the Bantu community but I already know that your trolling frenzies and threats fall on deaf ears.

Kismayo belongs to Somali's and anyone who can provide productivity to the town. I predict it will be rival to Xamar.
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